[00:01.68]Listen to yourself. 而是应该听你自己的意愿
[00:04.04]I mean, if you wanna be like everybody else... 如果说 你想一生平平如众生
[00:06.56]just do what everybody’s telling you to do. 那就按众生说的去做
[00:13.20]And what about you? Are you doing what you always wanted to do? 你呢?你总在做自己想做的事情吗?
[00:16.84]Well, if I jump back to when I was your age- 如果我回到像你现在的年纪的话
[00:21.76]No, I don’t think I would be wildly impressed. 我估计自己不会干出什么出格的事情
[00:23.32]All right? I don’t- l- 明白吗?我不会…
[00:25.32]But, you know, I’m all right with what I’m doing. 我觉得自己现在干得还错
[00:32.28]And, you know, I’m really all right with what I’m not doing. 而对自己没干过的事更没什么后悔
[00:38.72]- Is that your move? - Yeah. -你这样走吗? -没错
[00:40.24]Yep. So- 好的
[00:40.84]- Thuh-bop! - Dang it. - 吃掉! - 哎呀
[00:42.24](Sing-Song) Hello. 你好
[00:44.52]- Amber1, why are you still up? - Well, why do you have my poncho2 on? - 安珀 你怎么还在这? - 你怎么穿着我的披风?
[00:48.28]- It’s fine. - How was it, hmm? - 又没什么的咯 -怎么回事?
[00:53.36]- (Sighs) - Well, she’s home fairly early, if that signifies anything. 今晚她那么早回家 肯定发生了什么事
[00:54.96]Oh, no, no, no. That doesn’t mean anything. Your mother-She’s amazing. 不不不 我觉得这没什么 你妈妈真的很棒
[00:58.72]You wouldn’t believe what she could get accomplished3 in a short period of time. 你简直难以置信她能在 那么短的时间内完成如此壮举
[01:02.12]- Screw you both. - (Gasps) 你们俩去死吧
[01:03.76]- (Chuckles) - Hey, Sis. Sis-Whoa, whoa. Hey, hey. 嘿 姐姐 嘿嘿
[01:08.08]So, what would you say? Is Cody a better town today... 你想说什么呢? 你觉得今天的科迪镇更好呢?
[01:11.04]- or back when we were kids? - Well, I know what you would say. -还是我们小时侯的更好? -我知道你的答案
[01:14.32]- What? - Your uncle hates everything, Amber. -什么? -安珀 你叔叔厌恶每件事
[01:18.20]You know, I actually think it’s better now. There’s more stuff to do. 我觉得现在的科迪更好 有更多的事情可做
[01:19.80]Oh, yeah. There’s more to do. You got the Wal-Mart, the Kmart and the Target, right? 噢 的确 有更多事可干了 现在有了沃尔玛 科尔玛(折扣商店) 塔吉特(连锁超市)
[01:25.96]You got Chuck E. Cheese. You got Taco Bell. 还有了Chuck E. Cheese(美国连锁餐饮店) Taco Bell(美国快餐连锁店)
[01:26.16]You got Arby’s. You got Mickeys. You got Denny’s. 有了Arby’s(美国连锁快餐第九强) 米齐斯和Denny’s(餐馆)
[01:29.72]You’ve got, uh, Chili’s. 有了Chili’s(美式餐厅)
[01:32.40]You got Applebee’s. You got Wendy’s. You got Hardee’s, right? 有了Applebee’s(美国牛排餐馆)Wendy’s(快餐店) Hardee’s(美国连锁快餐第12强)
[01:36.48]You got the- the K.F.C., the IHOP. 有了肯德基(美国连锁快餐第7强) 和IHOP(非常地道的美国餐馆)
[01:38.48]- (Shrieks) - (Groans) Do they still have that Der Wienerschnitzel? 他们还有Der Wienerschnitzel吗? (专营热狗的美国连锁快餐店)
[01:40.44]- Oh, yeah. - Oh, thank God it’s still hanging in there. -还有的 -谢天谢地还有
[01:43.16]I don’t know about you, but I could just piss away... 我不知道你们怎么样
[01:45.36]a whole Sunday afternoon at the Sunglass Hut. 但要我星期天一整个下午呆在 Sunglass Hut(美国时尚太阳眼镜店) 我会疯的
[01:47.64]- You know? - Have you ever been to the Sunglass Hut? 你去过Sunglass Hut?
