[00:05.20]Yo. You heard about the robbery last night? 哟 你们听说昨晚的劫案了吗?
[00:07.48]- No. Where? - At the McDonald’s over on Cayenne. -还没 哪儿? -麦当劳在卡宴的分店 (麦当劳是美国连锁快餐业老大)
[00:11.28]They came in at closing time and put everyone in the basement. 他们在非营业时间闯入 把所有人赶到地下室
[00:12.84]Said they’d get shot if they came out. 警告他们谁敢出来 就开枪干掉谁
[00:18.24]- Yeah. 6,000 in cash. - In cash? - 是的 6000元现金 - 现金?
[00:21.20]Hell’s yeah. How many times you seen somebody buy their McNuggets with a credit card? 千真万确 你看到过有几个人 是用信用卡来买鸡块的?
[00:26.00]- Good point. - They said it was the third fast-food place in Cody... -有道理 -他们还说这是自上个星期以来
[00:27.08]to get robbed in the last few weeks. 第三起发生在科迪快餐店的抢劫案
[00:31.88]They hit Fuddruckers on Thursday night. We’re probably next. 他们上星期刚抢劫了菲德拉客(也是卖汉堡的) 看来我们会是下一家
[00:35.52]All the more reason for you guys to quit. 还有些理由足以说服你们辞职
[00:37.80]I mean, why do you even work there? 我是说 你为什么非要在那儿工作呢?
[00:40.32]Not all of us can get hired at the Banana Republic. 我们不是每个人都能在香蕉共和国 (指中南美洲发展中国家)找到工作的
[00:46.88](People Speaking Spanish)
[00:50.16]Yo! Fuck y’all doin’ in my truck? 哟! 你们他妈的在我车里干嘛?
[00:56.60](Coco) 他非常帅 不是吗?
[00:56.72](Woman) 你在说谁?
[00:59.68]Mike. 迈克
[01:01.80]-没错 -噢 拜托
[01:15.40]Yeah, the Big One’s been great. Really great. 没错 大块头卖得很好 非常好
[01:17.80]Sales keep creepin’ up. There’s been no drop off. 销售量节节上升 一点也没消退的迹象
[01:22.28]That’s what we’re hearin’. 这正是我们得到的信息
[01:24.56]- I’ve had this location 12 years. - Yeah? -我已经在这呆了12年了 -是吗?
[01:27.52]And you’d have to go way back- 如果是你 老早就走人了
[01:28.24]maybe even to the original Teeny-Weenys promotion- to see anything like this. 就算是给你些许升职你也会走 难道不是吗?
[01:33.92]- You guys hit a home run. - Well, hey, we all did. -你们这些人大获全胜 -嘿 我们都赢了
[01:35.16]Definitely. (Chuckles) 的确如此
[01:39.08]Hey, Tony, have you ever- Have you ever been out to the U.M.P. Plant? 嘿 托尼 你去过国际联合肉类加工厂吗?
[01:42.44]Uh, no, I haven’t. 呃 没去过
[01:46.12]I’ve been hearin’ some mixed things about the place. 我听说那里有些问题
[01:51.16]I’ve heard all sorts of nasty stuff goes on there. 我听说过那里有点龌龊不堪的事情
[01:54.88]You have? Like what? 是吗?关于什么的?
[01:57.72]I don’t know. Um- 我不知道 呃…
[01:60.64]I used to have a friend who used to work there... 我以前有个朋友在那儿工作
[02:04.00]and he used to tell me all sorts of things. 是他向我透露的
[02:05.52]Did you know that’s where the Big Ones come from? 你知道大块头都来自于那儿吗?
[02:10.68]This was a long time back. I mean- 那是很久以前的事了
[02:12.96]Look, my friend could have been full of shit. 听着 我朋友本应该一无是处
[02:15.24]Yeah, ’cause I was out there. I mean, the place is- 的确如此 因为我曾到过那儿
[02:18.80]It’s spotless. 那里非常干净
[02:23.68]Stainless steel everywhere. 到处都是不锈钢
[02:25.96]People wearin’ gloves and clean white coats. I mean- (Clicks Tongue) 人们戴着手套 穿着干净的白大褂
[02:30.84]Well, might be a lot different now. 恩 现在或许完全不同
[02:39.12]So, um, the friend-You think I might be able to give him a call? 你觉得你能给你那个朋友打个电话吗?
