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  • 万物简史 第333期:美丽而危险(16) Like Earth itself, I remarked. Precisely, he agreed. 就像地球本身一样。我说。一点不错。他表示赞同。 The risks at Yellowstone apply to park employees as much as to visitors. 黄石公园对游客来说有危险,对公园雇员来
  • 万物简史 第335期:美丽而危险(18) It's a kind of genetic photocopying, and it became the basis for all subsequent genetic science, from academic studies to police forensic work. 这一种复制基因的方法后来成了遗传科学的基础,无论是对于学术研究,还是对于
  • 万物简史 第336期:孤独的行星(1) Part V Life Itself 第五部 生命本身 The more I examine the universe and study the details of its architecture, 我越是审视宇宙,越是研究其构造上的具体细节, the more evidence I find that the universe in some sense must have
  • 万物简史 第337期:孤独的行星(2) On land, if you rose to the top of a five-hundred-foot eminenceCologne Cathedral or the Washington Monument, say, 在陆地上,要是你爬到150米的高处比如科隆大教堂或华盛顿纪念碑, the change in pressure would be so slight as
  • 万物简史 第338期:孤独的行星(3) We have managed once, briefly, to send humans to that depth in a sturdy diving vessel, yet it is home to colonies of amphipods, 我们只有一次用坚固的潜水器成功地把人送到了那个深度,而且就一会儿,而那里却是端足目动
  • 万物简史 第339期:孤独的行星(4) In the days of diving suitsthe sort that were connected to the surface by long hoses, 在使用潜水衣即用长管子连接水面的那种装备的年代, divers sometimes experienced a dreaded phenomenon known as the squeeze. 潜水员有时候会
  • 万物简史 第340期:孤独的行星(5) If the pressure is changed too rapidlyas with a too-quick ascent by a diver, 要是压力变化太大比如潜水员上升太快, the bubbles trapped within the body will begin to fizz in exactly the manner of a freshly opened bottle of champagne, 体
  • 万物简史 第341期:孤独的行星(6) However, when at length they emerged into the fresh air of a London evening, 然而,当他们最后走进伦敦夜晚的新鲜空气里的时候, the bubbles sprang instantly to fizziness, memorably enlivening the digestive process. 气泡立刻泛
  • 万物简史 第342期:孤独的行星(7) His idea of a vacation was to travel to Cornwall to study hookworm in miners. 去康沃尔研究矿工们的钩虫病算是他的假日。 Aldous Huxley, the novelist grandson of T. H. Huxley, who lived with the Haldanes for a time, T.H.赫胥黎的孙
  • 万物简史 第343期:孤独的行星(8) Throughout his youth, the young Haldane helped his father with experiments. 在整个年轻时代,小霍尔丹一直是他父亲做实验的帮手。 By the time he was a teenager, the two often tested gases and gas masks together, taking turns to
  • 万物简史 第344期:孤独的行星(9) It has been suggested, not altogether cynically, that this was out of a purely contrarian instinct, 有人认为。而且不完全是挖苦地认为,这纯粹是出于一种敌对的本能。 and that if he had been born in the Soviet Union he woul
  • 万物简史 第345期:孤独的行星(10) Collapsed lungs were a routine hazard. 肺部坍缩是常有的危险, Perforated eardrums were quite common, but, as Haldane reassuringly noted in one of his essays, the drum generally heals up; 鼓膜穿孔也是家常便饭,但霍尔丹在一篇
  • 万物简史 第346期:孤独的行星(11) Under its influence divers had been known to offer their air hoses to passing fish or decide to try to have a smoke break. 据知,在氮的影响下,潜水员会把自己的空气管扔给从身边游过的鱼,或决定抽支烟歇息片刻。
  • 万物简史 第347期:孤独的行星(12) In terms of adaptability, humans are pretty amazingly useless. 就适应能力而言,我们人类是很没有本事的。 Like most animals, we don't much like really hot places, but because we sweat so freely and easily stroke, we are especially v
  • 万物简史 第348期:孤独的行星(13) So far space scientists have discovered about seventy planets outside the solar system, 据认为,外层空间有10亿亿亿颗行星。 out of the ten billion trillion or so that are thought to be out there, so humans can hardly claim to speak wit