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    A beauty queen who was sold by gypsies after being kidnapped has been reunited with her family sixteen years after she disappeared. 一名少女在被拐卖给吉普赛人16年后成为了选美冠军,并终于与家人团聚。 图片1 Olga Romano...

  • 主人逝世遭遗弃 小狗守候苦等1年

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  • 酷暑天冰雹突袭俄罗斯海滩 游客怕死忙表白

    Swimmers on the popular river beach say there was no warning on a sunny day before the downpour of hailstones, some the size of golf balls and hen eggs. 正值酷暑,西伯利亚一处有名的沙滩却毫无预警地迎来了一场冰雹,冰雹大...

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    After speaking in Austin, Texas, Thursday, President Obama stopped in at Franklin Barbecue, a restaurant is well known for its great brisket and extremely long waits. Since presidents apparently have schedules to keep, Obama cut to the front of the h...

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    It is a popular internet thing to focus on the upside of being in your 30s, and it is nice to know how to do basic modern-human-being things like paying your taxes and cooking a simple meal. But it can be a less-rosy story at work: People in their la...

  • 人鬼情未了 美国老妇偶遇70年前男友日记

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  • 纪录之夜 德国7:1胜巴西创6项纪录

    A thunderous occasion that began with Brazil riding a tidal wave of emotion was reduced to a nightmare as Germany were 5-0 up inside 29 remarkable minutes in front of a disbelieving Estadio Mineirao crowd. 巴西球迷赛前的高涨情绪被德国队...

  • 女孩托上帝照顾过世爱犬 竟收到回信

    When Abbey, the beloved 14-year-old dog of the Scrivener family died, one little girl's grief was eased in the most touching of fashions. 小女孩梅尔迪斯斯克里夫纳因家中14岁爱犬艾比过世伤心不已,但她却被一种极其令人感...