[02:41.08]I don’t know. He split a long time ago. 我不知道 我们好几年前就不联系了
[02:43.48]I haven’t really talked to him. 我好久没和他谈过话了
[02:48.04]Well- Right. 好的
[02:54.72]My wife’s got an uncle. He can tell you all about that place. 我太太有个叔叔 他可以告诉你那地方的一切
[02:57.20]- Does he work out there? - Oh, no, no. He used to sell ’em cattle. -他在那儿工作吗? -噢 不不 他以前卖过牛给他们
[02:60.08]But he’s a real... character. 但他为人有点怪
[03:03.12]- (Chuckling) - You think he’d talk to me?
[03:07.20]Oh, he’ll talk to you. 你认为他会和我谈吗?
[03:08.20]噢 他会的
[03:09.44]Might scare you though. He’s a little intense. 也许会让你受下惊吓 他说话方式有点激烈
[03:13.68]I’ll give you his number. His name is Rudy. 我给你他的号码吧 他叫鲁迪
[03:21.72](Man Speaking Spanish)
[03:25.00](Woman Speaking Spanish)
[03:29.28]What the fuck you doin’? What the fuck- 你他妈的在干嘛?
[03:29.52]Hey. Hey! 嘿 嘿!
[03:35.04](Spanish) 你听没听我昨天是怎么说的?
[03:43.44]Say it. "Grade ’A ’." Say it. 说 A等 说呀
[03:46.52]- (Crying) Grade "A." - Thank you. - A等 - 谢谢
[03:48.80]Fuckin’ know you understand me. You people act like I’m a fuckin’ retard4. 总算他妈地让你理解我的意思了 你们这些人蠢得像头猪
[03:56.60]- 好的 - 继续工作
[03:56.72]- Si. - Get back to work. 我就让你去干拉肾的活儿
[04:25.28]Coco. 科克
[04:48.80]然后给她们毒品 让她们干坏事
[04:53.60]最后将她们丢弃 就像丢垃圾一般
[04:56.40]亲爱的 他是最坏的
[05:09.00]- ~~ (Background: Latin Rap) - (Woman Moaning)
[05:16.76]- ~~ (Continues) - Yeah, like that. Like that.
[05:17.00]就这样 就这样
[05:18.64]Like that. (Muttering, Grunting) 就这样
[05:24.32](Both Moan, Gasp)
[05:44.68](Patties Clattering)
[05:46.96]You know, if that safe in McDonald’s was holding six grand... 如果说麦当劳的保险柜里有6千美元的话
[05:51.52]Tony must have at least five or six locked away in there. 那么托尼在这一定有至少5到6千
[05:52.52]Maybe more. You think he goes to the bank every day? 有可能更多 你以为他每天会去银行吗?
[05:56.12]That’s a good question. 有道理
[05:60.28]Tim says that over where he works... 蒂姆说他们工作的那个地方
[06:01.80]that they don’t even have a safe. 甚至没有保险柜
[06:03.84]That’s ’cause nobody ever eats there. 那是因为没人在他们那儿吃饭
[06:07.68]That chicken fajita I had the other night was some slimy shit. 前两天夜里吃的鸡肉法式达真是难吃
[06:10.56]Yeah, well, there’s a reason why it only costs 99 cents. 没错 这就是它仅值99美分的原因
[06:13.12]There may be five or six grand in Tony’s safe every night... 每天晚上在托尼的保险柜中 5`6千美元
[06:18.56]just sittin’ in there, while we’re out here gettin’ paid dick to mess with this shit. 我们却在这儿 累得跟孙子似的 就挣他妈的那么点钱
[06:21.36]Yeah, no kidding. 是啊 没错
[06:29.08]Hey, the cops must have these places totally staked out at night. 嘿 这地方在深夜肯定有警察监视
[06:29.92]and he’s, like, five times her age. 他的年龄大概是她的五倍
[06:36.76](Whispering) ’Cause they’re just waitin’ for another robbery. 因为他们正在等待下一起劫案
[06:41.16]The best time to do it would be first thing in the morning... 干这事的最好时机是在早上刚来的时候
[06:44.32]around opening time. 大约在开张时分
[06:46.32]Okay. Here’s how it goes down. 好的 好好想一遍我们的计划吧
[06:49.20]We come in here first thing in the morning. 我们一早就来
[06:51.08]- It’s still dark, no traffic. - Uh-huh. -外面天又黑 路又空 -啊哈
[06:51.56]Everybody’s feelin’ calm and sleepy. 每个人都很安静 而且感觉有点困
[06:55.04](Imitates Shotgun Loading)
[06:57.44]We’ll be taking this order to go, motherfucker. 我们就这么干 他妈的!
