[00:36.76]- Thanks a lot. - This looks good. -多谢 -看起来不错
[00:43.20]Uh, two Chinese chicken salad, please... 两份中式鸡丁沙拉
[00:47.96]y two Coca-Colas, please. 两杯可口可乐
[00:49.20]Anything to start? 需要点正餐吗?
[00:56.52]Okay, uh, I’ll be right back with those Cokes. 好的 我马上拿可乐过来
[01:03.60]Thanks. 谢谢
[01:10.84]Oh. 她说她知道了
[01:17.40]弗朗西斯科说的没错 那餐厅的确不错
[01:27.80]瞧 这辆车就是我要的
[01:49.20]没事 我挺好的
[02:04.20]棒约翰比萨 (美国连锁快餐第11强)
[02:12.80]- (Crickets Chirping) - (Typing)
[02:13.04](Footsteps Approaching)
[02:17.56]- Hey. - How was Roger? -嘿 -罗杰怎么样了?
[02:20.84]- Roger is the "boringest" person I ever met. - (Laughing) 罗杰是我所见过的最无趣的人
[02:22.28]- Oh, sorry. - What are you up to? -噢 真遗憾 -你在干什么呢?
[02:28.16]- Um, I’m writing a biology paper. - What’s it about? -我在写生物论文呢 -关于什么?
[02:34.96]History of genetics. I’m into all that sort of thing. 遗传学历史 我被这些东西迷住了
[02:39.12]When’s it due? 什么时候交?
[02:41.12]- Tuesday. - Next week? -星期二 -下星期?
[02:45.48]Where did you come from? 你哪来的天赋?
[02:49.36]I was never this good. And your father... 我从不喜欢读书 而你爸爸…
[02:50.52]he was a lazy asshole. 又是个十足的懒汉
[02:54.00]- Mom. - What? He had other people write his papers for him. -妈妈 -怎么 他的论文都是别人代写的
[02:59.08]- Hmm, I bet you were one of them. - Mmm. 我估计你也是代写者之一
[03:03.04]- Hey. - Screw you. (Laughs) -别这样 -去死吧
[03:12.84]I wanna take ’em all home. 我真想把他们都带回家
[03:13.32]Don’t, Mom. 妈妈 别
[03:16.96]Well, it’s sad. Loretta said they just make those cages big enough to be legal... 他们太可怜了 洛蕾塔说他们为了合法 把小狗的笼子做的很大很大
[03:20.44]but small enough so people will get the puppies outta there. 但出口却做的很小 让人们可以摸到他们
[03:23.64]When I left the store tonight, I just wanted to open all those cages... 我今晚离开店的时候 真想把笼子都打开
[03:27.40]- and let all those little puppies run free. - Mom. -让那些小狗自由地奔跑! -妈妈
[03:31.52]- They are so cute. - Mom, I’m trying to work. -它们实在太可爱了 -妈妈 我在写论文呢
[03:37.60]Okay, but you have to come and see them tomorrow. 好的 但你答应我明天来看看它们
[03:50.60]- Go to bed! - (Chuckles) 去睡觉吧!
[03:59.56](Both Laughing)
[04:23.68](Children Chattering)
[04:28.48](Women Speaking Spanish) 你他妈管不着
[04:35.00]你认为我的姐妹彻夜不眠 吸毒
[04:40.00]抽可大因 我不该管吗?
[04:57.00](Raps On Counter) 嫉妒吧?
[05:09.40]拜托 拜托 别吵了
[05:13.20]操她 她有需要
[05:17.88](Door Closes)
[05:22.40]她的生活毁了 她会惹上大麻烦的
[05:26.40]听着 又不是她一个这样
[05:30.00]生活很痛苦 但吸了毒可以有所缓解
[05:37.60]没有 事实本来就是这样
[05:44.72]- (Beeps) - (Sniffles)
[05:46.00]Hola. Hey, it’s me. 喂 是我
[05:53.04]Call me. ?Si? 给我打电话 好吗?
[05:55.04](Sniffling Continues)
[06:01.52]- I don’t have a problem with it. - Are you worried? -我觉得这没什么问题 -你很担心吗?
[06:03.96]- Uncle Pete! - Hey! 皮特叔叔!
