[00:02.98]What the fuck? You closed your eyes. 搞什么啊?你又闭眼了
[00:07.58]You did, too. What a waste. 你就是!真浪费
[00:11.22]Dad... 爸爸…
[00:14.62]Get the duck. 去捡鸭子
[00:21.42]I was talking to the dog. 我是在跟狗说话
[00:26.34]Oh. 哦
[00:27.10]I knew that. 我知道
[00:33.86]Get the duck. Get the duck. 去捡鸭子,去捡鸭子
[00:38.98]All right, get the damn duck. 好吧,你去捡鸭子
[01:13.94]If this were a hundred years ago, your family would be dead of starvation. 如果在一百年前,你家早就饿得死光光了
[01:18.54]Come on, boys. Let’s go. 好了,孩子们,我们走
[01:41.06]How’d it go? 怎么样啊?
[01:43.38]Uh, fine. 呃,还好
[01:43.78]Did you get anything? Uh, no. - 打到什么没有? - 呃,没有
[01:44.66]What’s in your vest? 你揣着什么?
[01:48.06]Nothing. 没什么
[01:50.94]It’s a duck. 是一只鸭子
[01:52.10]What are you gonna do with it? 拿它怎么办?
[01:55.34]Bury it. Where? - 埋了它 - 埋到哪里?
[01:55.42]In the backyard. 后院吧
[02:05.26]I think he knows. 我觉得他心里明白
[02:08.06]He always looks that way. 他一直都那样
[02:09.10]Everything makes Bill uptight. 不管什么事情都会让他变得紧张
[02:11.26]Blow jobs make Bill uptight. 帮他吹箫也会让他紧张
[02:14.38]Okay, I don’t need that visual. 拜托,别让我联想那种情景
[02:15.42]No, I swear. 我没跟你开玩笑
[02:19.62]No. Yeah. - 不会吧 - 是真的
[02:21.26]The acorn? “小橡子”?
[02:22.42]I swear to God, that’s what it looks like. 老天在上,用这个来形容再合适不过了
[02:22.50]No. No, it doesn’t. 不,不会吧
[02:24.98]It’s too bad, too, because I hear that his brother is huge, like you. 更糟的是,我曾经听说他的老二很大 和你的一样大哦
[02:39.42]You know what I’m gonna do? 我受不了了
[02:40.90]I’m gonna kill her. After I kill him. 我要去先杀奸夫,再杀淫妇!
[02:42.14]Calm down. 冷静点
[02:43.30]Calm down? My wife is screwing the On the Scene news guy. 让我冷静? 我老婆和“现场报道”的主持人搞上了!
[02:44.82]You don’t know that was him for sure. 那个人又不一定是他
[02:46.94]Come on! The hair, the hair, the hair! 胡说!你看那头发,头发!
[02:49.30]It could’ve been anyone. 也可能是别人
[02:50.94]Yeah, anyone. Anyone except me! 是啊,是别人,反正不是我!
[02:51.78]Anyone who works out all the time. 反正是个有本事的人
[02:54.30]God, he’s in my bed, he’s in my shirt. 上帝啊,他上我的床,还穿我的衣服
[03:00.66]She said I’m not into blow jobs. 这都是她乱说的
[03:00.70]Why aren’t you into blow jobs? 你为什么不喜欢吹箫?
[03:05.54]Listen to me, and I want this to be known. 听我说,我要昭告天下
[03:07.38]I am. I love blow jobs. 我是…我爱吹箫
[03:09.74]I am Mr. Blow Job Aficionado5. 我是吹箫铁杆
[03:11.78]Must run in the family. 这也是家族遗传吧
[03:15.34]Paul, can you stop being a fag for half a second? 保罗,一秒钟不当玻璃,你会死啊?
[03:15.74]I’ll try. 我会努力的
[03:16.46]Little acorn. 小橡子
[03:17.66]All right, that’s enough. 好了,够了
[03:19.62]Oh, my God. 哦,上帝…
[03:23.02]What if she’s planning on leaving me for him? 如果她为了那男的,把我给蹬了怎么办?
[03:26.94]I’m gonna go get my gun, 我得找出那把枪
[03:29.14]and I am gonna go kill him. 然后把他一枪嘣了
[03:32.06]Okay, you’re not gonna kill anyone, so just calm down. 好啦,你不会去杀人的,别激动
[03:36.70]I am calm. 我没激动
[03:51.46]Hey, did you bury the duck? 嘿,你把鸭子埋了没有?
