[00:01.34]Yes. It sounds totally perfect. 没错,听着就很完美
[00:07.50]But I can't wait until then. 但我都等不及了
[00:23.10]Jimmy crack corn! 不管三七二十一啦
[00:32.82]Close it, bitch! 关上,王八蛋!
[00:38.70]There's a lock on the door for a reason, junior. 嘿,门上有锁是给你用的!
[00:40.98](Boy) I'm claustrophobic, okay? 我有自闭恐怖症,OK?
[00:42.50]No. 没有
[00:43.30]Do we have a problem? 有什么问题吗?
[00:43.50]No problem. We're just waiting. 没问题,我们就是等着呢
[00:56.22]Mexican food. 墨西哥食物
[01:00.58]That's an oxymoron. 好吃,但爱闹肚子
[01:08.26]Sweet Lord. Where does that come from? 我靠,真臭啊!
[01:09.14]- Let's just wait. - Oh, my gosh. 再等等吧,臭死了!
[01:12.98](Stewardess) The captain is anticipating turbulence2... 机长提示,前方有湍流
[01:13.18]and has turned on the frasten seat belt sign. 指示灯已亮
[01:15.06]Kindly return to your seats. 请回到座位,并系好保险带
[01:17.46]Okay. 好
[01:20.54]Breathe through your mouth. Breathe through your mouth. 用嘴呼吸,鼻子憋住
[01:22.22]Breathe through your mouth. Just do it. Just do it. 用嘴呼吸,来吧,干吧
[01:23.02]No. 不行
[01:30.42]Hurry up. 快!
[01:37.54]Oh! (Laughing)
[01:42.90]Shh. 嘘
[01:45.34]This is gonna work. This is gonna work. 肯定行,来呀
[01:47.42]Wait. I'm gonna step on... 等等. 让我上
[01:48.90]Perfect. 好极了
[01:55.26]Aaah! 啊!
[01:59.62]What? 怎么了?
[02:01.02]The crapper's got my foot. 我的脚被马桶卡住了
[02:03.70]Oh. Okay, wait. Let me help. Okay. 哦.来,等一下我来帮你.OK
[02:05.38]Okay. One, two, three. 一, 二, 三
[02:13.34]Return to your seats, please. 请马上回到座位上去
[02:14.42]Be right out. 马上就好
[02:16.90]Okay. Okay, ready? OKOK,准备
[02:17.14]Okay. One, two, three. 一, 二, 三
[02:20.66]Return to your seats now, please. 请马上回座位去
[02:27.66]Return... 还给你
[02:34.74]Playtime is over, children. 时间到,别玩了孩子们
[02:36.18]Stop. 立刻停止
[02:37.58]Go to your seats.! Do you hear me? 回座位去!听见了没有?
[02:39.90](Tom) Let's flush it. 我们冲
[02:41.46](Sarah) You flush. I'll pull. 你冲. 我来
[02:43.86]I can't get it out. 拉不出来
[02:45.86]The captain has turned on the fasten seat belt sign! 机长已经将安全带指示灯打开了!
[02:48.50]Wait, wait, wait. Count of three. Ready? 等一下,数三下,好了吗?
[02:52.94](Both) One, two, three. 一, 二, 三
[02:54.10]Ow! Aaah! 哦! 啊!
[03:00.66](Man On P.A. Speaking French)
[03:02.62]Well, there's something we can tell the grandchildren about. 我们将来就把这个故事讲给咱们的孙子们听
[03:05.10]Great story for the kids. 好故事
[03:14.06]How you doin' there, chief? 你好,长官?(法语)
[03:14.74]Hey, can we get the, uh, le car for le zak? 嗨,乌拉哇啦先生订的车
[03:20.66]Bonjour. Ah, les reservations sont pour Leezak. 你好,理查克先生订的车(法语)
[03:23.02]Ah, oui, mademoiselle. 噢,好,小姐
[03:28.62]It was that summer abroad. 就是那次暑假
[03:29.58]I backpacked to Europe. 来欧洲自助旅行
[03:31.50]Ah, here we are, uh, for Mr. And Mrs. Leezak. 啊,签在这里,理查克先生和太太
[03:33.54]Uh, must be some mistake, non? 嗯,这么称呼是不是有错误?
[03:37.42]No, no mistake. Mister and missus. 没错,就是先生和夫人
[03:41.42]What the hell? 怎么啦?
