[00:04.40]S?. 当然
[00:04.92]CLARISSE: Come, Mia. 来. 米亚
[00:16.32](Playing harmonica)
[00:22.32]Lilly, the car’s here! 利莉. 车来了
[00:24.20]LILLY: I’m coming! 来了
[00:25.10](Plays) 谢谢. 谢谢
[00:29.16]Thanks for the ride. Thank you.
[00:39.80]What? 什么?
[00:40.20]Michael, don’t always think you can get a ride with us. 麦克尔. 别老是认为可以 你可以和我们乘车
[00:44.76]Oy. 是谁毁了你?
[00:47.48]LILLY: Who destroyed you?
[00:50.12]Oh. You think it looks that bad? 你认为我看起来很糟?
[00:54.52]You look ridiculous. You should sue. 简直荒谬. 你该投诉的
[00:55.08]Well, um... (Laughs)
[01:00.80]I know it’s a Little straighter and shorter-- 我知道这短了点直了点
[01:05.36]An attractive weirder. 美丽的怪
[01:07.36]LILLY: No. it’s not attractive. 不. 不美丽
[01:08.40]LILLY: What I really can’t understand... 我不明白的是
[01:09.32]Seat belts, please. 安全带
[01:11.00]you ditched me again yesterday... 昨天你开导我
[01:12.72]when I needed your help on the Greenpeace petition. 当我最需要你的帮助时
[01:16.76]This bag! You have one of these bags? 这个书包. 你有吗?
[01:19.08]You know we could hock that... 我们可以把它典当
[01:21.56]and feed a whole Third World country? 救济第三世界吗?
[01:26.24]No. 不
[01:26.52]Am I right? 我说得对吗?
[01:28.84]If there are no more passengers... 如果没有其他乘客
[01:30.60]LILLY: You used to care more about... 过去你你关心的是你头脑里想的
[01:30.88]I think we should close the door. 我想我们可以关门了
[01:32.36]what was inside your head instead of on it. 而不是外表
[01:35.84]Come on, Mia. Fess up. 快点. 米亚. 坦白
[01:38.44]I don’t know where you are these days... 我不知道你这些人在哪
[01:39.76]and now you’re turning into an A-crowd wannabe? 现在你要变成超赶崇拜者?
[01:44.72]You’re morphing into one of them! 你正成为他们中一员
[01:48.68]And who knows, next week... 谁知道下周
[01:49.36]you could be waving pom-poms in my face. 你会朝我脑袋开枪
[01:51.44]You sold out! 你被人出卖了
[02:02.92]Was my rear-view mirror fogging up... 我的后镜被雾挡住了吗?
[02:05.10]I’m fine. 我没事的
[02:06.28]or was someone tearing back there? 还是有人拉后了它?
[02:08.76]Very well. Then I’ll go meet your grandmother. 好. 那我去接你祖母
[02:10.08]no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. - 除非你自己承认 - 没有谁可以令你有低劣感
[02:10.76]But you should know that... 但你该知道
[02:15.44]Eleanor Roosevelt said that. 罗斯福说的
[02:18.84]Yes. Another special lady like yourself. 另一个像你一样的女人
[02:20.88]I’ll be back at 3:00. 我3点钟回来
[02:23.96]Thank you. 谢谢
[02:30.84]She has a hat. 她有一顶帽子
[02:32.32]Do you really think wearing that hat... 你认为戴那帽子
[02:35.12]will keep people from seeing your new Lana-do? 就可以让别人 看不到你的新拉娜-DO?
[02:36.08]Just because the student population... 因为学生的人数即使破产
[02:39.76]might be morally bankrupt doesn’t mean they’re blind. 他们也不会瞎得看不见 你
[02:41.16]Lilly! Just stop it, Ok? 利莉. 别说了. 好吗?
[02:46.84]Just because your hair sucks, get off mine! 因为你的头发很难看. 别管我
[02:49.40]MICHAEL: Ouch. Thank you. 谢谢
[02:50.52]Michael, can you please pretend you have a life... 迈克尔. 你能装诚心点吗?
[02:54.00]for just one moment? 只一会儿?
[02:54.16]Hey, relax. Breathe. 放松. 呼吸
[02:58.48]Hee. Hoo. Hee.
[03:01.08](Playing harmonica)
[03:02.04]What did you just say to me? 你刚才对我说什么?
