[00:01.30]’’Amelia, courage is not the absence of fear... 艾米利娅, 面对恐惧不要胆怯
[00:05.54]’’that something else is more important than fear.
[00:10.54]’’The brave may not live forever... 英勇不会永远存在
[00:14.98]’’From now on, you’ll be traveling the road... 从现在开始, 你将要步入生活
[00:18.78]’’between who you think you are... 和你所想的人
[00:20.26]’’and who you can be. 以及你相处的人
[00:22.38]’’The key is to allow yourself to make the journey. 只允许你自 己去旅行
[00:26.94]’’I also want you to know... 我想让你知道
[00:28.82]’’I loved your mother very much... 我很爱你的母亲
[00:31.38]’’and still think of her often. 现在仍经常想念她
[00:35.10]’’Happy birthday, my Mia. 生 日 快乐, 米亚
[00:37.18]’’ALL my love, your father. ’’ 用我所有的爱, 你的父亲
[00:45.02]NELSON: And there’s Countess Puck of Austria... 这是奥地利的伯爵夫人
[00:50.78]at the Genovian Independence Ball. 来到吉诺威亚的独立盛会
[00:52.78]Despite the threat of rain... 尽管下大雨
[00:53.34]the big turnout includes the mayor of San Francisco... 聚集的人群中还有 旧金山市长
[00:59.26]The future of Genovia... 吉诺威亚的未来
[01:01.62]is in the hands of young Mia Thermopolis. 掌握在年轻的米亚的手里
[01:03.14]Her decision tonight will affect the queen, the court... 她今晚的决定会影响到王后, 大臣
[01:04.70]and all the people of this small but proud country. 和所有在这国家的人们
[01:11.78]Do you think it’s gonna rain on us? 你认为会下雨吗?
[01:13.66]It never comes down on Willie Brown. 决不会下到威廉. 布朗的身上
[01:15.86]Ha ha! Thank you. 谢谢
[01:16.42]Umbrellas up! 起伞 !
[01:20.94](Thunder) 香梨魔术够了
[01:25.66]The trip is off, Louie. 旅行结束了, 罗威
[01:39.02]Oh! Perfect. 噢, 太棒了
[01:54.22]Oh, come on. Come on, baby. 快点, 快点
[01:55.90]LORD JEROME: Genovians, you know... 你知道
[01:59.06]are famous for their impeccable taste in art. 他在艺术上没有缺点而出名
[02:02.14]Also for their cheese. 也许是干酪
[02:04.26]Maybe it’s string cheese. 也许是一串干酪
[02:08.74]Don’t do this, baby. 别不听话
[02:10.78](Engine starts)
[02:12.90]Gotcha! 听话
[02:17.78]MIA: Sorry, Mr. Robutusen! 罗特森先生, 对不起
[02:21.06]Here you go. It’s already paid for. 给你, 已付钱了
[02:24.42]No, you must’ve. 不, 你一定行
[02:27.02]Unless there’s another Michael Moscovitz living here. 除非有另一个麦克尔 莫斯科威兹住在这
[02:29.98]We get a call, we deliver. 我们收到 电话就送过来了
[02:30.90]That’s our motto. 这是我们的格言
[02:32.70]You don’t make the pizza? 你没吃?
[02:35.98]No, no. I just deliver ’em. 没有, 我只负责送
[02:55.66]Press passes. Thank you. Thank you. 采访证 谢谢
[02:58.22]Oh, hi. Where are you from? 你是哪里的?
[02:59.02]’’Teen Scene’’ magazine. “悲哀一幕”杂志
[02:59.42]Oh, good, good. 很好
[03:02.02]MAN: The queen has entered. 王后来了
[03:04.38](Repeating in different languages)
[03:11.18]Do we have any news on the Von Troken matter? 有关于德肯的消息吗?
[03:15.94]Where is she?! 她在哪?
[03:16.90]I’m afraid so. 我恐怕
[03:17.10]She went somewhere! I know nothing! 她走了, 我什么都不知道
[03:20.10]Oh, what? What? 干什么? 干什么?
[03:22.90]Talk to me. 告诉我
[03:25.66]She went that way, then that way. 她往那边走了, 那边
[03:28.18]Two minutes ago. 两分钟前
[03:28.22]Thank you very much. 非常感谢
[03:29.82]Do we have any problems? 我们有什么麻烦?