[06:06.40]- Oh, God! - (Chuckles) 天哪
[06:09.88]- What is with the uniforms? - Sorry, Pete, we have jobs. -这是哪里的制服 -不好意思 皮特 我们都在打工
[06:13.16]Somebody put a blanket on her. 应该给你披条毯子
[06:15.20]Okay? All right? I cannot believe... 好吗?我简直不敢相信
[06:19.52]- I can’t look at you in that. - That’s what you wear when you have a real job. -你穿成这样 我简直不认识了 -有了工作后都得这么穿
[06:21.56]- You smell like chicken nuggets. - She has a job! -你闻起来可真像鸡块! -她有工作了呀!
[06:23.56]- Give me a break! - All right. All right. -不要老针对我呀! -好的 好的
[06:27.84]- Well, except for the uniform. Let’s see- - You’re dumb. -除了这件制服不太好 让我们瞧瞧 -你这个笨蛋
[06:30.04]- You look great. You do. You look fantastic. - Thank you. -你看上去美极了 很漂亮 -谢谢
[06:33.08]- It’s great to see you. - Good to see you. -见到你真开心 -彼此彼此
[06:36.28]- All right. - How long are you here for? -好的 -你在这儿呆多久?
[06:38.56]Just for the night. I’m on my way up to Bozeman. No, don’t- 就呆一晚上 我正要去博泽曼 噢 不……
[06:41.04]- I don’t think I can talk to you in that thing. - Leave her alone! -我不应该和你说这个的 -让她去吧!
[06:45.32]- Honey, you got some homework? - Oh, not much. -亲爱的 你功课多吗? -没什么功课
[06:47.12]Get it done, change your clothes and go out with Uncle Pete. 快做完 换衣服和皮特叔叔出去
[06:49.00]I have a date I can’t break. Had I known you were coming- 我有个约会不能推 要是早点知道你来就好了
[06:53.80]- What, you would have changed your plans? - No. -什么 那你就会改变你的计划吗? -不会
[06:55.40]- How’s Gabe? - He’s great. He’s walking and talking. -加布怎么样? -他很好 能走能说话
[07:01.36]- Hey, how’s Michelle? - (Crunching) Mmm. 米歇尔怎么样?
[07:04.44]Is that Mrs. Whiskers? 那是胡须小姐吗?
[07:09.52]- Oh, he’s so big. - Right? -噢 他长这么大啦 -对吗?
[07:11.76]- Here. - Hey! 给你
[07:14.28]- ~~ (Background: Dance) - Thank you.
[07:25.88]- Man, this place is great. - Mmm. 哇 这地方不错
[07:26.20]Yeah, you are only allowed to come here with me. 没错 你是唯一一个有幸 可以和我来这儿的人
[07:30.60]So, are you on the pill? 你吃了口服避孕药了吗?
[07:32.64]- Um, no. - No? Do you have a boyfriend? -没吃 -没?你有男朋友了吗?
[07:36.32]- Not really. I’m kinda in between. - Mm-hmm. 不算有吧 实际上我要做二选一
[07:39.24]Well, they are circling you like sharks. 他们会像鲨鱼一般在你身边游动
[07:41.92]Right? I’m gonna come back here and find that you got, like... 等我下次回来的时候 就会发现你...
[07:43.36]- a little baby fry cook in the oven. - You know what? -烤箱里烤着婴儿食品什么的 -你知道吗?
[07:48.96]- What? - I remember you taking me to Mickeys when I was a kid. -什么? -我还记得我小的时候 你带我到米齐斯吃汉堡
[07:50.16]- No, did I? - Yes. -是吗? -当然
[07:53.84]I was being lazy. I apologize. Now I hate everything about the place. 抱歉我那会儿真的很懒 现在特厌恶去那种地方了
[07:58.48]Mom said it was a big deal when the first Mickeys opened here. 我妈告诉我第一家米齐斯 在这儿开张时 非常地轰动
[07:60.40](Mock Exclamation) It was tremendous. 简直是条大新闻
[08:02.96]It was. I mean, you know- Cody was on the map. 过去的确是这样 科迪就此出了名
[08:05.36]The-The first one didn’t bother me. It was just the 400th... 开第一家时我觉得挺高兴 但当开到第400家时…
[08:07.96]that started to, you know, get under my skin. 就开始有点恼火了
[08:13.32]- Well, I need the money. I really do. - Yeah? -我需要那份儿工资 真的需要 -是吗?