[03:04.20]You heard me. 你都听到了
[03:10.80]I am so sick... 我讨厌你
[03:10.92]of you ragging on me all the time... 一直愚弄我
[03:13.76]and always telling me what to do. 对我指手画脚
[03:14.16]I get enough of that from my mother... 我受够了我母亲和祖母
[03:17.44]and now my grandmother, and I don’t need it from you! 现在我不想受你愚弄
[03:19.12]I’m not an idiot... 我不是白痴
[03:21.44]so I know something’s going on you’re not telling me! 我知道你有事没有告诉我
[03:23.00]Friends tell, so you know what? 朋友说吧. 你知道吗?
[03:25.64]Here is your friendship charm. 这是你的友谊咒
[03:28.20]I’m taking it off and it’s going in the dirt! 我拿掉它从此以后各奔东西
[03:31.80]Don’t do that, Ok? Just--Ugh! 不要. 好吗?
[03:33.84]ALL right, just wait. 行了. 慢着
[03:36.04]Why? 为何?
[03:36.72]I will tell you the truth... 告诉你真像
[03:39.20]but you’re gonna think it’s really stupid... 但你会认为很愚蠢
[03:40.24]and you’re gonna freak. 你会变得反常
[03:43.68]Try me. 试试看
[03:53.16](Gasps) Shut up! 闭嘴
[03:54.16]Shut up! Shut up! 闭嘴. .
[03:57.00]Is that all you can say? 闭嘴. .
[03:58.52]I’m sorry I was harsh... 抱歉我很粗鲁
[04:01.88]and I don’t know what else there is to say. 我不知道还能说什么
[04:05.88]Will you come on my cable show? 你会来我的无线电展览吗?
[04:08.28]No, I can’t. This is a royal secret. 不. 我不能. 这是皇室秘密
[04:11.92]You can’t tell anyone. Not even Michael. 不能告诉任何人- 即使麦克尔也不能
[04:13.60]-Of course. -Secret handshake. 当然. 秘密握手
[04:15.10](Spitting) 我们得考虑一种新的秘密握手
[04:18.28]MIA: We might have to think of a new secret handshake.
[04:23.56]LILLY: Are you really sure you can run a country? 你肯定你能对一个国家呼风唤雨?
[04:23.76]You can barely keep your goldfish alive... 你几乎不能养活你的金雨
[04:25.76]for more than a couple of days. 一两天
[04:29.04]Lilly, I’m really sure of anything right now. 现在我对什么都很有信心
[04:33.72]Shh! Don’t say that word. People can hear. 别说那个字. 别人会听到
[04:34.88]Class has begun! 开始上课
[04:38.96]Class has begun and I have a Little surprise for you. 上课开始我有惊奇给大家
[04:43.76]Pop quiz. French Revolution. 流行问题. 法国革命
[04:44.76]Mr. O’Connell, there’s a school rule... 奥克尼尔先生学校有一个规则
[04:47.24]that says nobody’s allowed to wear hats in class. 上课时不能戴帽子
[04:49.08]And I don’t think anybody should be... 我想没有谁可以违反次例
[04:53.40]an exception to that rule, do you? 对吗?
[04:55.04]Mia, I’m sorry, but hats are against the dress code. 米亚. 抱歉. 但帽子违反支付代码
[04:55.96]O’CONNELL: No, Lana. 不. 拉娜
[04:59.76]Mia? 米亚?
[05:08.28]Mamma Mia. 现在看看谁做秀
[05:09.60](Class reacts) 米亚
[05:10.60]LANA: Look who’s trying to fit in now. 是假发. 对吗?
[05:14.04]MELISSA: I think it looks really sweet, Mia.
[05:17.92]ANNA: Looks like she got a head transplant. 似乎她的头是移植
[05:18.64]Well, I think it rocks. And you know what? 我想是石头. 你们知道吗?
[05:21.40]Voltaire. Hair. 伏尔泰. 头发
[05:23.48]I would personally like to learn about Voltaire. 我想亲自 学伏尔泰
[05:28.28]Ok, Lilly, Ok. 好. 利莉, 好
[05:30.64]Everybody settle down now. 大家安静
[05:31.16]Quiz time, Ok? 测试时间, 好吗?