[03:32.14]No. Everything’s perfect. 没有, 一切很好
[03:32.94]Perfect. It’s wonderful. 很好, 很完美
[03:34.42]You’re not very good at lying, Charlotte. 你不该撒谎, 察多特
[03:40.26]But the garden looks beautiful. 花园很美
[03:42.74]Thank you. 谢谢
[03:44.82](Engine racing)
[03:47.74]Come on, baby. You can make it. 你能行, 快往前走
[03:50.34]Yes, come on! Yes! 对, 就这样
[03:51.78]No. Come on, baby. 不, 别这样
[03:54.18]Baby, please, come on. 请别这样
[03:55.26](Engine stalls)
[03:57.06](Ignition sputtering)
[03:57.58]CHARLO TTE: There’s no answer at Princess Mia’s house... 米亚公主, 宫内没人接电话
[04:01.34]and I couldn’t get Joseph on the cell phone. 我也与乔斯福联系不上
[04:03.22]There’s too much static from the storm. 暴风雨 中有太多静电噪音
[04:04.82]The press is starting to complain... 新闻界开始抱怨
[04:07.90](Sighs) 如她十分钟后不能到这 我会作出宣布
[04:08.34]about making their deadlines. 他们有最终期限
[04:10.78]lf she’s not here in 1 0 minutes, I’ll make the announcement.
[04:12.90]CHARLO TTE: Yes, ma’am. 是, 陛下
[04:14.46]It’s OK. She’ll be fine. 没事, 她会没事的
[04:16.54]She’s gonna get here. 她会来的
[04:20.74]Is this punishment for driving without... 这是没有执照
[04:31.46]I am invisible and I am wet. 我淋湿了看不见了
[04:37.22]The press was wondering if it would be possible-- 新闻界想知道这是否有可能
[04:40.70]No. No interviews until later in the evening. 不, 直到深夜才有采访
[04:41.70]Yes, ma’am. 是
[04:45.78]Is it true if the teenager refuses the princess-ship... 如这位年轻少女拒绝公主的衔头
[04:49.74]your family will take over the country of Genovia? 你们家族将控制整个国家?
[04:54.02]Yes. They must have a legitimate10... 是的, 他们必须有合法的
[04:54.82]Renaldi blood relative or we rule. 直系血统或法律
[04:59.30]No, ma’am. 没找到, 夫人
[05:07.94](Sighs) Then it’s time. 是时候了
[05:11.42](Mia crying) Catch a falling star 抓着下落的星星
[05:14.38]And put it in your pocket 把它放在口袋里
[05:18.70]Never let it fade away 永远不让它飞走
[05:24.26](’’William Tell Overture’’ plays)
[05:31.18](Honk honk)
[05:41.26]You wouldn’t happen to be running away, would you? 你不有随意跑走, 是吗?
[05:43.02]No. I’m going to a ball. 不, 我要去独立舞会
[05:46.94]Good. Get in. 好, 上车
[05:49.30]MO TAZ: Her Majesty, the Queen. 陛下, 王后
[05:51.02]CLARISSE: My fellow Genovians and honored guests... 可爱的吉诺威亚人和尊敬的贵宾
[05:52.78]good evening. 晚上好
[05:56.34]I apologize for the delay and--oh, hello-- 很抱歉拖延了一会儿
[05:59.86]welcome to our grand Genovian Independence Day ball. 欢迎来到吉诺威亚的独立 日 盛会
[06:00.02]And may I say... 我应该说
[06:05.82]You look fine. 看起来不错, 很美, 很好
[06:06.02]CHARLO TTE: There’s no time to change. 没时间换了
[06:06.60]JOE: Pretty and fine. Just fine. 别跑
[06:10.26]-Oh! -No running.
[06:11.86]-Please, no running. Good. -It’s nice. 别跑, 很好
[06:14.86]...a very special moment. 这么特别的时刻
[06:16.82]Thank you so much for your patience. 衷心感谢你们的耐心等待
[06:20.50]I have an announcement to make. 我有个决定要宣布
[06:23.22]-My granddaughter-- -Ahem. 我的孙女
[06:29.26]-She’s here! -l see. 她在这, 我看到了
[06:33.42]I would like to announce that my granddaughter has arrived. 我要宣布我的孙女已到达
[06:35.42]With a fascinating explanation as to her wardrobe, I’m sure. 穿着迷人的衣服
[06:40.82]She’s styling a wet, sort of grunge-look hairdo... 她全湿了, 很难看
[06:44.86]and is wearing a sweatshirt, jeans, and Docs. 并穿着一件运动衫, 牛仔裤
[06:46.26]Mia, would you care to say a few words? 米亚, 你有话要说吗?
[06:49.66]Um, yes. 是的
[06:56.66]Do you think they’re trying to save money on the gown? 你认为他们是节省资金吗?