[01:50.20]No, I never have. I’m not trying to come off like some Polly Perfect here. 从没去过 我不是在炫耀 Polly Perfect(顶级丝袜奢侈品牌)
[01:54.96]I’m going to make some cabinets... 我要为些富有的纽约投资银主们
[01:56.96]for some rich New York investment banker fuck... 做些小木屋
[01:57.68]who probably spends two weeks a year at his Montana ranch5, so don’t listen to me. 他们一年大概只在蒙大纳的农场呆2个星期 所以不用听我的
[02:03.16]- I’m not. - I’m not talking to you. I’m talking to your daughter. -我可没在听 -我没和你说 我在和你女儿说
[02:06.84]I’m probably just going through some full-of-shit, early middle-age period. 我或许有些早期中年症状 这可真烂
[02:10.40]I don’t think you’re full of shit. 我可不觉得你很烂
[02:10.60]Thank you. She’s so nice. What happened to you? 谢谢 她人真好 你是怎么回事呀?
[02:14.68]No, no, sweetheart, don’t contradict your mother. He is full of shit. 不不 亲爱的 不要和妈妈作对 他的确很烂
[02:17.36]I don’t waste a lot of time thinking about this stuff. 我可不想在这种事上浪费脑细胞
[02:22.24]- They’re all crooks7. - This is why revolutions are meant for the young. -他们全是骗子 -这就是为什么变革对年轻人来说至关重要
[02:26.20]If you don’t do it now, you’re never gonna. 如果你现在不做 以后就再也没机会了
[02:28.20]Uniform- uniformity. Conform- conformity8. 统一的才能均匀 顺从的才能一致
[02:31.24]Monogamy- monotony. 一夫一妻制-千篇一律
[02:33.36]No wonder you’re not still married. 怪不得你至今单身
[02:34.96]- Stupid- stupidity. - Yeah, look- Hey, the facts are not always friendly. - 愚蠢的-愚蠢 - 瞧 事实并不都是好的
[02:38.20]Listen to who’s giving the lecture here, Amber. 听听是谁在这里滔滔不绝 安珀
[02:40.72]Your uncle did not finish college. 你叔叔连大学都没读完
[02:42.72]- Jesus! Mm-hmm. Oh! - Okay? - 上帝! - 明白不?
[02:47.68]- He lived in a camper for 18 months. - An Airstream! - 他在露营车里住了18个月 - 气流!
[02:51.36]- This is not a role model. - (Bottles Clanking) 这可不是个好的榜样
[02:53.64]Remind me to deprogram you after he leaves. 在他离开之后 提醒我为你洗洗脑 净化下你受毒化的心灵
[02:56.04]Hey, Mom said you got kicked out of college. 嘿 妈妈刚才说你上大学时退学了
[02:56.52]- Oh, well, thanks, Mom. - Yeah, your mug shots are in all the papers. - 噢 谢谢 妈妈 - 你的寻人启示登在了所有的报纸上
[03:01.60]Yeah, with eight others. I was at Colorado University. We were the C.U. Nine. 在科罗拉多大学时 我和与另外八个兄弟 组成 科大九人组
[03:06.84]Yeah, that notorious band of Midwestern, white freedom fighters. 对 就是那个美国中西部最臭名昭著的乐队: 白种自由斗士
[03:10.04]No, no, no. We took over the chancellor’s office. 不是这样的 我们控制了校长办公室
[03:13.64]All right, we were protesting the college’s investment in South Africa. 我们对科大投资南非表示强烈的抗议
[03:17.48]- So what happened? - All right, well, so, after about four hours... -接着发生了什么? -告诉你吧 四小时之后…