[05:36.52]CLARISSE: Lovely. But now we need fountains... 但是现在我们要泉水
[05:37.52]lights in the trees. 树上的灯
[05:41.08]The Japanese Embassy has a waterfall. 日 本大使馆有瀑布
[05:41.28]Why can’t we have fountains? 我们为何不能有泉水?
[05:43.60]We have a fountain up there, ma’am. 那里有泉水. 女王
[05:46.76]Well, I would like at least two in here. 我想起码要2个
[05:47.88]Charlotte, just make me an Eden. 查尔多. 给我做一个伊甸园
[05:49.32]Yes, ma’am. 是. 女王
[05:50.56]-Amelia? Let’s continue. -Hmm? 艾米利娅?继续
[05:56.12]CLARISSE: in your spare time, I would like you to read these. 我要你在剩余时间看看这些
[05:59.40]’’What’s in a name? 名字是什么?
[06:00.10]’’That which we call a rose by any other word... 我们可以称玫瑰另一个名字
[06:02.24]’’would smell as sweet.’’ 一样甜蜜
[06:04.04]And so you wave to them... 你们对它们挥手
[06:07.44]and acknowledge them gracefully6. 欣然接受他们
[06:09.16]Hello. 幅度小点. 因为. 当然
[06:10.44]it’s very, very exhausting after a while.
[06:13.00]Very funny, dear. Try it properly. 很有趣. 亲爱的. 试着看
[06:16.68]Waving-- even more gently-- 挥手. 温柔点
[06:21.64]You say, ’’Thank you for being here today.’’ 你们说 : 感谢你来
[06:22.16]-Thank you. -For being here. 谢谢. 你来
[06:25.32]I must pick up the prime minister. 我得去接首相
[06:26.10]Excuse me. 抱歉
[06:26.64]JOE: I’m sorry, ma’am. 抱歉. 女王
[06:30.12]BOTH: Well, thank you for being here today. 感谢你来
[06:35.00]MIA: So this is considered art? 这就是艺术?
[06:35.88]HELEN: My parents did this in the Sixties. 我父母在60年代就做了
[06:40.76]Yes! They had an exhibition at Woodstock. 木店有一个展览
[06:43.44]And I guess you’re trying to bring it back? 我想你会带他们回来?
[06:46.20]HELEN: Well, this beats homework. 这会毁了家庭作业
[06:50.20]Yeah. Some moms help their kids with homework... 有些母亲帮助她们 反对孩子作功课
[06:52.96]Oh, nice shot! 漂亮
[06:53.24]we do this. 我们却在干这个
[06:54.96]Oh, yes, I like it. 我喜欢
[06:57.24]Bull’s-eye! 公牛眼
[07:00.32](Laughing) 对了. 我做到了
[07:01.44]-Yeah! -I did it!
[07:03.08]I love life, life loves me
[07:04.08]Everything in the world
[07:09.56]This is more fun than princess lessons. 这比公主课还好玩
[07:10.56](Dripping) 星期六晚上你干什么?
[07:11.92]MICHAEL: What are you doing this Saturday night?
[07:15.04]Are you guys playing? 你们去玩?
[07:16.80]We’re rehearsing some new things. 我们要排练新东西
[07:19.88]We got two new songs. 2首新歌
[07:21.12]Oh, yeah? 是吗
[07:23.36]Plus, surprise, we got the new parts for your stang. 最棒的给你
[07:24.68]Oh, yay. 太好了
[07:28.76]We could put it together together. 我们可以凑在一起
[07:29.76]Ok. Is this like a date? 这是约会吗?
[07:31.44]-No. -(Giggles) 不
[07:34.52]Music, cars. 音乐. 车
[07:37.60]-Would it include pizza? -Pizza’s a given. 包括比萨饼吗?当然
[07:40.08]MIA: With M&Ms? 还有夫妻?
[07:42.96]Wait up! Wait for me! 等待. 等待我
[07:43.88]Not you! I don’t even know you! 不是你. 我不认识你们
[07:45.08]-Well, then, I am in. -Great! 我入选了. 太好了
[07:47.64]Saturday, it’s on? 对太好了
[07:48.96]LILLY: Hi! Whoo-hoo! 星期六上演, ?
[07:50.92]Yeah. Great. Hey, Lil.
[07:53.48]-Hi. -What’s up? 什么事?
