[00:03.02]She’s, um, home. 她在…在家里
[00:03.46]Why? 咋了?
[00:15.86]Are you gonna answer that? 你不接?
[00:25.54]Hello. 你好
[00:27.06]Right. 对
[00:29.54]This is my cell phone. Thank you. 这是我的手机,谢谢你
[00:32.06]Yeah. Tomorrow, 5:30. That’ll be great. 好的,明天五点半,太好了
[00:34.90]Yeah, I’ll be alone. Okay, thank you. 嗯,我一个人来,好,谢谢
[00:39.78]Who was that? It was the office. - 是谁啊? - 公司
[00:41.46]The office wants to know if you’re gonna be alone tomorrow at 5:30? 公司问你明天五点半是不是有空?
[00:45.10]It’s... I’m working on a deal. 其实…我在谈一笔生意
[00:47.58]A deal? 一笔生意?
[00:48.90]Yeah. I have deals. 嗯,我开始做生意了
[00:50.10]Come on. What deal? A financial deal. - 别胡说,什么生意? - 一笔财政投资
[00:53.74]You’re lying. I am not. - 你骗人 - 我没骗人
[01:00.70]You know what? A thief thinks everyone steals. 你知道什么? 自己偷了,就以为别人的手都不干净?
[01:04.62]That’s right. 说的没错吧
[01:07.50]Okay. 好吧
[01:10.62]I’m gonna watch TV. 我去看电视了
[01:11.82]I’m gonna call your mom. 我去给你妈打电话了
[01:14.26]Okay. 好啊
[01:15.74]At home. 往家里打
[01:16.90]All right. 打吧
[01:23.86]So again for tomorrow
[01:24.90]it’s going to be partly sunny with highs around 83,
[01:27.58]the lows in the upper 60s. 你妈不在家
[01:29.86]Your mom wasn’t home.
[01:34.50]There is nothing more important than community. 没有什么比社区更重要的了
[01:35.06]Oh, look, here it is. 对了,看这个
[01:40.22]Bet you a thousand dollars he runs for mayor. 跟你赌一千块,他要竞选市长了
[01:42.42]You know, I was, uh... 那是我的肚子?那个是我的肚子??
[01:44.86]Is that my stomach? Is that my stomach?
[01:50.18]Oh, my God, I’m The Blob. 哦老天,我都成皮球了
[01:51.10]Okay, move, I can’t see. 让开点,我看不见了
[01:51.50]Oh, my God. 哦,老天
[02:22.54]I have to remember to go to the store. 我得提醒自己去商店了
[02:24.26]Mmm. 嗯
[02:25.30]Too bad there’s not a place where you can get 真可惜,我们附近没有卖面包圈的
[02:28.86]a really good hot, fresh doughnut. 否则你就能吃上新鲜热乎的美味面包圈了
[02:31.02]Yeah. You really need to cut back on the sugar. 是啊,我看你需要节制甜食了
[02:32.46]Mmm. 哦
[02:34.78]Speaking of cutting back, 说到节制
[02:37.06]I’ve been reviewing our financial situation, 我看了下我们的财政状况
[02:38.78]and I think that we should consider diversifying2. 觉得我们应该考虑做多元化投资
[02:43.34]Okay. Just ask my dad. 好,去跟我爸说吧
[02:44.14]Wouldn’t it be nice to be less dependent on your... father? 万事都指望你爸,能不能改改?
[02:49.54]I’m not dependent on him. 我没有你说的那样吧
[02:59.42]Love you. 爱你
[03:13.34]On the Scene. “现场报道”
[03:31.14]"Sex and Power in America." “性和权力在美国”
[03:36.94]Chip Johnson. On the Scene. 奇普·约翰逊,“现场报道”
[03:40.90]You’re everywhere, Chip. 奇普,你无处不在啊
[03:45.02]Not anymore. 去死吧
[03:46.54]We’ll do this. 看招
[03:48.42]Now you’re mine. 现在你是我的了
[03:53.90]Let’s see who dyes their hair now. 看看该轮到谁染头发了
[03:56.66]Oh! I’m sorry, Chip. I chopped it. 哦,对不起,奇普!我把你给割了
[04:00.82]Oh, that’s okay. “哦,没关系”
[04:04.26]I’m on the scene today. “我今天在现场”
[04:07.02]I just had my hair dyed last week and my teeth whitened, “上周我刚染了头发,还洁了牙”
[04:08.14]and I’m feeling really good about myself. “现在感觉好极了”
[04:13.30]Oh, hello, darling. Who colors your hair? “你好,亲爱的,谁给你染发的?”
[04:17.30]Oh, have you, now? “哦,真的?”
[04:17.86]Oh, I saw you on television. “哦,我在电视上见过你”
[04:18.46]Oh, yes, I watch you at 6:00 every single night. “嗯,我每天晚上六点都看你的节目”
[04:20.94]Oh, that’s so funny. I was just wondering who dyes your hair. “哦,真有趣,我在想是谁帮你染的发”
[04:23.94]You okay, Bill? 你没事吧,比尔?
