[00:01.48]saying their approximate age and ethnicity. 保存下他们的估算年龄 以及种族肤色
[00:03.92]- (Chuckles) - They don’t even know. 而他们对此则一无所知
[00:06.32]You know, that is fuckin’ evil. 这他妈的太邪恶了
[00:08.32]- (Timer Beeping) - Well- 没错
[00:11.00]That’s Mickeys for you. 这就是你的米齐斯
[00:13.00]- ~~ (Background: Rock) - (Crowd Chattering)
[00:24.64](Register Rings)
[00:27.88]Man, when we came here, we sat right over there. 天那 我们上次来的时候坐在那儿的
[00:31.80]- Was it, like, full? - Yeah, it was really full. There was this band that played. -是吗?今天好象都坐满了? -的确如此 今天人真多 上次也是这乐队驻唱
[00:36.04]- They were pretty good. - Yeah, hey, look, just ask. 他们不错 (Avril! Avril! @_@!千呼万唤始出来!)
[00:38.04]- Mm-hmm. - Don’t worry about it. 不用担心
[00:40.04]- All right. Got it. - Casual. Nothin’- 随便点吧
[00:45.20]- Hi! - Hey.
[00:47.12]- Were you here the other night? - Yeah. -你上次也在这儿吗? -对的
[00:50.16]- Who was that guy that was with you? - Uh, my uncle? -和你在一起的那男人是谁? -我叔叔
[00:52.36]- Oh, my God. (Laughs) - (Chuckles) 天那
[00:56.24]We were trying to figure that one out. 我们一直在猜他会是你什么人
[00:57.24]He’s hot, okay? (Giggling) 他很性感 不是嘛?!
[00:59.32](Chuckling) No, he’s my uncle. 不 他是我叔叔
[01:01.60]- I’m Andrew. This is Alice. - (Chuckling) 我是安德鲁 她是艾丽丝
[01:07.16]- Kim? Nice to meet you. - Hey. 金 很高兴认识你
[01:09.16]We’re all heading over to the lookout2 for a party, if you guys wanna come. 我们正准备去瞭望所参加一场派对 你们要不要一起?
[01:11.16]- The lookout? - Mm-hmm. -瞭望所? -对
[01:13.16]That road behind campus-Take that up Mount Cody a mile, and it’s right there. 就沿着校园后门的那条路 爬上科迪山一英里 就到了
[01:16.60]- Oh, right. Yeah. - Should be fun. -噢 好的 没问题 -肯定很好玩
[01:18.40]- Maybe we’ll see you then. - Make it out there. -呆会儿见吧 -到那儿见吧
[01:20.16]- Okay, see you there. - All right. -好的 回见 -没问题
[01:22.56]- ~~ (Background: Loud Rock) - Hey!
[01:31.52]’Cause there is no way you can make sense of it all on your own. 因为你根本没法一个搞清事实
[01:36.00]The lies are too big. They’re too ingenious. 谎言太巨大 他们太狡猾了
[01:37.36]They’re too interconnected with one another. 他们之间的连带关系非常紧密
[01:39.36]And they know, if the lies are repeated over and over and over again... 并且他们知道 谎言说一千遍
[01:43.64]people are finally gonna have to believe it, and we do. 就会成为真理 我们不得不都相信他们
[01:47.56]Yeah. Like, have you guys read that book Crimes Against Nature? 的确如此 你们看过一本叫 《反自然的罪恶》的书吗?
[01:52.32]- (Andrew) Title says it all. - (Alice) Exactly. -题目就点出了实质 -没错
[01:53.60]- Read that book. - It’s talking about how right now... -说说那本书 -它讲述了现在的
[01:55.60]they’ve got the logging companies and the timber companies... 一些伐木公司和木材公司
[01:57.56]chopping down all the trees in the national forest... 是如何在国有森林中大肆砍伐树木的
[02:01.68]but they’re saying it’s the "healthy forest" program. 但他们却将此称为"健康树林"项目
[02:03.96]Yep, and they got the coal companies running our clean-air plan. 没错 他们还让煤矿公司 来主导"空气洁净"计划
[02:09.80]How do they announce that stuff in public without cracking up? 他们怎么能如此不知廉耻地 向公众撒这样的谎?
[02:11.48]I gotta hand it to them though- 我给他们起了个外号
[02:14.96]genius fucking marketers. 天才烂商人
[02:16.96]And they’re extremely well organized, so we need to be too. 他们组织结构森严 因此我们也得这样
[02:18.52]- (Kim) Amber! - (Woman) Yeah, and these guys see themselves... -安珀! -没错 那些家伙还以为自己…
[02:20.32]- as big-time, righteous Christians3. - Come here. -是成功正义的的基督徒 -来这儿
[02:23.64]- (Man) What would Jesus do? - (Laughing) 耶稣是干什么的?
