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  • 美国语文第五册 第271期:英吉利海峡追逐战(1) The ship which the American frigate had now to oppose, was a vessel of near her own size and equipage; 这艘美国防卫舰此刻的对手,为一艘与其体积配置所差无几的英国战舰, and when Griffith looked at her again, he perceive
  • 美国语文第五册 第272期:英吉利海峡追逐战(2) A few men were, however, seen clinging with wild frenzy to the cordage, 然而,就在那时,桅杆上端有几位水兵拼命想抓住绳索, dropping from rope to rope, like wounded birds fluttering through a tree, 却接二连三地急遽掉落
  • 美国语文第五册 第273期:英吉利海峡追逐战(3) for they could not conceal from themselves that each moment lessened their velocity through the water, 因为敌方炮火猛烈,疯狂肆虐的轮番进攻,倾泻不断的炮火,接二连三地炸断防卫舰甲板桅杆, as the shot of the e
  • 美国语文第五册 第274期:英吉利海峡追逐战(4) The seamen were too busy with their cannon and the rigging to regard the new danger; 此刻甲板上忙乱成团,有的水兵在发射炮弹,有的在桅杆上扯拉风帆索具, and the frigate entered one of the dangerous passes of the shoals
  • 美国语文第五册 第275期:英吉利海峡追逐战(5) The ninety was still steering boldly onward, and had already approached the two thirds, 此时,载有九十人的军舰勇猛地转舵向前,劈风斩浪,安全驶过差不多三分之二的航程, which lay a helpless wreck, rolling on the u
  • 美国语文第五册 第276期:约翰 摩尔先生的葬礼 Not a drum was heard, not a funeral note, 没有鼓鸣,没有葬礼哀乐, As his corse to the rampart we hurried; 我们匆忙地,将战友掩埋, Not a soldier discharged his farewell shot 没有枪声,送行英雄, Oer the grave where
  • 美国语文第五册 第277期:微小的胜利(1) O Mother, now that I have lost my limb, I can never be a soldier or a sailor; I can never go round the world! 哦,妈妈,我现在已经失去了一条腿,我不能成为战士或者水手,再也不能周游世界了! And Hugh burst into te
  • 美国语文第五册 第278期:微小的胜利(2) When all his time and all his mind were given to music, he suddenly became deaf, perfectly deaf; 当他的时光心血全部奉献给音乐的时候,他突然失去了听力,彻底变聋了。 so that he never more heard one single note from the
  • 美国语文第五册 第279期:微小的胜利(3) And they soon felt a new and delicious pleasure which none but the bitterly disappointed can feel. What is that? 无需多久,他们就会身心感受其他任何人无从领略的、一种新奇美好的欢欣,唯独那些最为痛苦失望的人才
  • 美国语文第五册 第280期:微小的胜利(4) Hugh found himself subject to very painful feelings sometimes, such as no one quite understood, 休有时觉得自己极易为痛苦现实感伤,这点,任何其他人或许无法完全明白, and such as he feared no one was able to pity as th
  • 美国语文第五册 第281期:微小的胜利(5) Hugh was very much dejected, and when he thought of the months and years to the end of his life, 想到失去条腿,往后年复一年甚至直到生命的终点,休灰心沮丧简直到了极点, and that he should never run and play, and neve
  • 美国语文第五册 第282期:微小的胜利(6) and, as the old fable tells us, the clock that has to tick so many millions of times, has exactly the same number of seconds to do it in. 有句俗话说得好,时钟需要滴答百万上亿次,确切地说,走过无外乎相同数字的分秒。
  • 美国语文第五册 第283期:微小的胜利(7) And some people will pity you in a way you will not like: and some may even laugh at you. 你总会感到内心些许压抑,或者某种耻辱。有人怜悯你,你却不乐意那种直白的表达方式,更有人索性嘲笑你。 O mamma! exc
  • 美国语文第五册 第284期:幸福生活的特点 How happy is he born and taught, 幸福,后天的良好教育, That serveth not anothers will; 侍从,原非他人本意, Whose armor is his honest thought, 坦诚真挚,方坚韧强势, And simple truth his utmost skill! 常人难及,行
  • 美国语文第五册 第285期:泼冷水的艺术(1) Regarding, one day, in company with a humorous friend, a noble vessel of a somewhat novel construction sailing slowly out of port, 有一天,我与一位风趣幽默的朋友正在聊天,一艘造型颇为新奇的宏伟轮船缓缓地驶离港口,