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  • 万物简史 第409期:生命的起源(3) There are actually twenty-two naturally occurring amino acids known on Earth, 实际上,地救上有22种天然存在的氨基酸, and more may await discovery, but only twenty of them are necessary to produce us and most other living things. 更多
  • 万物简史 第410期:生命的起源(4) Yet we are talking about several hundred thousand types of protein, perhaps a million, 然而,我们在讨论的蛋白质有几十万种,也许是100万种, each unique and each, as far as we know, vital to the maintenance of a sound and happy
  • 万物简史 第411期:生命的起源(5) Without the cell, they are nothing more than interesting chemicals. 没有细胞,它们只是有意思的化学物质。 But without the chemicals, the cell has no purpose. 但要是没有这些化学物质,细胞就毫无用处。 As the physici
  • 万物简史 第412期:生命的起源(6) Well, that's essentially what Hoyle and others (including many ardent creationists) argue when they suggest that proteins spontaneously formed all at once. 哎呀,那基本上就是霍伊尔和其他人(包括许多热心的特创论者)提出的
  • 万物简史 第413期:生命的起源(7) De Duve thought it likely that such conditions would be encountered perhaps a million times in every galaxy. 德迪夫认为,很有可能,这样的条件在每个星系里大约会遇到100万次。 Certainly there is nothing terribly exotic in t
  • 万物简史 第414期:生命的起源(8) As one leading biology text puts it, with perhaps just a tiny hint of discomfort, 正如一篇重要的生物学文章所说,说得也许有点儿令人不大舒服: Researchers agree that such reactions would not have been energetically favorabl
  • 万物简史 第415期:生命的起源(9) Life emerged so swiftly, in fact, that some authorities think it must have had helpperhaps a good deal of help. 实际上,生命出现得太快,有的权威人士认为肯定有什么东西帮了忙也许是帮了大忙。 The idea that earthly l
  • 万物简史 第416期:生命的起源(10) The Murchison meteorite was found to be 4.5 billion years old, 人们发现,默奇森陨石的年代已达45亿年, and it was studded with amino acidsseventy-four types in all, eight of which are involved in the formation of earthly proteins. 上面
  • 万物简史 第417期:生命的起源(11) Fred Hoyle and his colleague Chandra Wickramasinghe further eroded enthusiasm for panspermia 我们已经在第三章里提到,弗雷德霍伊尔和他的同事钱德拉威克拉马辛格认为, by suggesting that outer space brought us not only
  • 万物简史 第418期:生命的起源(12) We are all the result of a single genetic trick handed down from generation to generation nearly four billion years, 我们都是同一遗传戏法的结果。那种戏法一代一代地传下来,经历了差不多40亿年, to such an extent that
  • 万物简史 第419期:生命的起源(13) Any simple organisms, alas, would have been baked away by the processes that turned ocean mud to stone. 哎呀,任何简单的生物都会在海洋污泥变成石头的过程中被烘烤没了。 Instead what we would see if we crunched up the rock
  • 万物简史 第420期:生命的起源(14) Compston's machine allowed such rocks to be dated with unparalleled precision. 康普斯森的仪器能以无与伦比的精确度测定这些岩石的年代。 The prototype SHRIMP was built and machined in the Earth Science department's own worksho
  • 万物简史 第421期:生命的起源(15) Bob told me that it takes about seventeen minutes to read one zircon and it is necessary to read dozens from each rock to make the data reliable. 鲍勃对我说,识读一块锆石的数据大约要花17分钟;这了取得可靠的数据,每块锆
  • 万物简史 第423期:生命的起源(17) Anniversaries were few and far between in the Archaean world. 在太古代的世界里,结婚周年纪念日是完全没有的。 For two billion years bacterial organisms were the only forms of life. 在20亿年时间里,细菌是惟一的生命形
  • 万物简史 第424期:生命的起源(18) Even we can tolerate it only up to a point. 连我们对氧的耐受力也是有限度的。 The oxygen level in our cells is only about a tenth the level found in the atmosphere. 我们细胞里的氧气浓度,只有大气里的大约十分之一。