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  • VOA双语新闻:茶党数千人在内华达州沙漠集会

    Thousands of so-called Tea Party activists rallied in the hometown of Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada Saturday. The Tea Party rally launched a nationwide bus tour for the grassroots conservative group that plans to arrive in Washington...

  • VOA双语新闻:美国国会众议院通过医改法案

    It was a close victory for President Obama, but a victory nonetheless. 这对奥巴马总统来说可算是一个险胜,但毕竟还是胜利了。 We pushed back on the undue influences of special interests, he said. We didn't give in to mistrust...

  • VOA双语新闻:数千人华盛顿集会要求改革移民政

    Thousands of supporters of immigration reform rallied in the nation's capital on Sunday, voicing their frustration with the government's pace of handling the complex issue. The gathering was both a serious and lively gathering that brought together p...

  • VOA双语新闻:印度与俄罗斯签署能源及国防条约

    A short visit to India by Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has allowed New Delhi and Moscow to strengthen their strategic partnership, which has had its ups and downs since the end of the Cold War era. Indian and Russian officials say the two pr...

  • VOA双语新闻:智利总统说灾后需要几年重建国家

    Chile's president says it will take several years to rebuild the country after Saturday's powerful earthquake and devastating tsunami that killed at least 800 people. 智利总统说,在星期六的强烈地震和摧毁性的海啸之后,需要几年...

  • VOA双语新闻:克林顿向巴西谈制裁伊朗必要性

    U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Wednesday in Brazil she doubts Iran will negotiate seriously about its nuclear program unless the U.N. Security Council approves new sanctions against it. Clinton held talks in Brasilia with Brazil's Presi...

  • VOA双语新闻:印度尼西亚期待奥巴马来访

    Indonesian leaders and academics gathered today in Jakarta to discuss how U.S. President Barack Obama's upcoming visit could help build better bilateral relations in areas such as education, climate change and trade. 印度尼西亚领导人和学者今...

  • VOA双语新闻:伊朗核机构负责人称天野之弥“有

    It was another day of bullhorn diplomacy by Iran's top nuclear officials, who appear to be struggling to halt momentum for a new round of international sanctions. The head of Iran's atomic energy agency, Ali Akbar Salehi, began the day by calling IAE...

  • VOA双语新闻:东道国备感振奋冬奥会圆满闭幕

    The Vancouver Olympics ended on Sunday and it could not have been a much better finish for host country Canada, which won the final gold medal. 温哥华冬季奥运会星期天闭幕。对东道国加拿大来说,他们把最后一枚金牌揽入囊...

  • VOA双语新闻:欧盟要求希腊强力解决经济问题

    EU Commissioner Oliver Rehn is in Athens to discuss Greek proposals to straighten out its government finances. 欧盟经济事务专员奥利雷恩(Oliver Rehn)抵达雅典,计划讨论希腊政府提出的债务清理建议。 The European Union h...