[03:42.98]These sports scores are two days old. 这些比赛分数都是两天前的
[03:47.70]if I don't have an up-to-date sports section to work with... 如果我不能看到最新的体育报道
[03:51.06]it throws off my whole day, startin' with my morning dump. 我一天都没法过好
[03:52.46]Honey, there's gonna be satellite TV in the hotel. 亲爱的,酒店里有卫星电视
[03:55.70]Oh. 哦.
[03:58.70]Voila. 哇啦-
[03:59.50]Ah. I wonder what kind of wheels we got? 噢,让我们看看是个什么车子
[04:05.46](Tom) I'm telling you. This is not the car. 我告诉你,这不是我订的车
[04:06.58]I specifically ordered a compact. 我订车的时候非常严格的要了一辆“小型”车
[04:10.22](Tom) No, this is a Ringling Bros. Compact. 不对,这是马戏团的猴车
[04:12.22]I've owned Tonka trucks bigger than this car. 我的玩具车比这个都大
[04:14.74]I mean, honey, I looked at the brochure... 我的意思是,我读过假日指南
[04:17.58]and there was a Fiesta on the cover... 那封面上是一个大大的车
[04:20.98]not a Bingo. 绝对没有这么小
[04:21.66]Aw, baby needs a great big car... 噢,宝宝开心需要
[04:24.62]to make him happy. 一辆又大又快的车
[04:29.42](Manly Voice) "Oh, we could really... “唉,要是我那辆道奇在这就好了”
[04:30.70]use the Dodge about now."
[04:34.82]What was that? 你什么意思?
[04:35.86]You just sound so "Uh-merican." 你的美国腔挺起来特别逗
[04:38.06]"Oh, we could really use the Dodge about now, mmm. “唉,要是我那辆道奇在这就好了”
[04:42.06]"While I'm makin' a doody... 啊,我要蹲坑了,
[04:43.34]"and a beer with that? 外带一瓶啤酒吗?
[04:44.14]"can you hand me my sports section... 你能把报纸体育部分递给我
[04:44.34]Thank you very much, ma'am." 非常谢谢,女士
[04:47.54]Are you mocking me? 你在取笑我?
[04:48.70]No, baby. Just floor it. 没有啦,宝贝,将油门踩到底呀
[04:53.06]I am flooring it. If I pushed any harder... 我当然踩到底了
[04:56.54]my foot would blow through the floor... 再踩,就踩穿了!
[04:59.42]Ooh! Whoa, whoa! Turn here! 哦! 啊,在这转弯!
[05:09.30](Tom) You okay? 你没事吧?
[05:10.30]- Yeah, you? - Yeah. 还好,你呢? 没事
[05:17.42]If you would've told me about the turn... 如果你早跟我说拐弯...
[05:18.34]maybe before we passed it...
[05:31.26]Listen to us. 我们俩听起来
[05:34.22]We sound like an old married couple. 就像老夫妇吵架似的
[05:37.70]Never again. 保证以后再也不会了
[05:47.86]Just for the record... 不过刚才我们差点送了命
[05:50.42]why did I almost get us killed back there?
[05:52.86]Because that's our hotel. 那是我们的饭店
[05:57.42]It looks like a castle. 看上去像一座城堡
[05:57.82](Whispers) It is a castle. 它就是一座城堡
[06:02.66]Mmm. Let's go. 走吧
[06:03.98]Okay. Hee hee. 好,呵呵
[06:21.34](Both) Oh. 哦.
[06:27.02]This is the most beautiful thing... 这是我所见过...
[06:27.70]I've ever seen. 最美的风景
[06:31.98]Let's go. 来吧
[06:48.46]Look, baby, look. 看,宝贝,看
[06:52.54]- Bonjour. - Bonjour. - 你好(法语) - 你好
[06:53.34]- Bonjour. - Bonjour. - 谢谢(法语) - 谢谢
[06:54.58]- Merci. - Merci.
[06:55.62]- Bonjour. - Bonjour.
[06:57.14]- Bonjour. - Bonjour. 谢谢
[06:58.14](Both) Merci.
[07:00.94]Ah, bonjour. Merci. 啊, 你好. 谢谢.
[07:05.38]Bonjour. Merci. 你好. 谢谢.
[07:07.58]Bonjour. Merci. 你好. 谢谢.
[07:10.46]Bonjour. Merci. 你好. 谢谢.
[07:15.46]Oui. 好.
[07:15.54]I am Henri Margeaux. 我是亨利-玛何克弗
[07:16.46]Welcome to Hotel DuReve. 欢迎光临杜雷夫酒店.