[03:54.14]The duck? The duck is right here. 鸭子?那只鸭子就在这儿
[03:58.14]Mm-hmm. Look who’s on the scene today. 看,本期在现场的嘉宾是谁啊
[04:02.62]You spied on me. 你敢监视我
[04:04.26]That’s right, baby, and I got it all on tape. 说的没错,宝贝,我全拍下来了
[04:07.38]That’s illegal. 这是非法的
[04:08.22]No, smoking pot is illegal. 错,抽大麻才是非法的
[04:09.46]You cheated on me. 你背着我出轨
[04:11.30]That is a complete invasion of my privacy. 这种做法完全侵犯了我的隐私
[04:14.42]Are you kidding me? 开什么玩笑?
[04:16.30]I can’t believe you would do that to me. 真不敢相信,你会那么做
[04:17.02]It was in our bedroom. 事情发生在我们的卧室
[04:17.98]Wait a second. That’s what I’m supposed to be saying to you. 等一下,这话好像应该我对你说吧
[04:21.42]- Give me the tape. - No. - 把带子给我 - 不给
[04:21.50]- I want it. - No, the tape is mine. - 给我 - 不行,带子是我的
[04:24.82]No. 不
[04:26.34]Give me the tape! 把带子给我!
[04:26.78]Join me later. I’m on the scene at a local children’s hospital, 马上回来,我正在地区儿童医院的现场
[04:29.94]raising money for a special cause. 为您报道一次特别的募捐活动
[04:31.30]We have 30 seconds. 我们有30秒时间
[04:34.54]Where is cancer kid? 那个癌症患儿呢?
[04:34.94]Over there. His name’s Charlie. 他在那边,名字叫查理
[04:37.50]He doesn’t look that sick to me. 他看上去病得不厉害嘛
[04:40.90]He’s had leukemia since he was 4. 他从四岁起就得了白血病
[04:42.74]His prognosis is grim. 他的情况非常不乐观
[04:46.58]Tell him to tone down the smile. 让他别笑得那么开心
[04:50.06]- Fine. - Did my agent call? - 好吧 - 我的代理人有没有来过电话?
[04:52.62]On the scene! On the scene! “现场报道”! “现场报道”!
[04:54.78]Always on the scene. I’ll give you on the scene. 老是现场报道,我给你来个现场吧
[04:58.38]Action team. Hey!
[05:00.06]I saw you, and I’m watching you! I’m watching you! 我看见你了,我会盯着你的! 我会盯着你的!
[05:02.10]Video camera, one watch. 一台摄像机,一只表
[05:07.98]A wallet, with a Chip Johnson doll. 钱包,还有一张奇普·约翰逊的剪影
[05:15.30]Can I make my phone call? 我能打个电话么?
[05:22.86]Your brother’s here. 你哥哥来了
[05:23.82]We watched the tape. 带子我们看了
[05:27.30]That acorn thing is harsh. “小橡子”这说法,太伤人自尊了
[05:30.66]I saw you, and I’m watching you! 我看见你了,我会盯着你的!
[05:36.10]Is this the first time something like this has happened to you? 这是你第一次遇见这种事情么?
[05:38.98]You see that hair? He dyes it. 看见那头发没有?肯定是染的
[05:40.34]Yes, it is, Rick. 是的,瑞克
[05:42.10]It looks like it. 好像是的
[05:44.74]You think he’s good-looking? 你觉得他好看么?
[05:50.58]Why are you watching this? 干嘛看这节目?
[05:54.86]Do you think he’s good-looking? 你觉得他好看么?
[05:58.38]Bill, he’s not better than you. 比尔,他没你好看
[06:06.70]Get some sleep. 快去睡觉吧
[06:08.90]Deranged fan. 神经病粉丝
[06:15.30]Oh, my God. 哦,老天
[06:23.42]All right, give it to me straight. 好吧,你就直接告诉我
[06:25.74]How many deranged fan jokes? 有多少人在取笑我?
[06:27.42]No one saw anything. Come on, we’re late. 没人会取笑你 来吧,我们迟到了
[06:32.90]Wait, I’m just gonna take a second. 等等,给我几秒钟
[06:36.02]Sure. 好
[06:54.54]Oh, my God, it’s him. 哦,老天,是他
[06:56.06]It’s the deranged fan! 是那个神经病粉丝!
[06:58.70]Deranged fan. 神经病粉丝
[07:33.22]All right. It’s a good-looking group, huh? 好,大家看起来都不错嘛
[07:33.98]Mind if I get this started? 不如现在开始吧?