[02:24.00]- Hey, what’s going on? - I met these really cute guys. They want to meet you. -嘿 怎么了? -我撞见一群帅哥 他们想要认识你
[02:29.80]Well- I’m hanging out with these guys. 我正和他们谈事儿呢
[02:34.28]- They’re so boring. - I don’t wanna leave just yet. -他们那帮人很无趣的 -但我现在还想呆会儿
[02:37.76]- Why? - I don’t know- -为什么? -不知道
[02:42.40]Don’t worry about it. I’ll catch up with you later. 不用担心 我呆会儿来找你
[02:51.44](Chattering, Laughing)
[02:55.12](Woman Chattering)
[02:59.00]- Hey, Brian. - Hey. What are you doing here? -嘿 布赖恩 -嘿 你来这干嘛?
[03:04.48]- (Knocks) Tony? - Hey, Amber. -托尼? -嘿 安珀
[03:08.52]- Uh, Tony- - Yeah. -呃 托尼? -怎么了
[03:14.60]- I don’t think I can work here anymore. - Everything okay? -我不想在这儿做下去了 -没事吧
[03:18.28]You okay? 怎么了?你没事吧?
[03:22.88]I’m fine. 我没事
[03:24.88]I mean, what do you want to do? 我想知道你要干嘛?
[03:26.52]You wanna cut back on the hours? Maybe try another shift? 想减少工作小时数? 或是更换下轮班?
[03:28.00]- (Timer Beeping) - No. 都不是
[03:33.80]Something happen? Anybody giving you a hard time? 有什么事发生了吗? 或是有人欺负你了?
[03:37.96]- No. - What’s up? -不是 -那怎么了?
[03:41.08]Talk to me. 告诉我
[03:42.52]I just- I can’t work here anymore. 我只是不能在这儿工作了
[03:46.40]- It feels wrong. - (Brian) How is it wrong? -我觉得在这里工作是错误的选择 -哪里有错?
[03:49.80]- The job sucks, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong. - Brian. -工作的确很烂 但并不意味是错的 -布赖恩
[03:54.88]Listen, Amber, you’re one of my best associates, okay? 听着 安珀 你是我最好的员工 知道吗?
[03:58.52]We’re starting to talk about you- management material. 我和上面的人刚谈到你 看是否能让你晋升到管理层
[04:02.84]Okay? You’re about to turn 18 pretty soon. 懂吗? 你马上要18岁成人了
[04:06.80]We’re expanding. We got a lot of opportunities here. Think about this. 我们正在向外扩张 这里有很多的好机会 好好考虑下吧
[04:11.88]I just want to do something else. 我只是想干点别的事
[04:16.36]Okay. There something wrong with this place? 好吧 这里有什么做的不够的吗?
[04:20.48]It kinda doesn’t feel real. 感觉有点不太真实
[04:23.32]I mean- It’s not your fault. 我的意思是… 这不是你的错
[04:26.96]It’s just-This place is like a thousand other places. 只是这里的一切 和其他成百上千家店很像
[04:29.28]- They’re all- It’s identical. - All right. -他们完全像是从一个模子里刻出来一样 -好吧
[04:32.92]Okay, you want reality, you got it. Good-bye. 好吧 既然你要真实 你就真实去吧 再见
[04:33.24]Tony, I’m sorry. 托尼 真的不好意思
[04:36.04]This has nothing to do with you. 这事儿的确和你没任何关系
[04:39.80]I’m really disappointed, Amber. 安珀 我非常失望
[04:41.88]- Really disappointed. - Me too. -失望透顶 -我也是
[04:46.04]I’m... sorry. 真的…不好意思
[04:50.32](Tony) You can pick up your check next Thursday. 下周四你来拿支票吧
[04:51.60]Do you want a Coffee Freezer for the road? 你来杯冰咖啡带走吗?
[04:55.68]Okay. 好吧
[05:12.72]- (Whirring) - (Grunts)
[05:20.68]?Francisco! 弗朗西斯科!
[05:22.16]- (Raul Shouting) - (Screaming) 快停下来 停下来!
[05:29.28](Shouting In Spanish) ?Rapido! 快啊!
[05:35.16](Alarm Ringing)
[05:36.44]- (Men Shouting In Spanish) - ?Raul! 劳尔!
[05:38.84]- ?Hombre, que paso? - (Groans) 兄弟 你没事吧?
[05:42.24]Okay. (Spanish) 好的 别动 别动!
[05:43.80](TV: Spanish)
[05:50.00]她怎么会爱上这个人的? 他们怎么都那么笨?
[05:53.64]Sylvia! 西尔维亚!