[03:21.28]- they come bursting through this barricade- - Okay, that was two chalkboards. - 他们闯过路障 - 只不是是两块黑板报
[03:23.88]- It’s not two chalkboards. - It was too. - 才不是呢 - 差不多是这样
[03:25.92]We had rope with some chair- They practically beat the shit out of all of us. 我们用一圈椅子把自己围起来 他们当时简直把我们打得遍体鳞伤
[03:28.40]They treated us like a band of terrorists. 就像对待恐怖分子一样
[03:32.40]- which he never finished. - Big deal. -再也没机会完成学业了 -真是件大事
[03:34.40]- It cost our dad $2,000 in legal fees. - I eventually paid him back. -还让爸爸花了两千美元的律师费 -最后我都还给他了
[03:37.68]Anyway, meanwhile- Cut to- 总之 在此期间…
[03:40.24]About a year later, the college divests9 all its holdings in South Africa... 一年之后 这所大学就 撤回了所有在南非的投资
[03:41.96]and a little while after that, Nelson Mandela is a free man. 又过了不久 纳尔逊-曼德拉出狱了
[03:45.12]- All because of the "C.U. Nine." - No, nobody said that. Nobody even thought that. -全是因为那个"科大九人组" -没人说过这句话 也没人会相信
[03:51.12]The point is... that, you know, if enough people... 重点是 如果有足够多的人
[03:53.28]start thinking about something and trying to actually do something... 开始考虑同一件事 并共同试着去完成它
[03:55.64]you can change things for the better. 事情往往就能被改变得更好
[03:57.64]I believe that. 我完全认同
[04:01.80]- I hope they can change for the better. - Don’t just hope. -我希望他们能让这个世界改变得更好 -但不能仅仅是希望
[04:02.52]You can’t sit back and hope. You have to do something. 你不能只说不做 一定要有实干精神
[04:05.72]In a town like this, hope will kill you. 生活在这样的一个不起眼的小镇 只是希望没有任何用处
[04:08.48]It’s your move. 全看你的行动了
[04:12.84]- (Machinery Whirring) - (Speaking Spanish)
[04:16.56](Man) ?Rapido! 动作快点!
[04:19.20]- (Spanish) - ?Rapido! 再快点!
[04:24.28](People Speaking Spanish)
[04:40.60]?Rapido! 动作快点!
[04:51.92](Spanish) 你觉得埃斯特班怎么样?
[04:58.76]- Eh. - (Man Shouting In Spanish)
[05:02.60]的确 他带我们到这儿
[05:04.92]- (Metal Clanking) - (Man Shouting)
[05:26.04]Ah? 是吗?
[05:30.80]一旦偷渡成功 我会再给另外2000的
[05:37.20]蒂尼8岁 索萨11岁
[05:52.00]我非常肯定他们会没事 埃斯特班是个很有经验的蛇头
[05:55.00]他们的爷爷曾带过他们徒步旅行 让他们接受训练 是吗?
[05:59.84](Mike) 今晚见
[06:08.00]让开 婊子
[06:13.00]听着 骚货 不要再勾引他
[06:15.40]-如果我非要这样呢 婊子 -那就给你好看骚货
[06:18.08]Hey, hey. You fucking crazy, huh? 嘿嘿 你他妈的疯啦?
[06:24.00]请在私底下解决个人恩怨 不要在这里浪费我的时间
[06:32.40]再让流水线慢下来 你就麻烦了
[06:40.00]Everybody else, stop fucking smiling and get back to work! 可能再也无法脱身了 你知道嘛
[06:40.40]其他人 他妈的收起傻笑 快点给我干活儿!
[06:46.52](Whispering) Coco. 一群蠢驴!
[07:01.40]不要气馁 没事吧?
[07:05.80]这是怎么了? 科克!
[07:12.16]Coco. Coco. 科克 科克!
[07:16.00]天哪 可怜的孩子
[07:25.88]Is she okay?
[07:27.88]She needs to start sleeping at night. 她晚上必须好好休息
[07:29.60]So do you. 你也一样
[07:31.60]How’s Stan’s back doing? 斯坦干得如何?