[07:35.14]Hey, I, for one, think this is going to be an excellent program, 就我个人的看法,这是一份非常棒的计划
[07:38.98]but I want to make sure you think so, too, 但我还得知道你们的想法
[07:42.14]so what do you say, is this gonna be a great program? 这是不是一份非常棒的计划?
[07:59.10]Listen. 听着
[07:59.34]Local news usually sucks. 本地新闻总是很烂
[08:04.30]I think that you should maybe choose someone else. 我认为你该另选一名导师
[08:12.22]What are you talking about? This is the perfect time. 你说什么呀?现在的你再合适不过了
[08:13.94]Why don’t you have John Jr. or Mr. Jacoby mentor you? 为什么不让约翰二世或者 雅各比先生做你的导师?
[08:18.70]Would you want to spend time with either one of them? 换成你,你会想和他们俩待在一起么?
[08:22.70]Come on. Is this about your wife? 跟我说说,是不是因为你老婆?
[08:23.62]No, it’s about more than my wife. It’s about... 不,不光光是因为我老婆,而是…
[08:24.50]Don’t worry about your wife. We’ll get her back. 别担心你老婆,我们能把她抢回来的
[08:28.14]We aren’t gonna do anything. 我们两个之间不会有任何行动
[08:29.66]Drop it now. 你省省吧
[08:32.62]Hi, John. Sarah. John. Donald. 嗨,约翰,莎拉,约翰,唐纳德
[08:34.98]Hey, Choo. 嘿,小丘
[08:36.30]Bill, you’re going to make a schedule for all three kids. 比尔,你得为这三个孩子统一安排日程
[08:41.18]We agreed it would simplify things. 我们一致认为,这样可以简化程序
[08:42.38]That’s right. They’ll report to you at the same time every day. 说得没错,他们三个以后 每天会一起去你那里报到
[08:44.58]No way. Bill’s my mentor. 不行,比尔是我的导师
[08:46.14]This isn’t a group project. All right? 这可不是什么集体活动
[08:50.34]I don’t want to be all tied to you and choo-choo. 我可不想和你还有丘丘在一起
[08:52.70]Okay? So you can forget about it. 听见没?你们还是另打主意吧
[08:53.94]We’re fine. We’re not scheduling. 我们两个就够了,不需要什么日程
[08:56.10]Fine. 那好
[08:57.26]All right, Bill. I’ll see you tomorrow after school. 好了,比尔,明天放学后我来找你
[09:01.54]Don’t go deadbeat on me. 别放我鸽子
[09:10.78]Gonna be a great program, huh? 这个计划非常棒,不是么?
[09:23.46]Hey. Hey. - 你好 - 你好
[09:26.38]How are you? 你好嘛?
[09:26.78]I’m good. You want a doughnut? 我很好,想来个面包圈吗?
[09:31.02]Can I show you something? 能给你看点东西吗?
[09:32.30]Of course. What’s up? 当然,怎么了?
[09:34.58]You promise you won’t be mad at me? 你先保证,看了之后不会生气
[09:35.14]No. 我保证
[09:45.46]No, I swear. He’s got a complex about the little acorn. 他对他那个“小橡子”有种特别的恐惧
[09:50.14]I thought you should know. 我觉得这事应该让你知道
[09:54.46]It does not look like an acorn. 我那里一点都不像橡子
[09:55.98]Everybody got it in email this morning. 今天早上每个人都收到一份这样的邮件
[10:00.70]I had Donna delete it from Mr. Jacoby’s. 我让唐娜把雅各比先生 邮箱里的那一封删掉了

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斜视( squint的过去式和过去分词 ); 眯着眼睛; 瞟; 从小孔或缝隙里看 | |
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n.痉挛;[pl.](腹)绞痛;vt.限制,束缚 | |
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adj.焦虑不安的,紧张的 | |
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n.橡实,橡子 | |
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n.…迷;运动迷 | |
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n.庸医;江湖医生;冒充内行的人;骗子 | |
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adj.疯狂的 | |
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n.指导者,良师益友;v.指导 | |
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n.驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 | |
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n.犯规,违法行为;冒犯,得罪 | |
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n.mentoring是一种工作关系。mentor通常是处在比mentee更高工作职位上的有影响力的人。他/她有比‘mentee’更丰富的工作经验和知识,并用心支持mentee的职业(发展)。v.(无经验之人的)有经验可信赖的顾问( mentor的现在分词 ) | |
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