[00:35.50]What happened to my hair? 我的头发咋搞的?
[00:39.14]Looks like shit. 烂草一堆
[00:51.86]I hated going to school here. 还让我来学校,真讨厌
[00:54.58]Fuck, I’m hungry. I should’ve gone to Starbucks on the way here.妈的,饿了… 刚才应该去星巴克买点东西吃
[00:58.66]Why did I have to marry into a family that needs to donate things like chapels2? 老婆她老爸要捐一座礼拜堂 怎么让我摊上了这种老丈人?
[01:09.10]They hate that I’m married to their daughter. 自打我入赘,他们就看不惯
[01:10.46]They hate that I’m working at their bank. 我在他家银行做事,他们看我就有气
[01:14.18]I hate that I’m working at their bank. 其实这事儿我也不乐意
[01:18.90]Next summer, they want to go shoot an elephant. 明年夏天,他们还要去猎杀大象
[01:20.46]Who the fuck wants to shoot an elephant? 有没有搞错,猎杀大象?
[01:21.82]I’ll probably have to shoot an elephant. 我也只好硬着头皮陪他们
[01:30.46]The fuck, I’m old. It’s depressing. 靠,我都这么老了,真丧气
[01:33.74]I don’t want to be old. 我可不可以不要变老啊
[01:34.78]I’m gonna be old and waxy and working at a bank. 我会变成一名年老体弱的银行职员
[01:39.98]Do not tell the principal that I’m here. 别跟校长说我在这儿
[01:51.02]Fuck. 靠
[01:54.78]Did someone just run through here? 刚才有人跑进来么?
[01:58.02]Uh, no. Not that I know of. 呃,就我所知,没人进来
[02:01.70]Why? What’s going on? 怎么了,出什么事了?
[02:04.50]Just thought I saw one of the kids running in here. 我好像看见有个孩子跑了进来
[02:04.70]Nothing. 没什么
[02:06.98]No, it’s just me. 没有,那个人大概是我吧
[02:10.58]Oh, hey, Bill. 你好,比尔
[02:12.42]So this is a, uh, pretty big day for your family. 今天对你家来说是个大日子啊
[02:16.26]You know, your father-in-law’s really outdone himself this time. 你岳父这次真是令人刮目相看啊
[02:23.02]He is truly a godsend. 他是神的使者
[02:25.10]I heard he might run for mayor, and to tell you the truth, I’d vote for him. 听说他有心参选市长 告诉你,我一定会投他一票的
[02:27.14]He’s a hell of a guy. 他真是个好样的
[02:28.82]Um... 呃…
[02:30.78]Hey, um, 我说
[02:34.54]did anyone mention to you about the new mentor5 program that we’re doing here? 有没有人跟你说过 我校最新设立的导师计划?
[02:36.78]No. 没有
[02:39.22]Kids love the program, and it helps them think about their futures6. 孩子们都很喜欢这项计划 有助于他们规划各自的将来
[02:41.90]You know, if you’re interested, you should sign up today. 如果你有兴趣,今天就可以报名
[02:43.46]We’ll set you up with a student. 我们会为你安排一位学生
[02:45.30]Yeah. I’m sure. Why not? 好啊,可以,没问题
[02:48.22]Well, listen, uh, 对了
[02:50.54]your brother and father-in-law are probably waiting to break ground, 你大舅子和老丈人要开始奠基仪式了
[02:51.94]so I’ll, uh... I’ll meet you outside? 那我…我就在外面等你吧
[03:03.34]You can come out now. 你可以出来了
[03:07.46]Hey, I don’t know why you lied for me, 不知道你为啥要替我说谎
[03:09.30]but thanks, man. 感谢你,老兄
[03:12.46]You kiddin’? 别开玩笑了
[03:16.70]You can keep your money. 把钱收好
[03:17.50]All right. 好吧
[03:20.90]I think I’m gonna hang out here for a few minutes 我想在这儿再躲一会儿
[03:26.18]All right. 好
[03:37.74]He committed to rebuilding the chapel 三年前的一场大火之后
[03:40.70]three years ago, after the fire, 他就承诺要重建礼拜堂
[03:42.26]and he and Janice made good. 如今,他和詹尼斯两个果然兑现了诺言
[03:47.22]On behalf of the Tate Schools, 在此我代表泰特中学
[03:47.78]I’m proud to present the future site 荣幸地向各位宣布
[03:49.50]of the John Jacoby Family Chapel. “约翰·雅各比家族教堂”正式奠基
[04:07.38]Everybody looks great. Get closer together. 各位表情都不错,再靠紧一点
[04:09.86]Bill. Bill. 比尔,比尔
[04:12.46]This is Chip Johnson, On the Scene, at the Tate Preparatory School, 我是奇普·约翰逊 在泰特高级中学为您带来“现场报道”
[04:16.58]and we have Maria Sanchez with us here today. 今天我们的嘉宾是玛丽亚·桑切斯
[04:19.86]Here’s Maria. 这位就是玛丽亚
[04:23.46]That’s the bell. Cut. 校铃响了,停拍
[04:43.34]Ow! Oh, sorry! God! Honey! 哦,对不起!是你啊亲爱的!
