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  • PBS高端访谈:当别人对你的成就无所期待时请这样告诉自己 WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Ignoring what others think about you is easier said than done. Morgan Jerkins is an acclaimed writer who speaks six languages. And, tonight, she offers her humble opinion on overcoming what's called impostor syndrome. MORGAN JERKINS
  • PBS高端访谈:据称前任美国林业局长威胁下属 JUDY WOODRUFF: This week, the chief of the U.S. Forest Service stepped down, following a NewsHour investigation into allegations of a culture of sexual misconduct and retaliation within that agency, as well as questions about the chief's own behavior
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  • PBS高端访谈:你的遭遇带给你力量 JUDY WOODRUFF: Trauma is a word we hear used to describe a range of experiences, from fleeing a war zone to being bullied at school. Author and journalist Aminatta Forna thinks the word is overused, and, in her Humble Opinion, it is time to find a ne
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