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    BEIJING Later this month, China will for the first time join the massive U.S.-led Rim of the Pacific international maritime exercise, known as RIMPAC. Beijing's participation comes as tensions over maritime territorial disputes are growing between Ch...

  • 熬夜看世界杯 25岁中国球迷不幸猝死

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  • 英国餐馆推世界最辣酱 厨师需戴防毒面具

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  • 美国学生准备机器人足球赛

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  • 世界杯球迷齐聚巴西甜面包山

    RIO DE JANEIRO Sugarloaf Mountain is one of the iconic attractions in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Offering unparalleled views of the city, thousands of World Cup fans are ascending to the top each day, either to watch the games or just enjoy the sights....

  • 新西兰经济发展将提速

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  • 美国新人森林大火中拍婚礼照片

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  • 英国庆祝女王88岁生日

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  • 赛后冒雨捡垃圾 日本球迷世界杯获称赞

    图片1 Japanese fans traveled across the globe to see their team compete in the 2014 World Cup, but even though the team lost in their opener against Ivory Coast the faithful made sure to leave a good impression. 尽管日本队在对科特迪瓦的首...

  • 南非发现122克拉最贵蓝钻 价值6亿人民币

    Petra Diamonds announced its discovery of what may very well be the largest blue diamond to ever be unearthed at the Cullinan mine in South Africa. 佩特拉钻石公司近日宣布,他们在南非库利南钻石矿发现了一颗很有可能是迄今...

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