[04:44.06]I’m fine. I’m fine. 我没事,我没事
[04:49.62]Oh, this is, uh, Chip Johnson. 这位是…奇普·约翰逊
[04:52.26]Oh. Chip, my husband Bill. 奇普,这位是比尔,我先生
[04:54.58]Oh. 哦
[04:58.02]- Nice to meet you. - Yeah, I just saw you out there. - 很高兴认识你 - 我也是,刚才在外面见过你
[04:58.90]You’re Channel 11, right? 你是11频道的对不对?
[04:59.62]Are you on the scene? “你是否在现场?”
[05:01.50]It’s a favor to Mr. Jacoby. 我是在为雅各比先生做宣传
[05:04.94]Right. 是哦
[05:06.62]Nice to meet you. Bye, Jess. 很高兴认识你 再见,杰西
[05:11.78]You know him? 你认识他?
[05:14.70]No. 不认识
[05:15.86]I mean, I do now. I met him today. 刚刚认识的,今天才见面
[05:18.78]He just called you Jess. 但他刚才喊你杰西
[05:23.02]Everybody calls me Jess. 每个人都这么喊我
[05:23.30]People who know you call you Jess. 只有你的熟人才会这么喊
[05:24.66]Okay, Bill. 好啦,比尔
[05:29.34]Uh, I have to go. 我得走了
[05:30.22]Uh, is there anything special you want for dinner tonight? 你今晚想吃什么?
[05:34.54]No. Whatever’s fine. 随便什么都可以
[05:35.42]Okay. Well... 好吧,那么…
[05:39.22]See you later. 再见啦
[05:45.10]This is my son-in-law Bill. 这位是我的女婿比尔
[05:53.38]...of human resources. 是人事部的
[05:53.50]Bill is in charge of making sure 比尔主要负责一些前期的工作
[06:03.86]Go ahead, Bill. 你说几句,比尔
[06:04.58]Oh, well, if you have any questions, uh, feel free to ask them. 呃,如果你们有什么问题 请尽管问他们好了
[06:08.74]Um... 呃…
[06:14.14]Bill, I need five copies of this, okay? 比尔,这文件帮我复印五份
[06:44.46]The average store grosses over 500K, 每家店的毛利超过50万美金
[06:47.58]and right now, the perceptions is that people don’t really believe in carbs, 现在很多人对甜食有看法
[06:49.46]so we can get them at somewhat of a discount. 为了吸引这部分消费者 我们可以推出一些优惠措施
[06:50.66]But I don’t really eat doughnuts. 但我真的不喜欢吃面包圈
[06:54.54]Well, you don’t need to eat them. You don’t even need to like them. 您不必亲自品尝,您甚至可以不喜欢
[06:56.70]Then why would I want the franchise? 那我为什么要开专卖店?
[06:58.54]Investment purposes. 为了投资啊
[07:02.42]You know, Eddy13 what’s-his-name down in accounting14 did that no-carb thing. 知道嘛,会计部那个叫埃迪什么的 他就不吃甜食
[07:04.66]Lost 30 pounds. 掉了30磅肉
[07:07.10]Eddy Anderson. Right. - 是埃迪·约翰逊 - 对
[07:07.82]Likes to run, too. Great athlete. 他还喜欢跑步,运动员类型的
[07:10.98]By the by, how’s your brother? 顺便问一句,你哥哥还好么?