[06:57.38]Thank you, Your Majesty. 谢谢, 陛下
[07:01.46]Hi--er, uh, hello. 你们好
[07:04.98]I’m Mia. Um... It stopped raining. 我是米亚, 雨停了
[07:11.22]Get your tiara ready. (Chuckles) 准备好头冠
[07:11.82]I’m really no good at speechmaking. 我不善言词
[07:17.30]Normally I get so nervous that I faint... 通常我很紧张
[07:18.74]or run away or sometimes I even get sick. 头晕, 逃跑或有时感到恶心
[07:25.94]But you really didn’t need to know that. 但其实你们不必知道
[07:31.10]But I’m not so afraid anymore. 但我不再恐惧了
[07:34.70]My father helped me. 我父亲帮助了我
[07:37.94]Earlier this evening, I had every intention... 就在今晚之前
[07:41.42]of giving up my claim to the throne... 我决定放弃王位
[07:45.10]and my mother helped me by telling me that it was OK... 我母亲告诉我没有什么害怕
[07:51.06]and by supporting me like she has for my entire life. 她的一生都在支持着我
[07:57.62]then I wondered how I’d feel... 我迷茫时
[07:57.66]But... 但是
[08:01.50]after abdicating12 my role as Princess of Genovia. 要放弃吉诺威亚公主的职位时
[08:05.46]Would I feel relieved or would I feel sad? 我该放松还是悲伤?
[08:06.94]And then I realized... 然后我认识到
[08:12.38]how many stupid times a day I use the word ’’l.’’ 我一天用这么多“我”字是多 么愚蠢
[08:16.62]In fact, probably all I ever do... 事实上我所做的一切. .
[08:18.82]is think about myself. 都是关于我自 己
[08:20.66]when there are 7 billion other people on the planet-- 我是感到多 么的悲痛
[08:22.78]Ahem. 对不起, 我说的太快了
[08:25.78]Ooh. Sorry. I’m going too fast.
[08:26.86]But then I thought... 但我认为. .
[08:30.30]if I cared about the other 7 billion out there... 如我不关心这70亿人
[08:33.82]instead of just me... 而只考虑我自 己
[08:37.42]that’s probably a much better use of my time. 我可以会过的更好
[08:40.18]See, if I were Princess of Genovia... 如果我是吉诺威亚的公主
[08:46.74]and the thoughts of people smarter than me... 和 比我有聪慧思想的人们
[08:49.94]would be much better heard and just maybe... 会更高兴的听到
[08:54.10]those thoughts could be turned into actions. 也许这些思想会变成行动
[09:00.34]So this morning when I woke up... 所以今天早上我醒来时
[09:03.86]I was Mia Thermopolis. 我是米亚 瑟姆丝
[09:06.90]But now... 但现在. .
[09:11.38]I choose to be forevermore... 我选择做永恒的. .
[09:16.86]Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi... 艾米利娅 瑟姆丝. .
[09:21.02]Princess of Genovia.
[09:35.26]I hope you didn’t order your stationery14 yet. 我希望你没有安排你的文具
[09:38.30]This was my very first tiara. 这是我的第一枚金冠
[09:41.90]I’m hoping you will be, too. 我也希望你能喜欢
[09:42.82]I was rather fond of it. 我很喜欢它
[09:46.90]Oh. Grandma, but you had it already. 格兰马, 你都已经准备好了
[09:48.78]How did you know I’d even be here? 你怎么知道我会来这里?
[09:50.46]Because I recognize the same spirit in you... 因为我认识到我们有同样的灵魂
[09:54.82]as someone else I know. 别人也同样知道
[09:55.62]Who? 谁?
[09:59.18]Me. 我

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adj.十分小心的,谨慎的 | |
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adj.富有魅力的;美丽动人的;令人向往的 | |
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n. 变戏法者, 行骗者 | |
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n. 欺骗, 杂耍(=jugglery) adj. 欺骗的, 欺诈的 动词juggle的现在分词 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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n.雄伟,壮丽,庄严,威严;最高权威,王权 | |
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adj.得到许可的v.许可,颁发执照(license的过去式和过去分词) | |
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n.男爵;(商业界等)巨头,大王 | |
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n.男爵夫人,女男爵 | |
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adj.合法的,合理的,合乎逻辑的;v.使合法 | |
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傻子,笨蛋( idiot的名词复数 ); 白痴 | |
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放弃(职责、权力等)( abdicate的现在分词 ); 退位,逊位 | |
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adj.跛的,(辩解、论据等)无说服力的 | |
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n.文具;(配套的)信笺信封 | |
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