[06:00.40]好的 等等
[06:03.64](Clears Throat)
[06:06.20](Sighs) Ah, Sylvia. 西尔维亚
[06:10.92]I’m Tom Watson, Human Resources. 我是汤姆-沃森 人力资源部的
[06:12.20](Spanish) 他是人力资源部的
[06:20.04]- ?Como esta? - How is he? 他现在怎么样?
[06:26.68]and he has a disk in his lower back that’s hurt. 他的后背有盘状物增生 这会非常疼
[06:28.20]But that could have been a problem before the accident. 事实上在工伤前 那个部位已经有点老伤了
[06:31.68](Christina Speaking Spanish)
[06:47.00]She says, "If he’s going to be all right?" 她说"他有痊愈的可能吗"
[06:48.76]He’s gonna be real sore, but he’s gonna be okay. 治疗过程中他会很疼 但最后他会好的
[06:57.72]Look, I want you to tell her I have some unpleasant news that we need to discuss. -听着 你告诉她我要跟她说点不太好的消息
[07:08.64]Raul tested positive for methamphetamine. 怎么了?
[07:09.80]劳尔的甲基苯丙胺(冰毒) 报告成阳性
[07:11.72](Sighs, Speaks Spanish)
[07:24.52]It’s an illegal drug. It appears he was using drugs on thejob. 那是非法毒品 这就表明他在工作时间吸毒
[07:28.00]- (Spanish) - And this could have caused the accident.
[07:30.40](Christina Speaking Spanish)
[07:35.40]She says she doesn’t believe you. 她说她不相信你的话
[07:37.44](Scoffs) Well, tell her this. 这样告诉她
[07:39.44]Tell her that U.M.P. Is committed to a drug-free workplace. 国际联合肉类加工厂一向都严禁在工作场合吸毒
[07:43.56]And, if you break the rules, it endangers others. Tell her that. 一旦你违反规定 就会危及他人 告诉她
[07:45.64](Sighs, Spanish)
[07:52.88](Christina) She says Raul has never used any drugs. 她说劳尔从来不吸毒的
[07:56.76]Well, look, I can show her the result of the blood test. 这样吧 我可以给她看血检报告
[08:00.52]- (Spanish) - (Christina) She doesn’t believe us.
[08:07.80]I’m sorry about your husband. 我对你丈夫感到非常遗憾
[08:11.84](Woman On P.A., Indistinct)
[08:23.00](Sniffles, Sobs)
[09:12.48]Problem is, at this very moment, there’s about a hundred thousand cattle... 问题是 此时此刻 在国际联合肉类加工厂饲养厂有大约10万头牛
[09:16.36]in the U.M.P. Feedlot that’s right outside of Cody. 就在科迪镇外面
[09:19.08]It’s one of the biggest feedlots in the world. Each one of those cows... 这是世界上最大的饲养厂之一
[09:22.44]puts out 50 pounds of piss and shit every day. 每天每头牛的排泄物超过50磅
[09:23.60]- Fifty pounds each. - (Alice) Lovely. -每头50磅哪 -好极了
[09:25.72]Yeah, I know. So, that U.M.P. Feedlot... 因此国际联合肉类加工厂饲养厂
[09:33.16]than all of the people in Denver combined. 比整个丹佛人的总和还多
[09:35.36]- (Alice) That’s gross. - (Andrew) Yeah. 这太恶心了
[09:37.52]And-And the waste from U.M.P.’s feedlot, it’s-it’s- 而且来自国际联合肉类加工厂饲养厂的垃圾
[09:43.28]which are these just great big ponds of piss and shit. 导致整个大池塘里全是屎和尿
[09:53.08]which eventually ends up in the river. 最终河水都会遭殃
[09:55.12]I mean, you should see it. U.M.P. ’s cattle, they’re all just crammed9 together... 你们会看到 国际联合肉类加工厂 的牛全都挤在一起
[09:58.60]living in their own manure10, eating this genetically11 engineered crap... 住的周围全是排泄物 吃的东西都是基因催生垃圾
[10:00.48]that’s being dumped into these concrete troughs for them. 全被丢入他们的混凝土饲料槽中

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n.琥珀;琥珀色;adj.琥珀制的 | |
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n.注意,前途,瞭望台 | |
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n.基督教徒( Christian的名词复数 ) | |
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n.肋骨( rib的名词复数 );(船或屋顶等的)肋拱;肋骨状的东西;(织物的)凸条花纹 | |
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n.脑震荡;震动 | |
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adj.高科技的 | |
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n.污水池( lagoon的名词复数 );潟湖;(大湖或江河附近的)小而浅的淡水湖;温泉形成的池塘 | |
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n.小溪,小河,小湾 | |
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adj.塞满的,挤满的;大口地吃;快速贪婪地吃v.把…塞满;填入;临时抱佛脚( cram的过去式) | |
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n.粪,肥,肥粒;vt.施肥 | |
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adv.遗传上 | |
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