[00:01.50]See! You have no future with this lunatic! 看见了?你和这个疯子没有将来
[00:03.30]Shut up, Peter! 闭嘴,彼得
[00:06.18]Maybe it's 'cause I just got hit in the head... 也许是我刚才头被人...
[00:11.06]I gotta warn you, Leezak. 我警告你,理查克
[00:17.30]Yeah? Well, I hope he showed you... 是吗?好吧,我希望他能向你展示一下...
[00:21.90]Tom, put the poker down. 汤姆,把签子放下
[00:27.98]Fredo, call the police! 弗雷多,叫警察来
[00:29.62]Polizia.! Polizia.! 警察!警察!
[00:30.62]Move! Move! Move! 跑啊!跑啊!跑啊!
[00:39.06]You sat... 你糟踏了...
[00:46.22]And you still have the nerve... 而你仍然要...
[00:51.70]- Whoa! - With my wife! - 哇 - 并且是和我妻子
[00:58.06]- Run, you coward! - Get him! - 滚开,你这个懦夫 - 拿住他
[01:00.62]You stay away from my wife! 你离我妻子远点儿
[01:08.42]Wait. Wait. Stop. That's my husband. Please. 等等,等等,停 那是我丈夫
[01:20.62]Who? 谁?
[01:21.34]Maybe they were right. 也许他们是对的
[01:26.70]Everyone. 每个人
[01:27.50]They said that we were too young... 他们说我们太年轻了...
[01:31.18]and that we needed to get to know each other better. 我们还需要互相了解多一点
[01:35.82]Maybe they were right. 也许他们是对的
[01:39.42]Maybe love isn't enough. 也许光有爱是不够的
[01:47.78]What'd he say? 他说什么?
[01:56.10]That's... That's just jim-dandy. 那... 那真是不错啊
[01:57.62]Forget it. 算了吧
[02:00.38]I'm going home. 我要回家
[02:00.78]Yeah, me too! 是的,我也要回家
[02:05.06]Passports, please. 护照
[02:08.74]Are you leaving with any fruit, vegetables... 你们带水果,植物...
[02:09.86]or any currency in excess of $1 0,000? 或者超过1万美金的现金了吗?
[02:12.74]No. No, but my husband does have... 没有,没有,但我丈夫有...
[02:16.70]two pounds of hash hidden in his rectum. 两磅炒肉丝在他的直肠里
[02:31.22]The first sex I had on my honeymoon... 我蜜月的第一次做爱...
[02:35.26]was with a man named Santino... 是和一个叫桑提罗的男人...
[02:36.90]and you're laughing? 你在开玩笑?
[02:40.34]Excuse me, stewardess9, can l... 对不起,空姐,我能...
[02:47.30]Uh, could I get, uh, one of those, uh... 喔,用一下那些...
[02:50.30]doughnut pillows for... 枕头...
[02:53.38]Yeah. Right away. 好的,马上
[02:56.74]Sweet girl. 多好的姑娘
[03:03.82](Sarah) Excuse me. Sorry. (莎拉) 对不起
[03:04.82]Aaah! 啊哈
[03:21.02]I feel like we've been married for 50 years. 我觉得我们就像结婚了50年一样
[03:25.18]Oh, you should be so lucky. 喔,你太幸运了
[03:30.26]Want to tell me what really happened with Red Bra? 你想告诉我那个红色胸罩到底是怎么回事吗?
[03:30.46]You want to tell me how Peter ended up at the same hotel? 你想告诉我彼得是怎么在我们那家旅馆的吗?
[03:35.82]What? What? What are you lookin' at? 什么?什么? 你看见什么啦?
[03:36.98]I hope you used a rubber. 我希望你用了避孕套
[03:37.78]No, I didn't. It didn't get that far. 不,我没有 还没有到那个程度
[03:41.38]I hope Peter used one though. 虽然我希望彼得用
[03:42.58]Oh, they don't sell condoms that big. 喔,他们没有卖那么大号的
[03:44.66]Ha. Ha. Ha-ha. 哈哈,哈哈
[03:46.06]Yeah, that's funny. That's fun... Hear that? 是的,很好笑 很好笑... 听见了?
[03:50.74]Yeah. You're a laugher. 是的,你是个笑匠
[03:51.90]You... You want a laugh? 你... 你想笑吗?
[03:52.74]You think I'm really funny? 你认为我真的很搞笑?
