[00:03.90]Its... Its long-term viability1... 要获得长久利润
[00:07.58]is best established unemotionally. 就要保持理智和冷静
[00:08.18]Bottom line, Daddy? We love each other. 但归根结底,我们彼此相爱,爸
[00:12.06]That is all that matters, tsk. 就这么简单
[00:27.54]Leezak. 理查克
[00:29.46]Good night, sir. 晚安,伯父
[00:35.74](Man) Congratulations, Mr. Leezak. 恭喜你, 理查克先生!
[00:38.54]Big Daddy Leezak's in the house.! 岳父大人到!
[00:42.90]Oh, I hope she doesn't spook on you, man. 但愿,她别怯场溜了
[00:46.38]What do you mean? 你什么意思?
[00:47.46]I love Sarah. Don't get me wrong, but... 我也挺喜欢莎拉这个女孩的,
[00:51.86]rich chicks spook. 但是,有钱人家的小姐爱开小差
[00:52.22]A powerful daddy plus family money... 有权有势的家族
[00:53.58]equals expectations. 带有很高的期望和压力
[00:57.30]Expectations are like a fungal rot on a marriage. 而这种期望就像婚姻的蛀虫一样
[01:02.54]My marriage is not gonna have a fungal rot. 我们的婚姻不会有蛀虫
[01:04.14]We're gonna be happily married every day... 我们将永远幸福地生活在一起!
[01:07.54]for the rest of our lives.
[01:08.74]Unless she finds out that you slaughtered2 her dog. 除非她发现是你把她的小狗杀死的,哈哈
[01:13.42]Oh, don't worry. I'll take that to my grave. 我,别担心,我死也不说!
[01:24.26]If you change your mind at the altar... 如果真的你改变主意了
[01:26.14]just pass out. 就装昏倒
[01:27.54]I'm not going to change my mind. 我不会改主意的
[01:31.18]Okay. I'm just saying if you do... 我只是说,如果你那么想
[01:31.98]just hit the floor. 就往地上倒
[01:33.06]Thank you, but it's not gonna happen. 谢谢, 但不会的
[01:38.22]to give up your grazing rights? 你沾花惹草的权利啦?
[01:38.46]So, you're sure you're ready... 那么, 你真的彻底放弃
[01:40.82]I'm not a grazer, Kyle. 我本来就不沾花惹草, 凯利
[01:41.34]Well, what if you became one later in life? 那以后呢
[01:43.50]I mean, over the next 1 0 years... 10年后,你知道
[01:44.50]you're giving up five hayrides per year. 你要放弃至少每年5次胡喝乱来的机会
[01:49.66]So I can either be happily married to Sarah... 你的意思是,我要么和莎拉快乐生活
[01:50.66]or have 50 one-night stands. 要么有50次一夜风流?
[01:54.62]That's not even a choice. 这根本不算什么选择
[01:55.26]Minimum. 50次是少说
[02:00.02]Okay, okay. 好了, 好了
[02:00.70]Are there any chicks you didn't have... 那你到底有没有后悔
[02:01.02]Let's move on. 我们继续
[02:05.78]that you wish you had? 没套到手的女孩?
[02:07.18]You are, like, the worst best man ever. 你是我认识的最差的伴郎
[02:08.86](Willie) Hey, Peter.! Over here, Prentiss.
[02:12.06]I can't believe she invited Prentiss. 我简直不敢相信连普冷提斯也来了!
[02:17.90]Did she ever hook up with that yahoo? 他和她从来没有来过?
[02:22.46]They went backpacking in Europe once. 他们一起去欧洲自助旅行过
[02:25.86]It was after high school. 那是高中刚毕业的事
[02:26.98]I don't think anything happened. 我估计没有发生什么
[02:29.54]You're getting married... 你们都要结婚了...
[02:37.50]She shared the roster. 她说过
[02:41.18]Merrick and Bruce. 贝利克,还有布卢斯
[02:49.74]What about Prentiss? 那普冷提斯呢?
