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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>VOA慢速英语(美国之音)>2023年美国之音慢速英语>今日美国(This is America)>
  • VOA今日美国2023 地表最热"死亡谷"成为热门景点

    Even as temperatures continue to climb, visitors are still coming to see Death Valley National Park on the California-Nevada border. 尽管气温继续攀升,但仍有游客前来参观加利福尼亚州和内华达州交界处的死亡谷国家公园...

  • VOA今日美国2023 极端高温、野火和风暴表明气候危机来临

    The Earth set unofficial record high temperatures last week. 上周,地球创下了非官方的高温纪录。 Scientists said they were a clear sign of how pollutants released by humans are warming the environment. 科学家表示,这是人类排放...

  • VOA今日美国2023 苏格兰奥克尼群岛想要"脱英入北欧"

    Officials on the Orkney Islands, a part of Scotland, recently voted to explore ways of seeking more self-governance or even independence from United Kingdom governments. 苏格兰奥克尼群岛的官员最近投票决定探索从英国政府手中寻求...

  • VOA今日美国2023 一研究人员保护巴西绒毛蜘蛛猴40年

    Karen Strier is an American primatologist. 凯伦斯特里尔是一位美国灵长类动物学家。 It has been 40 years since she started studying Muriqui monkeys in Brazil. 她在巴西研究绒毛蜘蛛猴已经40年了。 At the start, she was w...

  • VOA今日美国2023 瓦格纳集团在全球的触角有多广?

    The Wagner Group is a group of fighters supported by Russia. 瓦格纳集团是一个得到俄罗斯支持的战斗组织。 The group, however, is not officially part of Russia's military. 然而,该组织并不是俄罗斯军队的正式成员。...

  • VOA今日美国2023 瓦格纳集团在全球的触角有多广?

    The Wagner Group is a group of fighters supported by Russia. 瓦格纳集团是一个得到俄罗斯支持的战斗组织。 The group, however, is not officially part of Russia's military. 然而,该组织并不是俄罗斯军队的正式成员。...

  • VOA今日美国2023 墨西哥城一公司致力于拯救蜜蜂

    A company in Mexico City is working to save some small, but important members, of the Mexican capital's community --- bees. 墨西哥城的一家公司正在努力拯救墨西哥首都社区的一些渺小但重要的成员蜜蜂。 The flying insect...

  • VOA今日美国2023 拜登热情接待印度总理莫迪

    American President Joe Biden welcomed India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi Thursday with a state visit at the White House. 美国总统乔拜登星期四在白宫欢迎印度总理纳伦德拉莫迪对美国进行国事访问。 The visit was meant t...

  • VOA今日美国2023 乌克兰水坝坍塌会产生长期影响

    The destruction of the Kakhovka Dam in Ukraine caused widespread flooding and might cause long-term environmental damage. 乌克兰卡霍夫卡大坝遭到破坏,引发大范围洪灾,并可能会造成长期的环境破坏。 The Associated Pres...

  • VOA今日美国2023 全球被迫流离失所者人数达到约1.1亿

    The United Nations refugee agency, the UNHCR, says more people have been displaced from their homes than ever before. 联合国难民事务高级专员公署表示,流离失所的人比以往任何时候都多。 Recent conflicts in Sudan and Ukrai...

  • VOA今日美国2023 坠机失踪的4名哥伦比亚儿童奇迹生还后, 家长开抢监护权

    Four native children survived a plane crash and 40 days alone in the Amazon rainforest in Colombia. 4名当地儿童在一次坠机事故中幸存下来,并在哥伦比亚的亚马逊雨林中独自生活了40天。 Now, a custody battle has starte...

  • VOA今日美国2023 地球现在病得很重?

    Earth is now considered to be in a danger zone, a new study says. 一项新的研究表明,如今地球被认为处于危险区域。 An international group of scientists called Earth Commission did the study. 一个名为地球委员会的国际科学...

  • VOA今日美国2023 平民和士兵纪念诺曼底登陆79周年

    The attack known as D-Day, by Allied soldiers on Nazi German forces who occupied France during World War II, took place on June 6, 1944. 1944年6月6日,盟军士兵对二战期间占领法国的纳粹德国军队发动了被称为诺曼底登陆的袭...

  • VOA今日美国2023 印度调查列车脱轨相撞事故

    India has launched an official investigation into a train crash that killed at least 275 people and injured about 1,200. 印度对列车相撞事故展开了官方调查,这起事故造成至少275人死亡,约1200人受伤。 Officials said they...

  • VOA今日美国2023 纽约市正在下沉

    New York City is slowly sinking. 纽约市正在慢慢下沉。 With the weight of its tall buildings, streets and people, the city is sinking at an average rate of 1 to 2 millimeters each year, a new study says. 一项新的研究表明,由于高楼...
