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    These amazing pigs swim every day in the crystal clear waters of the Bahamas - on their own tiny island where they live in luxury. 这群神奇的小猪每天都在巴哈马群岛清澈的海水中游泳,在小岛上享受奢侈的悠闲生活。 T...

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  • 发照片 做外星人认识的第一个地球人

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    Matt Myles, 27, from Hereford, was working gruelling night shifts in a factory when a Euromillions ticket bought on a whim netted him a surprise ?1million windfall. 27岁的马特.迈尔斯来自赫里福郡,一次心血来潮买的欧洲百万乐透...

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    One elderly couple's car somehow ended up on its side in Bel Air, and they made the best of the situation by snapping photos. 一对老夫妇的汽车在了贝莱尔的路边抛锚,他们充分利用这一情况抓拍了照片。 Benjamin and Eliza...

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    Passengers and crew of the missing Malaysia Airlines MH370 flight most likely died from suffocation as the plane coasted into the ocean on autopilot, Australian officials have said. 澳大利亚官员称,马航失踪航班MH370上的乘客和机组人...

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  • 苏亚雷斯又咬人了!舌尖上的“苏牙”引吐槽

    Uruguay striker Luis Suarez could once again be in trouble after appearing to bite an Italian opponent Tuesday in a key World Cup qualifying game. 乌拉圭前锋路易斯苏亚雷斯可能再次陷入麻烦,他在周二进行的一场关系到世界...