[02:56.06]And you never asked again? 你没有继续追问?
[02:58.26]I won. It's irrelevant5. 我没有. 我都已经赢了,还有什么必要?
[03:02.34]Oh. OK
[03:07.90]As long as you're okay with a bogus roster. 只要你能承受这个不全的名单
[03:07.98]It's not a bogus roster. 有什么不全的?
[03:11.22]Is he on, or is he off? 那他到底在不在上面?
[03:13.06]He's... 他--
[03:14.86]Shut up. 闭嘴
[03:16.66]Huh? Huh? 哈? 哈?
[03:21.66]And you could've had Peter. 你本该能把彼得弄到手的
[03:22.34]I did have Peter. It wasn't that hot, okay? 我们来过,但我不喜欢,行了吧?
[03:27.62]Excuse me? 什么?
[03:28.90]I was in Seattle... 在西雅图的时候
[03:33.74]ran into Peter... We went out. 后来我们有次约会
[03:35.62]and before I knew it we... 我醉醺醺的时候
[03:35.74]I drank way too much... 我喝多了
[03:40.10]tussled. 就喝他来了一次
[03:41.10]You bad girl. 你这个家伙
[03:44.78]I wanted to tell Tom so many times... 我一直想告诉汤姆...
[03:46.58]but he gets so jealous, you know? 但他总是很嫉妒,所以
[03:50.38]Listen, it doesn't matter that he doesn't know. 听着,他知不知道无所谓
[03:51.54]It's not like you guys were married... 你们反正还没有结婚呢
[03:55.06]and even if you were... 就算结婚了
[03:55.62]No, no, no. It matters to me. 不是这样,我认为很有关系
[03:56.50]It's like living a lie. 我就像生活在谎言中
[03:59.02]I cannot live a lie. 我没法忍受
[04:03.38]There will always be this big, fat elephant... 就好像在我们的房间里
[04:03.78]in the room with us. 谎言象个又大又肥的大象让我无法躲避
[04:05.06]Listen, Peewee. Never tell him. 老么,听着,千万别跟他讲
[04:12.22]It's time to go, Sarah. 时间到了,莎拉
[04:15.50]Come on. 快点
[04:18.90]Got everything? 都准备好了?
[04:19.90]Yes. 好啦
[04:20.10]Pussy's a mess. 你妈激动过头了
[04:20.90]How you holding up? 你感觉还好吧?
[04:21.94]I'm just telling you right now. Be prepared. 我要提前跟你说,要有点准备
[05:00.06]Wait. 等等
[05:01.06]Okay. OK
[05:07.90]- Oh! Ow. - Ooh. 你没事吧? 没事!
[05:09.70]- Are you okay? - Yes.
[05:11.74]- Are you all right? - I'm fine. 真的? 我没事
[05:15.94]This threshold thing isn't as easy as it looks. 抱老婆进洞房没想到还挺难
[05:29.54]Yeah, he did. 哈哈!
[05:37.70]We're really married. 我们真的结婚了
[05:38.78]We're really, really really married. 我们真的,真的,真的结婚了
[05:42.58]Forever and ever. 永永远远
[05:45.34]Do you feel like... it? 你感受到了吗?
[05:46.54]I don't know. 我不知道
[05:51.46]Do you? 你感受到了吗?
[05:55.42]Oh... I'm kind of tired. 哦,我有点累
[05:58.50]Me too. 我也有点
[05:59.46]I am. I mean, yeah. 我的意思是, 那好
[06:01.94]Okay. OK
[06:13.22]What's the matter? 怎么了?
[06:18.86]It's our wedding night, and we don't want to have sex. 我们洞房夜却不想做爱
[06:19.94]No. Uh... 不是,哦
[06:22.82]it's okay. 没关系
[06:25.22]We're tired. 我们俩都累了
[06:29.14]It's fine. 没关系的
[06:29.62]It's just that this is our wedding day... 只因为今天是我们大喜的日子...