[07:01.80]If you got the balls, bitch. 只有你有胆量 贱人
[07:06.28](Imitates Shotgun Blast)
[07:08.80]- (Don) I’m supposed to go out to some ranch. - (Man On TV, Indistinct) 我还得去农场
[07:11.64]Maybe that’ll be worth something. I don’t know. 也许会得到些有价值的东西 但还不清楚
[07:17.12]So I should be back on Saturday. 星期六应该就能回来了
[07:20.24]Yeah, yeah, yeah. Put-Put him on. 好的好的 让他们听电话
[07:22.52]- (TV)... but the disease that spreads- - Who’s this? -但病情仍然在扩大 -是谁在说话?
[07:27.56]Hello, Stevie. 你好 史蒂夫
[07:39.40]从购物中心回来后 她们一定一无所知
[07:45.40]在她的手提箱里有只死猫 你能相信这码事吗?
[08:08.04](TV: Spanish) 你作出的选择没错
[08:31.40]Couple of guys invited me to a party at the "U" on Saturday night. 有好几个人邀请我去参加星期六晚上的派对
[08:34.64]- You wanna come? - ~~ (Background: Rock, Indistinct) 你想去吗?
[08:36.64]Do they know you go to Cody? 他们知道你去科迪了吗?
[08:42.32](Laughing) Oh, I wonder why. 噢 我也想知道这是为什么
[08:44.60]One of them is really hot. 他们中有个非常性感
[08:46.68]Oh, I gotta work that night. 我那天晚上得打工
[08:48.48]You work way too much. 你打工打得太凶了
[09:04.36](Vehicle Approaching)
[09:20.08]Yeah. Hi there. I’m Don. 对 你好啊 我是唐
[09:20.28]You the one that called? 你就是那个打电话的人?
[09:22.76]Climb on over. 到这边来
[09:33.00]- Ever been out here before? - Nope. -以前到过这儿吗? -没
[09:37.88]It’s beautiful. 这里很美
[09:40.76]You ever been on a ranch before? 你以前去过农场吗?
[09:44.76]Yeah, when I was a kid, at camp. 去过 当时我还是个孩子 参加露营时去的
[09:49.72]How, uh- How many acres do you have, Rudy? 鲁迪 你有多少亩的土地?
[09:53.60]Well, you wouldn’t want to have to walk your way outta here. That’s for sure. 你肯定没法一气儿走完 这是可以肯定的

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n.雄鹿( buck的名词复数 );钱;(英国十九世纪初的)花花公子;(用于某些表达方式)责任v.(马等)猛然弓背跃起( buck的第三人称单数 );抵制;猛然震荡;马等尥起后蹄跳跃 | |
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adj.高科技的 | |
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n.大牧场,大农场 | |
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n.阻止,延迟;vt.妨碍,延迟,使减速 | |
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a.智力迟钝的,智力发育迟缓的 | |
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v.刺伤,刺痛,刺孔;n.刺伤,刺痛 | |
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n.驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 | |
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vt.掠夺,蹂躏,使苦恼 | |
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n.大学一年级学生(可兼指男女) | |
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