[07:31.84]He complains about it all the time, but he’s fine. 他总是喜欢抱怨 但情况还算稳定
[07:34.56]Say hello for me. 帮我向他问好
[07:36.72]As for this little lady, she got about an hour left on her shift, so- 至于这位小姐 她还要上一个小时的班 那么…
[07:42.40]- She’ll make it. - All right. Let’s go. -她能走了 -好了 走吧
[07:46.96]Andale. 不好意思
[07:50.68]You’ve been a bad girl. 你可真是个坏女孩
[07:55.20]如果你再去碰那个 Sinaloa(墨西哥地名)的骚货
[08:02.00]冷静点 好吗?
[08:04.60]Chill out, okay? 接着再杀了你
[08:07.28]Touch her again... 再碰她一次
[08:09.36]and I’ll kill you, hmm? 我就杀了你 知道吗?
[08:11.32]I mean it. 我说到做到
[08:19.16](Both Moaning)
[08:28.32](Spanish) 我和玛丽亚的事和你无关 知道吗?
[08:33.60]No? 毫无关系
[08:39.60]我会带你离开流水线的 知道吗?
[08:40.76]Uh-huh. 给你找份更好的工作 又容易 又干净
[08:43.04]Uh-huh. Uh-huh. 远离那些血腥
[08:48.40]- Uh-huh. Uh-huh. - Hmm? 好好考虑下吧
[08:57.64]- (Oil Bubbling) - Think about it.
[08:59.52]All that surveillance equipment they have here? 我们这里的所有监督设备
[09:03.52]They say it’s for our safety... 他们说得倒好听 是为了我们的安全起见
[09:08.20]monitoring us, making sure we don’t steal shit and stuff. 监视我们 用来确保我们他妈的什么都没偷
[09:12.56]Yeah, you know, I always wonder whose job it is to watch those monitors... 我一直想知道是谁在监视我们的
[09:17.64]’cause you don’t see anyone around here doing that. 因为在这你根本看不到任何人 在监视我们
[09:20.72]I think they just record everything in case somethin’ happens. 我觉得他们肯定是录下来 以防万一
[09:26.08]It’s probably all getting fed back to the national headquarters. 也许全都送到国家信息总部备份
[09:29.76]Yeah, like our cash registers. 恩 就像我们的收银机那样
[09:30.52](Timer Beeping)
[09:32.52]What about ’em? 那是什么?
[09:37.44]- You don’t know about that? - Uh-uh. 你不知道吗?
[09:39.52]Oh, man. Okay. 噢 天哪 告诉你吧
[09:41.52]First thing I do whenever I start my shift is type in the last four digits11... 我换班的时候 首先输入
[09:45.44]of my Social Security number, then log in. 我社会保险号的后四位数字 登陆
[09:48.36]- Mm-hmm. - And from then on, they keep track of every keystroke. 从那以后 他们对每次按键都了如指掌
[09:51.24]- Really? - Yeah, they keep a record. -是吗? -对 他们有存档的
[09:54.92]They know exactly how many orders of fries I’ve sold this month- everything. 能精确地知道今天卖了多少份薯条 任何数据都一清二楚
[09:59.88]And I even have to put in a little code with each person’s order... 我甚至可以根据每个人的点单 输入一些代码

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n.琥珀;琥珀色;adj.琥珀制的 | |
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n.斗篷,雨衣 | |
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adj.有才艺的;有造诣的;达到了的 | |
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n.驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 | |
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n.大牧场,大农场 | |
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n.民主主义者,民主人士( democrat的名词复数 ) | |
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n.骗子( crook的名词复数 );罪犯;弯曲部分;(牧羊人或主教用的)弯拐杖v.弯成钩形( crook的第三人称单数 ) | |
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n.一致,遵从,顺从 | |
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v.剥夺( divest的第三人称单数 );脱去(衣服);2。从…取去…;1。(给某人)脱衣服 | |
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adj.尖的,直截了当的 | |
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n.数字( digit的名词复数 );手指,足趾 | |
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