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  • PBS高端访谈:美众议院将通过1.9万亿美元刺激法案 JUDY WOODRUFF: The U.S. House of Representatives is on the verge of passing a $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill, even after Democrats suffered a setback on one of their key priorities. Our Daniel Bush is here with the latest on where things stand and w
  • PBS高端访谈:美国首个新冠疫苗接种者对疫情的感受 JUDY WOODRUFF: We're now one year into the COVID-19 pandemic, and the virus has altered our lives in several ways. The NewsHour launched a new podcast series called America, Interrupted: The Longest Year, hosted by Amna Nawaz. And in it, she speaks w
  • PBS高端访谈:青少年说"新冠如何改变我的生活" JUDY WOODRUFF: For teenagers, this year of quarantine and remote school forced an unprecedented experiment in learning and coping. We asked our network of student journalists to reflect on how their world has changed and what they're looking forward
  • PBS高端访谈:看美国人如何花掉政府发放的救助金 JUDY WOODRUFF: Stimulus money from the latest COVID relief bill is arriving in bank accounts all over the country. Here's a look at how some people plan to spend that money and what they say about the president's legislation. LEANDREW BELL, Louisiana
  • PBS高端访谈:龙卷风袭卷佐治亚州和阿拉巴马州 JUDY WOODRUFF: In Alabama and Georgia, survivors of deadly tornadoes are now facing a future of rebuilding. They awoke today to heavy damage and the loss of six lives. Amna Nawaz has our report. AMNA NAWAZ: Devastation across the South this morning,
  • PBS高端访谈:拜登斥巨资解决"种族平等"问题 And we explore some of the politics of the president's infrastructure plan now with our Yamiche Alcindor at the White House. So, hello, Yamiche. 现在我们和白宫记者亚米什阿尔金德探讨一下总统基础设施计划中的政治因素。所
  • PBS高端访谈:在拜登推动下,美国两党有望再次合作 Congress returns from recess this week, and, as we reported earlier, the first stop for a bipartisan group of lawmakers was the White House, 国会本周结束休会,正如我们早些时候报道的那样,两党议员小组的第一站是白宫,
  • PBS高端访谈:驻阿富汗美军将全部撤离 President Biden plans to announce tomorrow that all 2,500 U.S. troops in Afghanistan will leave by September 11. 拜登总统计划明天宣布,驻阿富汗的2500名美军将在9月11日之前全部撤离。 The NewsHour confirmed the decision tod
  • PBS高端访谈:美国"机智号"火星直升机首飞成功 Well, NASA has made plenty of history with spaceflights to Mars, but, today, a new chapter: It flew on Mars for the very first time. Miles O'Brien takes us out of this world. 美国国家航空和宇宙航行局(NASA)在火星上创造了很多历史,
  • PBS高端访谈:拜登的基础设施投资百年一遇,引起各州争抢 Tomorrow night, President Biden gives his first address to Congress. Among other things, he is expected to talk about his large infrastructure and jobs plan. 明天晚上,拜登总统将首次向国会发表演讲。预计他将谈到他的大型基础
  • PBS高端访谈:首位登月宇航员逝世 Apollo 11 astronaut Michael Collins died today after battling cancer. 阿波罗11号宇航员迈克尔柯林斯在与癌症抗争后于今天去世。 In 1969, he stayed in lunar orbit alone for more than 20 hours, while Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldri
  • PBS高端访谈:美国多地加油站出现"闹油荒",民众疯狂抢油 The Biden administration says that it is trying to help mitigate the impact of fuel shortages and supply issues after a cyberattack disrupted the Colonial Pipeline. 拜登政府表示,在一次网络攻击中断殖民输油管道后,政府正试图
  • PBS高端访谈:以色列和巴勒斯坦之间的战火为何迟迟不熄? President Biden spoke today with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about the spiraling violence between Israelis and Palestinians. 今天,拜登总统与以色列总理本杰明内塔尼亚胡就以色列和巴勒斯坦之间不断升级的暴
  • PBS高端访谈:巴以冲突进而引发国内动乱 The battle between Israel and Hamas is escalating sharply tonight. 今晚以色列和哈马斯之间的战斗急剧升级。 That follows four days of rocket attacks and air raids and reports of more than 100 Palestinians and seven Israelis killed so
  • PBS高端访谈:巴以战火愈演愈烈,和平遥遥无期 Well, day nine of the battle between Israel and militants in Gaza has come and gone with still no sign of a cease-fire. 以色列和加沙武装分子之间的战斗已经进行到第9天了,但是仍然没有停火的迹象。 Late today, another