[07:17.18]He’s great. He’s fine. Great. - 他很好,他没事 - 好好好
[07:19.06]And, uh, don’t forget. 哦,别忘了
[07:22.86]We’re going hunting Saturday. 这个周六我们要去打猎
[07:27.06]I’d like to speak to someone regarding franchise opportunities. 我想找专卖代理的负责人
[07:33.46]Okay. Well, I’d like to leave my cell phone number. 好,我可以留下我的手机号码
[07:47.06]Yeah, I have an ownership interest. 嗯,我有部分所有权
[07:48.62]You ever go just look at the cash? 你有没有进过金库?
[07:52.94]Can I get a tour? 能带我参观一圈么?
[07:56.86]Uh... 呃…
[07:57.10]- It’s against the rules. - It’s your bank. - 这样做违反规定 - 可这是你的银行
[07:58.66]- Yeah. And it has rules. - That you make. - 没错,但我们有规定 - 规定也是你定的
[08:02.62]Tell me something. 跟我说说看
[08:05.70]Why are you interested in having me mentor you? 你为什么选我做你的导师?
[08:08.46]You work at a bank. I like money. 因为你在银行工作,我喜欢钞票
[08:10.50]Right. 哦
[08:14.22]Um, well, unfortunately, 呃,我很遗憾
[08:17.18]it turns out that I may not be able to participate in the program. 我可能无法参加这项计划了
[08:18.26]My schedule shifted today, and it’s gonna be tight. 我今天的日程临时有变,没有空闲
[08:22.34]That’s rough. 真倒霉
[08:22.58]Mm-hmm. 嗯
[08:22.66]Well, if you do mentor me, could I get a tour? 没关系,如果你愿做我的导师 能不能带我转一圈?
[08:27.54]Yeah. Let’s play it by ear. 可以,但不是用眼睛看,而是用耳朵听
[08:29.10]All right. 好吧
[08:31.58]Thanks, Bill. 谢谢,比尔
[08:34.34]You bet. 没事
[09:05.74]Yeah. 嗯
[09:09.38]Okay, well... Yeah. 那好…好啊
[09:10.98]Okay, so this Saturday. 说定了,本周六
[09:15.54]Yes, they’re going hunting all day. 嗯,他们去打猎,要去一整天
[09:16.78]Trust me. 我没骗你
[09:20.38]Meet me here at 10. 10点来我家吧
[09:26.46]Yeah. All right. 嗯,好吧
[09:38.98]I didn’t know you were home. 我不知道你回来了
[09:41.82]Where’d you get this? 你从哪儿拿出来的?
[09:46.78]I really wish you’d listen to the doctor. 你要乖乖听医生的话
[09:49.90]These are gonna kill you. 这东西会害死你的
[09:53.34]Were you on the phone? 你刚才在打电话?
[09:55.22]Yeah. 嗯
[09:58.18]My mom. 是我妈妈
[09:59.58]Your mom... Where is she... your mom? 你妈…她在哪儿啊?

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n.小教堂,殡仪馆 | |
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n.小教堂, (医院、监狱等的)附属礼拜堂( chapel的名词复数 );(在小教堂和附属礼拜堂举行的)礼拜仪式 | |
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adj.苍白的;光滑的 | |
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n.驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 | |
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n.指导者,良师益友;v.指导 | |
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n.期货,期货交易 | |
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adj. 破产了的,失败了的,被降级的,被逮捕的,被抓到的 动词bust的过去式和过去分词 | |
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n.坏事;恶习;[pl.]台钳,老虎钳;adj.副的 | |
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adv.平滑地,顺利地,流利地,流畅地 | |
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n.特许,特权,专营权,特许权 | |
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adj.赚钱的,可获利的 | |
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n.(尤指选举议员的)选举权( franchise的名词复数 );参政权;获特许权的商业机构(或服务);(公司授予的)特许经销权v.给…以特许权,出售特许权( franchise的第三人称单数 ) | |
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n.漩涡,涡流 | |
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n.会计,会计学,借贷对照表 | |
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n.布告板,揭示栏,广告牌 | |
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