[06:31.66]and it's something I fantasized about... 我从小都在
[06:35.30]my whole life. 梦想自己结婚的样子
[06:39.06]And now it's over. 而这一切都过去了
[06:45.90]when you were a little boy? 也做梦娶媳妇吗?
[06:46.38]Did you have wedding fantasies... 那你小的时候
[06:54.66]Kinda. 有点
[06:58.42]Oh, honey. 哦,亲爱的
[07:00.90]Oh, my God. 哦, 天哪
[07:02.14]Tomorrow, my parents are gonna know... 我爸妈明天就知道
[07:04.58]Sarah... 莎拉
[07:07.26]You haven't been a virgin since college. 你从大学以后就不是处女了
[07:09.38]I know. I know... 我知道. 我知道...
[07:11.34]but tomorrow they're gonna know for sure... 但从明天开始他们明确知道了
[07:14.22]that I'm not a virgin... 我不是处女了
[07:15.42]and they're gonna know that you deflowered me. 而且他们会知道你“摘花”
[07:17.94]Oh, God! Oh, no! Oh, honey! 天哪,完啦!天哪 哦, 亲爱的!
[07:19.38]Deflowered? 什么“摘花”?
[07:19.78]That's what my mom always called it. 我妈以前总这么叫
[07:21.78]My mommy. 我的妈妈
[07:22.78]Oh, Sarah. 哦, 撒拉
[07:26.26]Whoa, whoa, whoa.
[07:29.22]Hey. Hey. 嘿. 嘿
[07:31.26]I love you. 我爱你
[07:34.30]Okay? OK
[07:40.30]so it's okay if we don't do it tonight. 所以今天不做是没关系的
[07:46.26]Okay? OK?
[07:50.10]Now I kind of feel like it. 现在我有结婚的感觉了
[07:52.38]Really? 真的吗?
[07:53.90]Yeah. 对呀
[07:56.38]That was a sexy speech. 刚才那段话真性感。
[07:59.58]I turn it on every once in a while. 我偶尔也会来这么两句
[08:07.74]Oh, hello, hello, hello, hello. 哦, 哈罗, 哈罗, 哈罗, 哈罗
[08:14.30]You're mine for one night... 刚把你买(娶)过来
[08:16.78]and you're falling apart already. 你就不灵啦?
[08:20.22]I'm not gonna have to trade you in, am I? 是不是应该把你拿回去换一个?
[08:22.74]There you go. Just like that. OK,就那样
[08:23.10]Okay, okay. OK
[08:26.70]Stop the bleeding. 血就止住了
[08:33.06]You look gorgeous. 你很漂亮
[08:39.42]Let's go to sleep. 睡觉吧
[08:42.78]I love you. 我爱你
[08:45.62]I love you too, babe. 我也爱你, 宝贝
[09:38.34]Sweetie, our plane leaves in an hour. 亲爱的,离我们的飞机起飞还有一个小时啦!
[09:40.54]Aaah! Aaah!
[09:49.22]Okay, so that wasn't the smoothest start... 虽然,这不是蜜月旅行
[09:54.06]But tomorrow we will be at the foot of the alps... 但明天我们就踏上阿尔卑斯山
[09:57.06]at the Hotel DuReve. 住进“杜勒弗”饭店
[09:58.26]Yes, we will. 对, 我们会的
[09:59.26]It's gonna be totally perfect. 那真是太完美了

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n.存活(能力) | |
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v.屠杀,杀戮,屠宰( slaughter的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.(美口)密友,伙伴 | |
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n.值勤表,花名册 | |
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adj.不恰当的,无关系的,不相干的 | |
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n.对…作出的评价;评价,鉴定,评估 | |
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n.一套(家具);套房;随从人员 | |
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n.处女,未婚女子;adj.未经使用的;未经开发的 | |
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adj.非常的的;流血的;残忍的;adv.很;vt.血染 | |
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n.黑猩猩 | |
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n.蜜月(假期);vi.度蜜月 | |
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