[00:01.64]She’s hot. 她太正点了
[00:04.44]I’m shopping for clothes. 我是来买新衣服的
[00:08.00]If your wife saw you with her, she’d think twice 如果你老婆看见你和别的女人在一起
[00:08.04]You need a new strategy. Y... 你需要改变策略了
[00:12.68]about hitting the On the Scene news guy again. 她就会对自己的出轨行动三思而后行了
[00:13.40]Let’s say that I buy into your theory. 就算我听了你的意见
[00:15.08]Who am I gonna go out on a date with? 我又该找谁一起出去呢?
[00:16.76]Unlike you, I have a plan. You can borrow my girlfriend. 我正好有个计划,我可以把女朋友借给你
[00:19.60]Oh, right. 哦,是嘛
[00:26.52]Look at him. 看看他
[00:29.04]He needs your help. 他需要你的帮助
[00:32.44]He needs new clothes and a hot chick to get his wife back. 他需要崭新的行头和惹火的女伴 来让他的老婆回心转意
[00:34.32]I wonder who thought of that. 我倒想知道这是谁的主意
[00:41.20]Where’d you get a hundred bucks? 你到哪儿去搞这一百美元?
[00:41.92]I happen to have an allowance. 我正好有一笔津贴
[00:42.48]Fine. 那好吧
[00:45.44]I’ll get him some clothes. 我去帮他选几件衣服
[00:53.04]So that On the Scene loser’s jammin’ his wife, 那个“现场报道”的蠢货抢了他的老婆
[00:55.20]but he’s got a date with her tonight. 但今天晚上他跟他老婆有一次约会
[00:56.88]Yeah, I saw the video. What’s up with his hair? 嗯,我看过那段录像 他的头发是怎么回事?
[00:59.60]You... I can hear you. 喂,我能听见你们说的话
[01:00.00]You know, I sold her those underwear. 她穿的那件内衣是我卖给她的
[01:04.52]- That’s hot. - I’ll bet you it was his fault. - 很性感啊 - 我敢打赌,这事儿是他不对
[01:05.48]It’s not my fault. Oh, really? - 不是我的错 - 哦,真的?
[01:07.16]When was the last pair of panties you bought her? 你上次给她买内衣,是什么时候?
[01:10.16]I’m a fat fuck. 我真是一头猪
[01:12.00]I love panties. 我爱内衣
[01:16.80]I see it every day... 我每天都要目睹相同的场面…
[01:16.84]I bet you don’t even know what kind she wears. 我敢打赌,你连她穿什么尺寸都不知道
[01:19.12]women investing hope in underwear. 女人将希望寄托于新买的内衣
[01:24.24]- I returned them. - I would never forget how sexy you are. - 我把那几件退掉了 - 你性感的样子,我永远都忘不了
[01:28.68]You know, you’re kind of creepy. 你这人有时让我浑身起毛
[01:29.72]- But only kind of. Right? Hey. - Stop. - 只是有时,对不对?嘿嘿 - 别闹了
[01:38.88]That is hot. 真够性感的
[01:47.16]You know, this would look really hot on you. 你穿上这个,再性感也没有了
[01:47.84]I needed the money. 我需要钱
[01:52.56]I’m not trying on underwear for you. 我才不为你试穿呢
[01:54.72]What’s your hang-up with underwear? 你对内衣有心理障碍?
[01:56.08]I mean, it’s just like wearing a bathing suit. 和穿泳装又有什么区别
[01:58.56]Oh, really? Well, then, why don’t you model some for me? 真的啊?那你为什么不穿两件给我看看?
[02:03.12]I’ll model for you, you come on a date with me Friday night. 我穿给你看,但周五晚上你得和我出去
[02:09.92]I get to choose the underwear. 得由我来选内衣
[02:12.40]All right. Let’s go. - 没问题 - 我们走
[02:30.64]Bill. 比尔
[02:33.08]It’s no big deal. 没什么大不了的
[02:41.08]You ready to face my dad? 你准备好见我爸了?
[02:43.28]I face him every day. It’ll be fine. 我每天都要见他的,没事的
[02:46.76]I’ll pretend I’m sick, and we’ll leave early. 一会儿我假装生病,然后我们早些离开
[02:52.28]You ready? 你准备好了?
[02:55.36]The question is are you ready? 问题是你准备好没有?
[02:56.60]Yep. 我准备好了
[02:57.16]I don’t know. I don’t think you can handle this. 我不确定哎,我觉得你无法承受这个事实
[03:01.08]I think it might be a little too sexy for you. 这样穿太性感了,会吓到你的
[03:02.76]Let’s see it, kid. 那就遛出来瞧瞧,小弟
[03:03.64]All right. 好吧
[03:08.72]# Hey #
[03:09.16]# Everybody get naked #
[03:16.72]# Shake it, shake it, shake it #
[03:23.36]# Shake it, shake it, shake it #
[03:25.68]You know you want it. You know it. 是不是很想要啊,想要就来吧
[03:27.00]Tap it! Tap it! 抽两下试试!抽抽试试!
