[00:33.62]This is your lunch, okay? 这就是你的午餐,好吗?
[00:34.46]Now, I put $1 in there so you can buy some milk. 我还放了一美元钱在里面,给你买牛奶喝
[00:37.14]You can ask one of the big kids where to do that. 你可以问问大孩子在哪里买
[00:38.82]Do you remember your phone number? I wrote it down for you, just in case. 记得住你的电话号码吗? 我给你写下来了,以防万一
[00:43.34]Okay? You ready? 好了?准备好了吗?
[00:47.18]I think so. 好了
[00:51.70]It's Cady's big day. 今天是Kady的大日子
[00:54.22]I guess it's natural for parents to cry on their kid's first day of school, 我想父母送孩子第一天去上学时 会掉泪是自然不过的事
[00:57.74]but, you know, this usually happens when the kid is five. 但是,这通常只会发生在孩子五岁时啊
[01:00.06]I'm 16 and until today, I was home-schooled. 我十六岁了,直至今天, 我一直都是接受家庭式教育
[01:02.42]I know what you're thinking. "Home-schooled kids are freaks." 我知道你会怎么想 “接受家庭式教育的孩子都是畸形”
[01:05.74]X-Y-L-O-C-A-R-P. Xylocarp. X-Y-L-O-C-A-R-P,硬木质果
[01:10.26]Or that we're weirdly1 religious or something. 或者我们都信奉古怪的宗教,或其他什么的
[01:15.30]And on the third day, God created the Remington bolt-action rifle 第三天,上帝创造了雷明顿推膛式步枪
[01:18.82]so that man could fight the dinosaurs2 这样,人类就有可能战胜恐龙
[01:19.98]and the homosexuals. 以及同性恋
[01:21.50]- Amen. - Amen. - 阿门 - 阿门
[01:24.98]But my family's totally normal. 但我家却很普通
[01:28.18]and we've spent the last 12 years in Africa. 过去的12年,我们都是在非洲度过的
[01:31.54]I had a great life. 除此之外,我的人生很精彩
[01:33.86]But then my mom got offered tenure3 at Northwestern University, 但之后我妈妈获得了西北大学的终身教授头衔
[01:34.54]so it was goodbye Africa and hello high school. 于是我就告别了非洲,踏入了高中的校门
[01:43.22]I'm okay. Sorry. I'll be careful. 我没事儿,抱歉
[02:12.18]Hi. 嗨
[02:12.54]I don't know if anyone told you about me. 不知道是否有人向你提及过我
[02:14.38]I'm a new student here. My name is Cady Heron. 我是新学员,我叫凯蒂·海伦
[02:18.38]Talk to me again and I'll kick your ass4. 再和我讲话,我就踢烂你的屁股
[02:21.94]主演:丽兹·卡普兰 丹尼尔·弗兰泽兹
[02:23.74]You don't wanna sit there. 你别想坐那儿,克里斯汀·哈德利的男友要坐那儿
[02:26.26]Kristen Hadley's boyfriend is gonna sit there.
[02:31.42]Hey, baby. 嘿,宝贝
[02:33.18]主演:尼尔·弗林 乔纳森·本尼特 阿曼达·希耶福里德
[02:38.46]He farts a lot. 他经常放屁的
[02:51.18]Oh, God, I'm so sorry. 噢,上帝,非常抱歉
[02:56.18]It's not you. I'm bad luck. 不怪你,怪我倒霉
[03:02.22]Ms. Norbury? 诺布利小姐?
[03:04.90]My T-shirt's stuck to my sweater, isn't it? 我的T恤粘住我的汗衫了,是吗?
[03:05.42]- Yeah. - Fantastic. - 是的 - 太怪了
[03:07.58]Is everything all right in here? 大家都还好吧?
[03:10.58]- Yeah. - So, how was your summer? - 噢,是的 - 那...
[03:13.26]I got divorced. - ...你暑假过得怎么样? - 我离婚了
[03:15.62]My carpal tunnel came back. 我的腕管症又复发了
[03:18.78]- I win. - Yes, you do. - 我猜到了 - 是的,你该猜到了
[03:24.14]Well, I just wanted to let everyone know that we have a new student joining us. 呃...我只是想告诉大家
[03:27.66]She just moved here all the way from Africa. 她千里迢迢刚从非洲搬来这儿
[03:29.18]Welcome. 欢迎啊
[03:32.50]- I'm from Michigan. - Great. - 我来自密歇根 - 非常好
[03:35.54]Her name is Cady. Cady Heron. 她名叫堪蒂,堪蒂·海伦
[03:38.18]- Where are you, Cady? - That's me. - 是谁,堪蒂? - 是我
[03:39.22]- It's pronounced like Katie. - My apologies. - 应该念凯蒂 - 很抱歉
[03:41.06]I have a nephew named Anfernee, 我有个侄儿叫安福尼
[03:42.54]and I know how mad he gets when I call him Anthony. 当我叫他安东尼时,我知道他会发狂
[03:46.74]Almost as mad as I get when I think about the fact 从未见过他那样生气,之后我才记起
[03:48.42]that my sister named him Anfernee. 我姐姐实际上给他取名叫安福尼
[03:52.10]Well, welcome, Cady. 好了,我们欢迎凯蒂的到来
[03:53.58]- And thank you, Mr. Duvall. - Well, thank you. - 也感谢你,杜瓦尔先生 - 呃...多谢
[04:01.14]Maybe some other time, when my shirt isn't see-through. 另觅时间吧,我的上衣不透光的时候
[04:01.46]Thanks. 谢谢
[04:07.46]Okay. 好吧
[04:07.82]Okay. Good day, everybody. 好,祝大家愉快
[04:11.66]The first day of school was a blur5, 上学的第一天是个倒霉的日子
[04:15.18]a stressful, surreal blur. 令人压抑,荒诞怪异
[04:18.34]I got in trouble for the most random6 things. 大大小小的事儿,我都碰到了麻烦
[04:18.54]- Where are you going? - I have to go to the bathroom. - 你去哪儿? - 噢,我得去趟洗手间
[04:23.54]You need the lavatory7 pass. 你应该得到许可
[04:24.74]Okay. Can I have the lavatory pass? 好吧,能去趟洗手间吗?
[04:26.58]Nice try. Have a seat. 不错的尝试,先去坐下
[04:28.58]I had never lived in a world where adults didn't trust me, 我从未接触过这种生活,大人们都不信任我
[04:33.10]- Don't read ahead! - No green pen! - 别再往后读了! - 不许用绿色的笔!
[04:33.90]where they were always yelling at me. 他们总对我吆喝
[04:35.42]No food in class! 上课不许吃东西!
[04:37.10]Stay in your assigned seat! (外语)坐在你自己的位子上!
[04:49.30]I told you, I saw the whole thing. 我告诉过你,我全看到了
[04:50.14]- Everything. - Did you see nipple? - 所有都看到了 - 乳头看到了吗?
[04:50.82]- It only counts if you saw a nipple. - That's true, dude. - 最关键是有没有看到乳头 - 真的,哥们
[04:57.02]I had a lot of friends in Africa. 我在非洲有很多朋友

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古怪地 | |
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n.恐龙( dinosaur的名词复数 );守旧落伍的人,过时落后的东西 | |
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n.终身职位;任期;(土地)保有权,保有期 | |
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n.驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 | |
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n.模糊不清的事物;vt.使模糊,使看不清楚 | |
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adj.随机的;任意的;n.偶然的(或随便的)行动 | |
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n.盥洗室,厕所 | |
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