[04:25.10]What? 什么?
[04:27.10]Yes, sir. 是的,没事
[04:29.62]I want you to give them a tour. 希望你能带他们到处走一走
[04:30.78]Uh, okay. Which kids? 呃,好吧,是哪几个孩子?
[04:34.18]Yours, mine, and John Jr.’s. We’re all doing it. 你带的,我带的,还有约翰二世的 我们三个都参加了导师计划
[04:34.62]Now, John Jr. and I have a meeting, so they’re waiting for you in the lobby. 我和约翰二世马上要开会 已经让他们在大厅里等你
[04:40.22]Oh, and the two boys are coming hunting with us Saturday. 对了,两个男孩和我们周六一起去打猎
[04:41.50]Your brother has some guns waiting at the store for them. 你哥哥在店里为他们备好了枪
[04:46.86]I told him that you would pick them up after work. 我跟他讲了,你下班后去拿枪
[04:48.46]Thanks, Bill. 谢了,比尔
[04:55.98]Hey, Bill. 你好,比尔
[05:02.38]I thought the program started on Monday. 计划是从周一开始
[05:02.66]Mr. Jacoby thought it would be prudent6 for us to get acquainted with your facility 雅各比先生决定在正式开始之前
[05:05.98]prior to the actual commencement date. 让我们先来熟悉一下环境
[05:10.38]Sarah Sheldon, class of 2009. 莎拉·谢尔东,2009级
[05:10.66]Your father-in-law’s my mentor. 你的岳父是我的导师
[05:13.50]Hi, Donald. Hi, Sarah. Nice to meet you. 你好唐纳德,你好萨拉,很高兴见到你们
[05:13.74]Donald Choo. 唐纳德·丘
[05:16.82]I don’t know what you’re up to, but this is going to be a fast tour. 我不清楚你们的情况,但这次参观会很简短
[05:21.90]Follow me. 跟我来
[05:32.06]Uh, the question we’re asked the most is what’s inside the safety deposit boxes. 人们最感兴趣的问题就是 这些保险柜里面究竟藏了些什么
[05:34.46]Well, some of these boxes haven’t been opened for over 20 years, 有些箱子20多年来都没有打开过
[05:36.46]so, uh, it’s anybody’s guess. 所以,随你们怎么猜了
[05:38.58]And, um, the people who own the boxes have the only key. 每个保险箱只有一把钥匙,由主人保管
[05:39.66]You ever go through them, see what people are hiding? 你就没开开看看,里面藏了些什么?
[05:42.14]He just told you he doesn’t have the key. 他刚才不是说了,他没有钥匙
[05:44.62]Oh, come on. There’s no master key? 少来了,他应该有一把万能钥匙
[05:47.42]Anyway, that’s the end of the tour. 好了,参观到此为止
[05:50.18]- Can’t we see the safe? - Shut up, kid. - 能看看保险金库么? - 闭嘴,小子
[05:51.82]We ran your financials, and we think, potentially, 我们查了你的财政记录
[05:55.50]Great. 太好了
[05:56.54]you could be a good fit for us. 我们认为你可能是合适的代理人选
[06:00.18]So what’s next? 那接下来要干嘛?
[06:01.06]We’ll fly out later this week and approve the site. 本周晚些时候,我们得去确认营业地点
[06:04.18]And, of course, there’s a sort of orientation8 当然,我们还会给你安排一次培训
[06:05.82]Just to ensure you know exactly what business you’re getting into. 这样也好让你切身领会自己的投资项目
[06:06.18]where you spend a day at one of our main stores. 在我们店里接受一整天的实战演练
[06:08.82]You could bring your wife. 你可以带老婆一起来
[06:17.50]Since she’ll be your partner in this venture, 鉴于她也将成为本次投资的合伙人
[06:17.86]Oh, that’d be great. She’d love that. 哦,太好了,她一定会喜欢的
[06:20.26]we do require one meeting with her anyway, 我们必须和她安排一次会谈
[06:20.82]so kill two birds with one stone. 这也是一举两得的事
[06:22.82]Well, she won’t be involved in the daily operations. 她又不参与日常事务…
[06:27.06]Oh, it’s a formality. 得按规矩办事
[06:28.06]She’s listed as co-owner of... all of your assets. 毕竟你的所有财产都有她一份
[06:32.06]I know. 我知道
[06:33.94]Pretty sweet, aren’t they? 很甜吧?
[06:35.42]They’re delicious. 太好吃了
[06:41.14]# I think I’m Superfly #
[06:41.70]# And they just walkin’ by #
[06:46.38]# Too easy #
[06:48.86]# I’ve got my helmet on #
[06:48.94]# I think her name is Joan #
[06:50.78]# I gotta make me #
[06:56.42]# I wanna feel the joy #
[06:58.26]# I wanna feel the #
[07:00.06]# Come on, float with me #
[07:01.10]# I wanna elevate # 你又来了
[07:02.10]You’re back.