[03:30.08]# Mercy, shake it, shake it, shake it #
[03:35.84]# I love you #
[03:36.32]Ride the pony! 骑上你的小马!
[03:40.36]# Ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah #
[03:43.32]Duck is perfect, Mom. 妈妈,这鸭子很好吃
[03:50.92]It’s in season now. 现在橡子正当季
[03:54.56]It’s nice. 很好吃
[03:58.32]I missed that one. 可惜我没吃到
[04:03.20]It’s good luck. 这代表着好运
[04:03.60]- You have to swallow it. - That’s right. Swallow it. - 你得把它吞下去 - 说得没错,把它吞下去
[04:11.20]It’s all yours. 给你好了
[04:12.00]You can’t disrespect the hunt. 你不能亵渎猎物的尊严
[04:18.96]Swallow it. 吞下去
[04:21.48]No. 不
[04:25.56]Yes. 吞下去
[04:28.68]No. 不
[04:29.32]No! Swallow it. - 不! - 吞下去
[04:29.68]Swallow it! 吞下去!
[04:31.80]No! Swallow it. - 不! - 吞下去
[04:34.92]No. Eat it! - 不 - 吃了它!
[04:37.80]John, please! We’re at the dinner table. 别这样,约翰!我们还在吃饭
[04:40.76]I’m sorry, okay? But he has absolutely no respect 是我不对,但他根本学不会尊敬
[04:45.08]for this family and everything we’ve done for him. 无视这个家庭,无视我们为他做的一切
[04:48.04]I mean, he wouldn’t even have a job if it weren’t for you! 如果不是因为你 他连一份工作都混不到!
[04:51.16]Executive vice president? Of what? 什么执行副总裁啊?狗屁
[04:55.40]Human resources? 负责人力资源部?
[04:56.60]A position that we created specifically for him! 那职位是我们专门为他设置的!
[05:00.24]Shut up, John! 闭嘴,约翰!
[05:01.28]Since Bill’s been at the bank, unemployment claims are down 41%. 自从比尔进了银行,失业率下降了41%
[05:04.80]That’s because he never fires anyone! 那是因为他从来不开除任何人!
[05:08.92]And why are you defending him? 你为什么要为他辩护?
[05:12.00]Pathetic. Unbelievable. 可悲啊,可恨啊
[05:15.60]If you were my wife, I would leave you. 如果你是我老婆,我离开你了
[05:18.56]No one is leaving. 没人要离开
[05:19.64]No one’s leaving. 没有人要离开
[05:21.16]No one is leaving anyone. 这里没有人要离开谁
[05:26.56]I’m running for mayor. 我马上要竞选市长了
[05:28.24]What? 什么?
[05:28.48]I’m announcing it at the club picnic, 在俱乐部野餐会上,我会宣布此事
[05:30.32]and I expect all of you to behave like a family. 希望你们每个人都团结一心,像一家人
[05:37.40]Now, does everyone understand what I’m saying? Jessica? 都听明白我说的没有? 杰西卡?
[05:39.16]Yes, Daddy. 听明白了,爸爸
[05:43.04]Now, who wants to get the fireworks? 好了,谁去准备烟火?
[05:45.28]I’ll get them. 我去
[05:50.36]Just don’t screw it up. 别把事情搞砸了
[05:51.92]You know, when my dad finds out you made a tape, 如果让我爸发现你拍了那盘录像带
[05:53.32]and it’s on the internet, he’s gonna freak. 而且还在网上到处流传,他一定会气疯的
[05:57.60]Well, maybe he won’t find out. 也许他永远不会发现呢
[05:59.44]He’s running for mayor. 他正在竞选市长
[06:00.64]Mm-hmm. And I told you. 我知道,但你也听见我的话了
[06:06.80]Let’s get coffee. 去喝杯咖啡吧
[06:08.00]No. No, I’m too stressed. 不去,我现在太紧张了
[06:10.32]Come on. It’ll be a good distraction9. 来吧,正好借着咖啡分心
[06:14.44]Yeah, all right. 那好吧
[06:18.84]It’s gonna be okay. Come on. 一切都会好起来的
[06:20.52]What happened to the girl who didn’t give a shit about what anybody thought? 从前那个特立独行的女孩子上哪儿去了?
[06:23.88]Where is the Jess who used to go commando under her uniform 那个穿着制服真空上阵的杰西
[06:27.24]and flash me outside of science class, 在自然课堂外向我露胸的杰西
[06:28.92]even though Jenny Bradley called her a slut? 那个被杰尼·布拉德利 称作“荡妇”的杰西哪儿去了?
[06:31.92]And Jenny Bradley was a slut! 杰尼·布拉德利她自己才是荡妇!
[06:34.56]Bill? 比尔?
[06:35.60]Hey! Hey! - 嘿! - 嘿!
[06:38.24]What the heck are you doing here? 你怎么会在这里?
[06:38.48]Um, just, you know, having a little late-night coffee. 呃,长夜漫漫,来此喝杯咖啡
[06:43.20]Really? 真的啊?