[03:54.18]I'm gonna move out when I get home. 我回家后要搬出来住
[03:55.70]- The second we get home. - Excellent. Know what? - 一回家马上搬 - 很好,知道什么吗?
[03:56.10]Great! That's great! 很好! 非常好!
[03:59.50]- I'm done talking now. - Me too. - 我说完了 - 我也是
[04:04.34](Tom Narrating) And that was it. (汤姆说) 就这样
[04:05.34]Game over. 游戏结束
[04:18.74]What's up? 怎么样?
[04:19.34]Is she there now? 她现在在那儿?
[04:19.74]She came back to the apartment. 她回公寓去了
[04:22.34]No, she left. 不,她走了
[04:24.02]Did she say anything? 她说什么了吗?
[04:24.82]She took all her stuff. 她把她的东西都拿走了
[04:26.02]It can't be good. 不是很好吗?
[04:28.58]Oh, and she left you this. 哦,她给你留下了这个
[04:33.90]Let's see. 让我们看看
[04:38.94]Beer? 啤酒?
[04:39.74]Come on, man. 来吧,伙计
[04:43.94]You're gettin' divorced. 你已经离婚了
[04:45.82]Breakfast beer is a must. 早餐必定要喝啤酒
[04:49.50]I need to talk to my dad. 我要同我爸爸谈谈
[04:51.74]Sure. 当然
[04:52.38]Gimme a lift? 搭我一程好吗?
[04:57.62]Gonna tell me what you're chewin' on? 要告诉我你在干什么吗?
[05:01.38]I just don't know if love is enough anymore. 我只是不知道只否有爱就足够了
[05:06.18]What do you mean, "enough"? 你什么意思,"足够"?
[05:08.46]I mean... 我的意思是...
[05:08.78]even if Sarah and I do love each other... 即使我和莎拉互相爱慕...
[05:13.82]maybe we did need more time to get to know each other. 也许我们确实需要更多的时间来了解对方
[05:21.02]So... (Clears Throat) 那么... (清清嗓子)
[05:24.18]What you're saying here is... 你是说...
[05:25.38]you had a couple of bad days in Europe... 你们在欧洲过得很不好...
[05:27.06]and... it's over. 而且... 结束了
[05:31.34]Time to grow up, Tommy. 该长大了,汤姆
[05:36.58]Some days your mother and me loved each other. 有的时候,你母亲和我相亲相爱
[05:40.30]Other days we had to work at it. 而有的时候我们得努力维持这种生活
[05:41.74]You never see the hard days in a photo album... 你绝想不到在照片薄 之外的那些艰辛日子...
[05:45.62]but those are the ones... 但是那些相片...
[05:48.22]that get you from one happy snapshot to the next. 记录下的都是你的一个 又一个幸福瞬间
[05:53.18]but that's what you got dealt. 但是那是你的教训
[05:56.98]Now you gotta work through it. 你现在应该学会处理 你自己的生活
[05:59.46]Sarah doesn't need a guy with a fat wallet... 莎拉并不需要一个有钱人...
[06:02.66]to make her happy. 来让她快乐
[06:05.62]I saw how you love this girl. 我知道你有多喜欢这个姑娘
[06:05.70]How you two lit each other up. 你们两个是如何互相爱慕的
[06:11.98]She doesn't need any more security than that. 没有什么比这个更 让她觉得安全的了
[06:19.66]Thanks, Dad. 谢谢你,爸爸
[06:22.70]Is it over? 完了吗?
[06:27.82]Not even close. 还没完
[06:34.54](Yuan) What do you do here, Tom Leezak? (袁) 你在这儿干什么,理查克?
[06:37.54]You no allowed here no more. 你不能来这儿 不行
[06:39.98]Me no jack-in-box. 我不是玩具盒
[06:42.58]You jack-in-box! Go away now! 你是玩具盒 现在走开
[06:46.30]Don't make me break my foot off in your ass. 不要让我踢你的屁股
[06:48.30]All right. Look, Yuan. I just need to talk to her. 好吧,看,袁 我只是想跟她谈谈
[06:49.78]Relationship over. 你们完了
[06:51.62]She no like you anymore. 她不再喜欢你了
[06:53.22]Open the goddamn gate! 把这该死的门打开
[06:54.22]Shut up, Kyle! 闭嘴,凯利
[06:55.02]Look, Yuan, did she actually say those words to you? 看,袁,她真的这么对你说的?