[07:18.30]Nous sommes Sarah et Tom Leezak. 我们是莎拉和汤姆-理查克
[07:20.90]- Leezak, non? - Oui. - 是吗?不可能 - 当然了
[07:21.50]Oui. 就是啊
[07:22.50](Henri) Non. 不可能.
[07:23.22]The honeymooners? 来渡蜜月的那对?
[07:23.50]- Oui. - Oui. Why? - 真的 - 真的,为什么?
[07:26.26]It's so fresh and young to have marriage, no? 你们如此年轻亮丽就结婚了,不会吧?
[07:30.26]No. We're married. 真的,我们已经结婚了.
[07:34.42]I almost forget. 啊,我差点忘了.
[07:35.62]Ooh, presents. 哦,礼物.
[07:36.62]"Congratulations! "恭喜!
[07:41.26]Peter." 彼得."
[07:41.38]"Love... "爱你们的...
[07:49.66]Forget about Peter. 别理那个彼得
[07:50.10]Here, please enjoy. 送给您吧
[07:54.90]Room, haut, upstairs. 您们的套房,在楼上.
[08:00.66]Oh! (Laughs)
[08:09.90]Tell me this isn't your fantasy.
[08:10.42]Aw! 梦想的是不是就是这样?
[08:13.38]- (Laughs) - Ah!
[08:16.46]It's better than my fantasy. 比梦想的还要好.
[08:20.02]Honey, just for the record... 亲爱的,
[08:21.74]when you talk about money... 当你谈钱的时候
[08:24.34]especially in reference to it coming out of your heinie... 尤其是吐出“屁股”(Ass)这个词...
[08:25.50]it sort of kills the romance of the moment. 太煞风景,我都没情绪了
[08:28.22](Tom) Right. Sorry. 哦,对不起.
[08:29.70](Clears Throat)
[08:31.54]Now fight your deep urge to be cheap... 现在,先别想简朴省钱,
[08:37.02]and give the bellboy a large tip. 多给服务生些小费。
[08:38.54]Hey. 你们提供卫星电视吗?
[08:41.02]Do you guys, uh, provide satellite TV?
[08:43.70]TV in bar. 电视在酒吧.
[08:46.98]TV in bar. 电视在酒吧.
[08:47.50]So there's no TV in this room? 这房间没有电视吗?
[08:52.62]Ask him if they have ESPN. 问问他有没有ESPN体育台?
[09:07.74]He said, "The TV's in the bar." 他说电视在酒吧里
[09:14.98]he wouldn't be concerned with TV. 你还需要电视干什么?
[09:15.30]He also said that if he were here with me... 他还说,看着我
[09:20.86]He makes a point. 也有道理
[09:23.06](Gasps) Oh, I gotta call Mom and Dad. 哦,我先要打个电话给爸妈.
[09:24.54]Talk about killin' the romance. 还说煞风景呢。
[09:26.66]I told 'em I'd call. It'll just take a minute. 我说过我会去电话的,马上就好
[09:32.70]Hi, Mom. It's Peewee. (Giggles) 嗨,妈妈,我是老么
[09:38.54]Tom says hello. 汤姆向你问好.
[09:42.98]Yeah. Oh, it's so great. 哦,真是太棒了.
[09:46.74]"To Tom and Sarah. "致汤姆和莎拉
[09:49.70]Enhance thy honeymoon. Love, Kyle." 祝蜜月愉快 - 你们的凯利。"
[09:51.58]I'll call you later, Mom. Bye. 我待会再给你去电话,妈妈,再见
[09:58.18]Cheese and rice. Is that a Thunderstick A-200? 天呐!那是雷霆A-200震动器吗?
[09:59.02]And since when did you become the expert? 你什么时候成了个专家啦?
[10:00.62]I told you about that night I had in college. 我跟你说了,有一次在大学里...

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n.炖汤,焖,烦恼;v.炖汤,焖,忧虑 | |
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n.喧嚣,狂暴,骚乱,湍流 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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adv.完美地,无可非议地,彻底地 | |
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v.闪开,躲开,避开;n.妙计,诡计 | |
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n.驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 | |
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n. 驴,愚蠢的人,臀部 adv. (常用作后置)用于贬损或骂人 | |
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n.策略[pl.]演习;v.(巧妙)控制;用策略 | |
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v.航行,飞行;导航,领航 | |
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adv.恰好,正好,精确地,细致地 | |
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n.(通常指基督教的)修女, (佛教的)尼姑( nun的名词复数 ) | |
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n.蜜月(假期);vi.度蜜月 | |
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adj.精神的;柏拉图(哲学)的 | |
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n.(儿语)小猫,猫咪 | |
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