[06:51.64]Uh, maybe tomorrow night after work. 也许明天晚上下班之后会来一趟
[06:51.84]So you coming by the store tomorrow? 你明天还会来我店里逛么?
[06:55.32]Yeah? 是嘛?
[06:58.08]Make sure you ask for me. 到时候别忘了找我
[07:00.24]Lucy. 露西
[07:02.68]Yeah, exactly. 没错
[07:02.76]So I’ll see you then. 那就明天见
[07:09.08]- Lucy works at the mall, doesn’t she? - Mm-hmm. - 露西是商场售货小姐吧? - 嗯
[07:12.72]You know what I could really go for right now? 知道我现在准备向什么行业发展吗?
[07:15.48]What? 什么?
[07:15.52]A doughnut. 面包圈
[07:17.76]Fresh out of the oven. Milk-chocolate icing. 刚出炉的新鲜面包圈 上面涂着鲜奶巧克力
[07:20.88]Think how successful Krispy Kreme is. 想想Krispy Kreme (著名面包圈品牌)的成功
[07:23.36]Yeah. They are. 他们的确不错
[07:24.88]If we had one of those, we would never have to worry about your father again. 如果我们能成功,就不用再怕你爸了
[07:25.48]What are you talking about? 你在说什么啊?
[07:33.24]Who the hell wants a doughnut franchise? 有谁会想开面包圈专卖?
[07:37.92]Bill, listen, you gotta do something about the tape. 比尔,关于录像带,你得想想办法
[07:44.04]What can I do? 我能想什么办法?
[07:46.40]Seven million teens have probably already downloaded it. 说不定有七百万青少年已经下载了
[07:49.24]Oh, God. 哦,上帝
[07:50.80]I feel sick. 太恶心了
[07:56.12]I don’t know what he’s doing here. 我不知道他来这儿干嘛
[08:00.00]It’s okay. Go on. 没事的,去吧
[08:04.68]Go on. I understand. 去吧,我能理解
[08:10.76]Are you seeing that girl? 你在和那个女孩约会?
[08:11.96]I told you, I just met her. 都跟你说了,我们才认识的
[08:16.24]She obviously likes you. 看得出来,她喜欢你
[08:19.96]Do you like her? 你喜欢她么?
[08:26.84]She sells underwear. She’s nice. 她是卖内衣的,人不错
[08:40.68]Okay. Okay. Bye. - 好吧 - 嗯,再见
[08:56.16]What are you doing? 你想干嘛?
[08:58.80]Pretty good, huh? 我游得不错吧?
[09:02.36]This isn’t a competition, Bill. 这又不是比赛,比尔
[09:03.00]Okay. 哦
[09:14.40]Roser the poser looks pissed. “爱得瑟的罗瑟”好像被惹毛了
[09:17.28]He probably couldn’t punch out his algorithm this morning. 今早上他的数学课又要思维混乱了
[09:22.16]Was she jealous? 她是不是吃醋了?
[09:27.04]Yeah, she was. 是的
[09:28.88]I knew it. I knew it. 我早料到了
[09:29.64]It’s only a matter of time now. 就等着瞧好吧
[09:36.88]- Is she coming to see the SweetSweets? - I don’t think so. - 她会去面包圈专卖店么? - 我想不会
[09:38.12]Yes, she is. 不,她会去的
[09:43.40]It’s never gonna work. Of course it is. - 这恐怕不行 - 肯定行的
[09:49.16]This is my wife. 这位是我妻子
[09:51.96]Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你
[09:53.64]Likewise. 我也是
[09:56.80]All righty, then. 好嘞
[09:58.16]Let’s get started. 我们开始吧
[10:00.48]And now we put the topping on them. 现在我们往面包圈上加料

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n.雄鹿( buck的名词复数 );钱;(英国十九世纪初的)花花公子;(用于某些表达方式)责任v.(马等)猛然弓背跃起( buck的第三人称单数 );抵制;猛然震荡;马等尥起后蹄跳跃 | |
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adj.毛皮的;似毛皮的;毛皮制的 | |
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n.食物的一份&adj.帮助人的,辅助的 | |
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adj.小型的;n.小马 | |
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adj.古怪的,离奇的;怪诞的,神秘而可怕的 | |
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n.橡实,橡子 | |
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n.忘恩负义的人 | |
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n.坏事;恶习;[pl.]台钳,老虎钳;adj.副的 | |
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n.精神涣散,精神不集中,消遣,娱乐 | |
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n.特许,特权,专营权,特许权 | |
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n.(尤指选举议员的)选举权( franchise的名词复数 );参政权;获特许权的商业机构(或服务);(公司授予的)特许经销权v.给…以特许权,出售特许权( franchise的第三人称单数 ) | |
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adj.赚钱的,可获利的 | |
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adj.疯狂的 | |
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adj.(疾病)长期未愈的,慢性的;极坏的 | |
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n.mentoring是一种工作关系。mentor通常是处在比mentee更高工作职位上的有影响力的人。他/她有比‘mentee’更丰富的工作经验和知识,并用心支持mentee的职业(发展)。v.(无经验之人的)有经验可信赖的顾问( mentor的现在分词 ) | |
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