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  • VOA双语新闻:负面经济消息导致全球股市下滑

    Another dismal day on the overseas markets as the global economic downturn continues. In Asia, tumbling Chinese exports are now affecting jobs there. In Europe, British retail sales are nose-diving. 星期二,全球股市在经济衰退继续蔓延的...

  • VOA双语新闻:奥巴马提八千亿紧急刺激经济计划

    President-elect Barack Obama is proposing an emergency $800 billion economic stimulus plan that would use government spending and taxing power to help pull the faltering U.S. economy out of recession. 美国总统当选人奥巴马提出一个8000亿美...

  • VOA双语新闻:俄罗斯周二恢复向欧洲输送天然气

    The delivery of Russian natural gas is expected to resume Tuesday morning after Ukraine, Russia and the European Union signed a protocol allowing observers to monitor pipelines that transport the fuel across Ukraine. Moscow and Kyiv came to an agreem...

  • VOA双语新闻:英国敦促以巴在加沙停火

    British Foreign Secretary David Miliband says it is in everyone's interest to see the U.N. Security Council resolution on Gaza implemented as soon as possible. 英国外交大臣米利班德说,尽快落实联合国安理会的加沙决议案,符合...

  • VOA双语新闻:布什在告别记者会上为其政绩辩护

    U.S. President George Bush defended his record in office and wished his successor well as he went before reporters for a farewell news conference. 美国总统布什在白宫举行告别记者会时为他执政期间的政绩进行辩护,并祝福他...

  • VOA双语新闻:美总统就职日将举行多个盛大舞会

    The inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama is expected to bring millions of people to Washington, D.C. on January 20 to see the new president take the oath of office and to party. But this year one inaugural ball will salute the new president w...

  • VOA双语新闻:美国汽车业三巨头推出新款节油车

    Just one month after seeking government economic assistance, amid unprecedented financial turmoil in the auto industry, the 'Big Three' American Automakers - General Motors, Ford and Chrysler - are introducing new fuel-efficient vehicles, in an effor...

  • VOA双语新闻:奥巴马促美国会通过经济刺激方案

    President-elect Barack Obama is urging Congress to act quickly on his economic recovery program, warning that inaction by Washington could extend the current recession for years. 美国当选总统奥巴马敦促国会立即行动,通过他提出的经...

  • VOA双语新闻:美敦促以巩固完善加沙人道通道

    The United States said it is pressing Israel to expand the terms of its temporary cease-fires in Gaza to allow greater access for humanitarian aid to the besieged area. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is continuing to lead U.S. cease-fire diploma...

  • VOA双语新闻:联合国援助机构暂停在加沙救援活

    The U.N. relief agency has suspended operations in Gaza because of the danger posed by Israeli military action. The decision was made as Israel pressed its air and ground offensive amid a rising civilian death toll and international efforts to halt t...

  • VOA双语新闻:非洲人对奥巴马即将就任期待不同

    People around the world are looking forward to the inauguration of Barack Obama on January 20 as president of the United States. Many hope he will bring change to a world they believe is in crisis. For others, Mr. Obama's ancestral roots in Africa me...

  • VOA双语新闻:美国会民主党人阐述主要议事日程

    A day after a new Democratic-led U.S. Congress was sworn in, lawmakers are focusing on an ambitious agenda. Senate Democratic leaders Wednesday outlined their priorities, which range from passing an economic stimulus plan to addressing new global thr...

  • VOA双语新闻:美英法阿盟外长继续谋求加沙停火

    Foreign ministers from the United States, Britain, France and the Arab League met separately and together behind closed doors at the United Nations Wednesday, seeking an end to nearly two weeks of deadly fighting in the Gaza Strip. After hours of tal...

  • VOA双语新闻:俄不向乌克兰输天然气 苦了欧洲

    Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has approved a halt to all deliveries of Russian natural gas to Ukraine. Earlier, Ukraine shut all four of its pipelines that ship the fuel to Europe. 俄罗斯总理普京批准停止俄罗斯向乌克兰输送的所有天...

  • VOA双语新闻:世界粮食署评加沙每天停火三小时

    The U.N. World Food Program says Israel's decision to hold its fire for three hours a day in Gaza City will help ease the plight of the conflict-stricken population. The WFP says more is needed. 联合国世界粮食计划署表示,以色列有关每...
