JUDY WOODRUFF: And, finally, to our NewsHour Shares. Christopher Schafer has made a living crafting high-end suits. But, as the NewsHour's Rhana Natour reports, he has found a way to use his talents to give back to the community.
RHANA NATOUR: From his trendy studio in downtown Baltimore, Christopher Schafer designs
custom-tailored suits. His shop is filled with patterned blazers, colorful ties and fabrics1 imported from London. And these one-of-a-kind designs, customized down to the button by Schafer and his son Seth, start at $3,000.
CHRISTOPHER SCHAFER, Sharp Dressed Man: Everything's made from scratch. We take the person's personality, and then infuse that into the garment.
RHANA NATOUR: For a man who makes pricey suits, Schafer has a surprising passion: He gives them away. In 2011, Schafer started Sharp Dressed Man. It gives donated suits to men recently out of prison or rehab and looking for work.
CHRISTOPHER SCHAFER: There's a lot of programs that do a lot of things for job readiness, but where Sharp Dressed Man was kind of born from was that the idea with what they were going to wear for the interview, they would do all this internal work, but what about the external part? And it was kind of an afterthought.
RHANA NATOUR: In the past three years, Sharp Dressed Man has helped nearly 5,000 men, giving away 2,000 suits in 2017 alone. Throughout the week, Schafer collects donations from his clients and local residents. Every Wednesday, he hauls the donations here, a former Woolworths department store. As the suit recipients3 wait to get fitted, they can get a free haircut and a hot meal.
CHRISTOPHER SCHAFER: I really think that the biggest thing, though, is a guy gets treated with respect. And some of these guys have not been. They have not treated themselves with respect, nor have been treated with respect.
RHANA NATOUR: Twenty-two-year old Tarod Stewart beamed as he tried on this suit, his first ever.
TAROD STEWART, Suit Recipient2: I have been in the streets running around and catching4 charges and stuff like that, really not nothing to be proud of me. Now I'm older. And I'm trying to make -- better my life.
RHANA NATOUR: Shawn Jones is six months clean, and will soon graduate from a drug recovery program.
SHAWN JONES, Suit Recipient: When I put the suit, this suit on, it makes me feel like I have grown, I have matured, you know, I'm a productive member of society, I'm a man.
You know, it made me just feel proud.
RHANA NATOUR: Christopher Schafer knows about wanting a new lease on life. He was once desperate for it.
CHRISTOPHER SCHAFER: I have been clean for 13 years. So that's -- that's kind of where the magic happens for me, is that I'm in a situation where I'm able to help, I'm able to help other people.
RHANA NATOUR: A lot of people can't imagine -- they have never been in that situation -- what it's like to rebuild your life from zero.
CHRISTOPHER SCHAFER: It's the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. You have got to have a lot of courage. I needed a support. You need a support.
RHANA NATOUR: Schafer is now supporting those at the beginning of their own transformations5. Soon, his son Seth will carry on that mission in Los Angeles, where he plans to open a second Sharp Dressed Man. For the “PBS NewsHour,” I'm Rhana Natour in Baltimore, Maryland.
JUDY WOODRUFF: Talk about one person making a difference, that's it.
朱蒂·伍德瑞夫:最后,我们来到NewsHour Shares栏目环节。克里斯托弗·谢弗靠制作高档西装谋生。但是,据NewsHour记者瑞娜·纳特报告,他找到了一种,凭借自己天赋,回馈社会的方式。
克里斯托弗·谢弗, Sharp Dressed Man:一切都是白手起家。我们把持顾客个性,将其注入服装。
瑞娜·纳特:对于这样一位制作高端西装的人来说,谢弗的激情令人赞叹:他将这些西装分发捐赠出去。2011年,谢弗创立Sharp Dressed Man。最近这家店铺,向刚从监狱或戒毒所出来,正在找工作的男人们捐赠了西装。
克里斯托弗·谢弗:为找工作做准备的项目很多,但是,Sharp Dressed Man源于一个想法,那就是他们面试穿什么呢,参加面试时,他们会做好所有的内在准备,但外在部分呢?这是一种事后的考虑。
瑞娜·纳特:在过去的三年里,Sharp Dressed Man帮助了近5000人,仅2017年,就捐赠了2000套西装。整个星期,谢弗从他的客户和当地居民那里收集捐款。每个星期三,他都会把捐赠的衣物运到这里,这里曾是Woolworths百货商店。西装受助者在等待领衣服的过程中,可以享受免费理发及热餐服务。
瑞娜·纳特:谢弗现在正在支持那些人们,他们正在开始自己的人生转变。不久,他的儿子塞思将继续在洛杉矶开展这项工作,他计划在那里再开一家Sharp Dressed Man。PBS NewsHour,我是瑞娜·纳特,马里兰州,巴尔的摩。

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织物( fabric的名词复数 ); 布; 构造; (建筑物的)结构(如墙、地面、屋顶):质地 | |
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a.接受的,感受性强的 n.接受者,感受者,容器 | |
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adj.接受的;受领的;容纳的;愿意接受的n.收件人;接受者;受领者;接受器 | |
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adj.易传染的,有魅力的,迷人的,接住 | |
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n.变化( transformation的名词复数 );转换;转换;变换 | |
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