[07:02.66]Is that it? 就买这些?
[07:04.62]Do you like them? 你喜欢么?
[07:05.50]They’re fine. 看上去不错
[07:09.86]Would you ever wear them? 你会不会穿这种内衣?
[07:12.18]Sure. 当然会
[07:12.62]Do you ever wear them? 那你穿没穿过?
[07:15.22]That’s gonna be 28.75. Do you want them or not? 一共28块7毛5,你买是不买?
[07:24.22]Actually... 其实…
[07:25.58]I bought them for you. 这是为你买的
[07:38.66]Where do I know you from? 在哪儿见过你呢?
[07:40.34]Hey, I know you. 我好像认识你
[07:42.10]Freedom Bank. I’m on the billboards13. 自由银行,我的脸在那广告牌上
[07:45.42]No, I know. I know. 不,是别的地方,让我想想
[07:46.58]You’re Sargeant Thompson’s brother. 你是萨金特·汤普森的弟弟
[07:46.98]Yeah. I went to Tate with you guys. 没错,在泰特读书的时候 我和你哥儿俩是同学
[07:51.22]I’m Charlie Sherman. 我是查理·舍尔曼
[07:52.74]Oh, man, your brother was my hero in high school. 说起你哥哥,在高中里就是我的偶像
[07:55.90]Goddamn rocket for an arm. 那胳膊,可有劲儿了
[07:58.22]So how is Sarge, huh? He still in town? 你哥哥现在还好么?还住在这里么?
[07:59.62]Yeah. He lives in Ferndale. 嗯,他住在费恩戴尔
[08:03.94]Yeah. With his boyfriend. 和他的男友一起住
[08:06.62]Paul. He’s a great guy. Teaches math at Tate. 那个男的叫保罗,人不错,在泰特教数学
[08:11.94]Sugar? 要糖么?
[08:18.90]Mark, you seen my brother? 马克,我哥哥呢?
[08:20.70]I think he’s upstairs. 他大概在楼上
[08:22.38]Thanks. You got it. - 谢谢 - 没事
[08:26.06]Why don’t you just tell him that you think hunting is wrong? 你直接跟他说,打猎这事不对,不就得了?
[08:26.82]The man has a stuffed bear in his bedroom. 这家伙的卧室里放着一只标本熊!
[08:30.58]You’re already his son-in-law. It doesn’t matter if he likes you. 你已经是他的女婿了 他喜不喜欢你,随他去好了
[08:34.38]He signs my paychecks. 我的账单都得他签字
[08:36.06]What is this? 这是什么?
[08:37.42]That’s the Tate mentor program. 是泰特中学的导师计划
[08:40.22]They sent out invitations? 他们还对外发邀请函?
[08:42.18]Yeah. They want me on the board or something. 他们想让我在里面负责点事情
[08:43.86]Been a meeting about it a couple weeks ago. 几周前我还专门为此事去开了个会
[08:44.42]Why? Are you joining? 怎么了?这事你也有份?
[08:47.26]Sanderson roped me into it yesterday. 昨天山德森把我硬扯了进去
[08:51.26]He didn’t tell me that you were doing it. 他可没说这事是你发起的
[08:53.74]Yeah. 嗯
[08:56.06]Wow. 哇哦
[08:56.66]Join Chip Johnson, On the Scene, tonight at 6 on 11. 欢迎收看奇普·约翰逊的“现场报道” 今天六点,11频道
[09:02.46]You mind if I borrow your video camera? 能不能把摄像机借我用一下?
[09:40.94]Next one’s yours, Bill. 下一枪换你来,比尔
[09:44.54]Keep your eyes open this time. Okay? Don’t forget to aim. 眼睛睁开,枪要瞄准!

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abbr.high impact polystyrene 高冲击强度聚苯乙烯,耐冲性聚苯乙烯n.臀部( hip的名词复数 );[建筑学]屋脊;臀围(尺寸);臀部…的 | |
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v.使多样化,多样化( diversify的现在分词 );进入新的商业领域 | |
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n.大叫,呐喊,喘息声;v.叫喊,喘息 | |
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n.单脚跳,跳跃;vi.单脚跳,跳跃;着手做某事;vt.跳跃,跃过 | |
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n.指导者,良师益友;v.指导 | |
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adj.谨慎的,有远见的,精打细算的 | |
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n.驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 | |
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n.方向,目标;熟悉,适应,情况介绍 | |
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n.某人当时不在犯罪现场的申辩或证明;借口 | |
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adj.中途的,不彻底的,部分的;adv.半路地,在中途,在半途 | |
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adj.极恼人的,讨人厌的,可憎的 | |
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v.调情,打情骂俏( flirt的现在分词 ) | |
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n.广告牌( billboard的名词复数 ) | |
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