[07:00.02]She said you have kee-kee with bimbo. 她说看见你和荡妇鬼混
[07:02.58]Same thing. 差不多就是这样
[07:02.66]All right. We are not leaving this intercom... 好吧,我们不要在对讲机上讲...
[07:06.94]until Sarah herself confirms... 让莎拉自己出来讲...
[07:07.94]that she is shit-cannin' Tom! 她不再爱汤姆了
[07:11.54]All right. Damn it! You are... 好吧,见鬼,你是...
[07:11.70]Or not. 或者不是
[07:15.50]That is damn straight! This is my wife! 见鬼了 这是我妻子
[07:17.02]Now, open up the gate! 快开门
[07:18.66]Can't we just give the guy... 我们能不能给这个家伙...
[07:19.66]a chance to explain? 一个解释的机会?
[07:22.14]Don't even think about it, Dickie. 想都不要想,迪克
[07:24.02]Either you're gonna open the gate... 要不你就开门...
[07:24.38]Look, here's the deal. 看,就是这样的
[07:26.86]or I'm gonna open the gate. Either way, I'm comin' in! 要不我来撞门 不管怎样,我都要进去
[07:30.02]We'll sic the hounds on you, Leezak. 我们要放狗咬你,理查克
[07:33.02]Bring 'em on, Willie! 带他们进来,韦利
[07:48.62]What's going on? 怎么了
[07:50.02]You leave me no choice. 你让我没有选择了
[07:52.46]Oh, I am so down with that. 喔,我就要撞了
[07:57.26]Call the cops. 叫警察
[07:57.54]What do we do now? 我们怎么办?
[08:00.34]We call SWAT team on your ass. 我们要叫特种部队来打你的屁股
[08:03.58]I don't know if you're hearing... 你听见了没有...
[08:06.02]but I am going to ram your gate. 但我就是要撞门
[08:13.18]Tom ram gate. 汤姆要撞门
[08:20.90]What the hell is this? 到底怎么回事?
[08:21.98]It's go time. 该走了
[08:29.38]Aaah! 啊哈
[08:30.62]Oh! 喔
[08:43.26]That is one strong gate. 这是一扇奇怪的门
[08:50.26]Tom? 汤姆吗?
[09:04.02]Look, Yuan, Willie, whoever else is listening. 看,袁,韦利 不管是谁,听着
[09:10.90]You don't want me to be with Sarah... 你们都不想让我和莎拉在一起...
[09:13.70]and I can't change that. 我不能改变什么
[09:15.50]I don't know where we're gonna be... 我不知道我们...
[09:19.18]in 1 0, 20, 40 years. 10年,20年,40年后我们在哪儿
[09:20.94]I don't know who we're gonna be. 我也不知道我们会成为什么人
[09:24.46]I don't know if I'm ever gonna be able... 甚至不知道我是否还能...
[09:27.42]to give her all of this. 把我的所有一切都给她
[09:27.78]There are a million things that I don't know. 有很多事情我都无法预知
[09:33.86]But there's one thing that I do. 但是有一件事情我知道
[09:37.46]And that's that I love Sarah. 那就是我爱莎拉
[09:38.86]And I am going to love her day in and day out... 我会日日夜夜爱她...
[09:43.70]for the rest of my life. 直到我的生命终止
[09:49.98]Now, will you please... 现在,请你们...
[09:51.54]please... 请你们...
[09:53.94]open the gate so I can tell that to my wife. 看门,让我可以和我的妻子说我爱她

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n.演戏,行为,假装;adj.代理的,临时的,演出用的 | |
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n.烟灰缸 | |
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n.空手道(日本的一种徒手武术) | |
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n.扑克;vt.烙制 | |
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n.驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 | |
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誓言( vow的名词复数 ); 郑重宣布,许愿 | |
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n.蜜月(假期);vi.度蜜月 | |
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保释,帮助脱离困境( bail的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.空中小姐,女乘务员 | |
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n.喜剧演员;滑稽演员 | |
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v.散发出恶臭( stink的过去分词 );发臭味;名声臭;糟透 | |
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(random access memory)随机存取存储器 | |
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n.打结炉底v.夯实(土等)( ram的现在分词 );猛撞;猛压;反复灌输 | |
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n.骚动,动乱 | |
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