[08:15.12]There’s no other jobs here, right? You tried A.S.P.C.A. You tried the park services. 这里没其他工作可做吗? 你可以去ASPCA 可以去停车场 (ASPCA美国反虐待动物组织)
[08:19.28]You tried day care. Nobody around here needs their kids to be taken care of? 也可以去托儿所照顾孩子 这里没人需要照顾他们的孩子吗?
[08:23.36]- (Clicks Tongue) - (Sighs)
[08:26.16]- It was the first job I could find. - Mm-hmm. 这是我能找到的第一份工作
[08:27.72]I mean, a friend of mine worked there. What do you want to hear? 我的一个朋友在那打工 你想听什么解释?
[08:31.00]I’m not criticizing you, all right? I think you are great. 我可没在批评你哦 你真的很棒
[08:35.40]I just wanna know your timeline for gettin’ outta here. 我只想知道你什么时候离开那地方
[08:39.84]- I wanna go to college. - Good. -我想读大学 -不错
[08:42.12]I’m thinking Oregon or Montana. 想去俄勒冈州或蒙大纳州去读书
[08:48.40]I wanna- I wanna write. 我想写作
[08:50.20]I like photography. 又爱摄影
[08:51.08]But I think I wanna study science, so- 但我觉得自己应该选理科
[08:54.08]aeronautical6 engineering. 航空工程系不错
[08:56.12]- Aeronautical engineering? - Yeah. -航空工程系? -没错
[08:58.52]I mean, if I could do anything in the world... 如果说我还有什么抱负的话…
[09:02.24]I’d be an astronaut. 那就是 成为一名宇航员
[09:04.20]- All right, well, fucking-A, do it. - Okay. -好的 真他妈的不错 大干一场吧 -没错
[09:08.68]But you need to get outta here to do that. 你的确应该出去闯一闯了
[09:12.24]Was it hard leaving Cody back when you were a teenager? 当你还是个十几岁的孩子时 离开科迪的感觉糟糕吗?
[09:12.68]No, not for me. Your mom, though, that was a different story. 我倒觉得没什么 但你妈妈就不一样了 是完全另外一件事
[09:18.92]I was on the way. Kinda cuts down on your options. 我正在抉择的道路上 选择权似乎越来越少
[09:21.00]Mm-hmm. That is why, if, by the age of 21... 这就是为什么如果你在21岁之前
[09:24.68]you have not missed one menstrual cycle... 从没错失一次月经的话 (暗指从没怀过孕)
[09:27.56]- I will give you $1,000. - Will you shut up? Okay? -我会给你1000美元的 -闭嘴好吗?
[09:33.12]- I am not talking to my uncle about sex. - Okay. -我绝对不和自己的叔叔谈性 -好吧
[09:38.60]I read this study the other day about, uh... 前几天我读了一本书 关于…
[09:38.80]people who are happiest with their lives. 什么样的人最幸福
[09:42.68]And, uh, the ones who have followed their passion, right... 答案是:那些追随自己热情的人
[09:44.36]even if they weren’t, you know, technically7 successful, right? 即使他们最后不算成功
[09:46.96]When they were looking back at their life, they had fewer regrets. 他们再回头看的时候 会比别人觉得少点遗憾
[09:51.60]You know, they felt their life had been more fulfilling. 也会觉得生活更有成就感
[09:55.80]- Yeah, that makes sense, I guess. - Yeah, it does. -恩 很有道理 -的确如此
[09:57.68]So, bottom line is, do not listen to me. Do not listen to your mother. 因此最关键的不是听我的 也不是听你的母亲的

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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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n.装货,装载的货物 | |
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n.(常指不满一岁的)小狗(puppy的复数);小狗,幼犬( puppy的名词复数 );浅薄自负的年轻男子 | |
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n.琥珀;琥珀色;adj.琥珀制的 | |
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int.该死,他妈的;vt.指责,贬斥,诅咒 | |
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adj.航空(学)的 | |
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adv.专门地,技术上地 | |
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