97.Don't rehash old things. 不要老调重弹。 Rehashing things from the past that you can't change is a waste of time. 老调重弹是一种浪费时间。 What's done is done! If you feel that an unfavorable decision has been made and that you h...
92.Study best practices. 学习最优方案。 What can you learn from someone else? A lot! 你能从别人那里学到什么?很多! Benchmarking (comparing and measuring your practices and performance against other successful entrepreneurs or o...
87.Explore shortcuts. 寻找捷径。 You might know one way to get from Point A to Point B, but is there a shorter route? 你可能知道A到B之间的途径, Ask an expert, or do some research to determine if there's a more efficient way to accom...
82.Manage your meetings. 做好会议安排。 Poorly run meetings are time wasters. 会议安排欠妥会浪费很多时间。 Show your respect to all parties by starting and ending on time. Also make sure all parties are giving their undivided att...
77.Measure how long projects take. 估计项目可能会用的时间。 Remember you can't improve what you don't measure. 不进行估计也就无从改进。 If you want to improve your efficiency, you must have a baseline from which to measure. 如果...
72.Harness the power of your team. 利用团队的力量。 When you are faced with a large project or anything that takes a great deal of time, don't forget about the other members of your team. 当你面对大项目或者其他需要大量时间来完...
67.Two computer screens. 两个电脑屏幕。 If you work in multiple applications or programs, using two computer screens to save time from opening and closing multiple screens may be helpful. 如果你在使用两个电脑程序或软件,你可以...
62.Organize your websites. 整理你的而网站。 Make unsorted bookmarks a thing of the past. 不要再让它们分散在未分类书签肿了。 Use a free bookmarking service (delicious.com for example) to store, organize, and tag all your bookm...
57.Update your speed dial numbers. 升级你的速拨号码。 You can easily gain efficiency by making sure that the numbers you call most often are at your fingertips. 让你最常拨的好就在你的指尖,这样你可以提高效率。 Take th...
52.Improve phone productivity. 提高通话效率。 When someone requests to speak with you, let them know how much time you allocated for the call before diving into the subject of the call. 如果有人想要和你通话,告诉他们你为这次通...
47.Record a clear voicemail greeting. 录下一段清晰的语音信箱问候语, Your voicemail greeting should ask people to leave a detailed message with the purpose of the call and the best time to return it. 告诉对方说明来电目的,以及...
44.Tell people your preferred method of communication. 让别人知道你喜欢的联系方式。 For most of us, email is our preferred method of communicating because of its numerous time-saving benefits. 很多人喜欢发邮件,因为它在节省...
40.Spot time wasters. 找到时间浪费者。 As you go about your day, be on the lookout for unproductive activities. 当你开始你的一天,是在寻找非生产性活动。 Find ways to eliminate them or approach those things differently. 找到方...
35.Set email boundaries. 设置看邮件的范围。 Use self-control and only check email two to three times a day (unless you are in a business that requires you to continually monitor your emails). 使用自制,一天只检查电子邮件两到三次...
31.Be smart about multitasking. 智能多任务处理。 Multitasking can improve efficiency in some areas such as returning and scheduling calls during your drive time, 多任务处理可以提高在某些领域的效率,如在你的开车时间返回...