[07:54.28]-What’s happening? -I don’t know. 发生什么事?我不知道
[07:57.48](Loud chatter)
[07:59.20]MIA: What’s going on? 发生什么事?
[08:00.48]-Maybe it’s a protest. -Maybe. 可能是抗议. 或许
[08:02.76]Excuse me. Hi. Who are you waiting for? 抱歉. 你在等谁?
[08:03.96]LANA: There she is right there! Mia Thermopolis! 她在那. 米亚
[08:06.24]We’re waiting for you. 我们在等你
[08:09.12]Right here, Princess! Talk to me! 这里. 公主. 跟我说话
[08:10.92]I didn’t say anything! 我什么也没说
[08:13.12]Princess Mia! Who’s your favorite actor? 米亚公主. 你最喜欢的演员谁?
[08:16.28]Why are they calling her ’’Princess’’? 为何他们称她为公主?
[08:19.56]Come on. Let’s just go, please! 快点. 走
[08:26.04]Come on, Mia. Let’s get inside. 进来. 米亚进来
[08:27.00]LANA: Oh, Mia! Ohh! 米亚
[08:30.00]Wait! Wait! Wait! 慢着. .
[08:32.96]Excuse me, mister? Hi! 对不起. 先生
[08:34.08]The phone’s ringing off the hook. 电话响个不停
[08:37.64]What?! 什么?
[08:41.64]O’CONNELL: Mia, your mother’s on her way. 米亚. 你母亲马上来
[08:42.32](Telephone rings) 吉塔
[08:43.10]Gupta. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
[08:55.12]SUKI: A limo with flags! 有旗子的轿车
[08:59.68]The queen is getting out. 女王要下车了
[09:03.76]SUKI: Your Majesty, why all the secrets? 女王. 为何有这么多秘密?
[09:04.88]ALL we keep hearing is ’’No comment.’’ 我们听到的只是 : 无可奉告
[09:07.08]Do you have a comment? 你有话要说吗?
[09:08.84]Your Majesty-- 女王
[09:10.52]Will you be visiting the White House? 你会访问 白宫吗?
[09:13.64]Are you taking the princess home? 你来接公主回去吗?
[09:16.32]MIA: Mom, I don’t know who told on me. 妈妈. 我不知道是谁告密
[09:18.48]HELEN: We’ll get to the bottom of this. 我们将查出真相
[09:21.68]Here’s your tea, Your Majesty. 你的茶. 女王
[09:23.84]I’m sorry we don’t have finer china. 抱歉. 我们没有更好的陶瓷
[09:27.96]Here. 给你
[09:30.20]Joseph? 乔斯福?
[09:35.80]-Speak. -Paolo? 说. 鲍罗?
[09:37.00]Majesty, it was I who told the press about you. 女王. 是我对新闻界说出 关于你的事
[09:40.08]I outed you. So to speak. I don’t mean to imply-- 我不是暗指
[09:42.84]-Grazie. -Prego. 戈莱兹. 皮罗格
[09:45.72]Paolo hates money. He spits on money. 鲍罗讨厌钱. 他对钱不屑一顾
[09:46.12]But not for money, Principessa. 但不是为了钱. 公主
[09:47.84]There was no money. Well, some money. 没有钱. 一些钱
[09:52.80]After all, a man like me, each ring is-- 像我这样的人, 每个戒子
[09:59.04]the beauty was mine! The hair was mine! 美人是我的. 头发是我的

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怪诞的( weird的比较级 ); 神秘而可怕的; 超然的; 古怪的 | |
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n.欺骗,骗局( con的名词复数 )v.诈骗,哄骗( con的第三人称单数 ) | |
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n.秘密,保密,隐蔽 | |
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abbr.prosecuting 起诉;prosecutor 起诉人;professionals 自由职业者;proscenium (舞台)前部n.赞成的意见( pro的名词复数 );赞成的理由;抵偿物;交换物 | |
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n.假发 | |
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ad.大大方方地;优美地 | |
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n.丘疹,粉刺,小脓疱( pimple的名词复数 ) | |
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n.雄伟,壮丽,庄严,威严;最高权威,王权 | |
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n.林子,小树林,园林 | |
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n.豪华轿车 | |
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adv.完美地,无可非议地,彻底地 | |
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n.自我,自己,自尊 | |
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n.皇家,皇族 | |
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