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  • 2019年经济学人 重振雄风的微软(1) Leaders 来源于《社论》版块 Microsoft 微软 Rebooted 重振雄风 What the software companys surprising comeback can teach other tech giants 这家软件公司出人意料的东山再起能给其他科技巨头带来什么启示 It must feel
  • 2019年经济学人 欧洲中央银行的探索(1) The European central bank's firepower is sadly depleted. 欧洲中央银行的火力遗憾耗尽。 The interest rate on the reserves that banks hold with it is sub-zero; 银行的存款准备金率低于零; its quantitative-easing (QE) scheme has h
  • 2019年经济学人 中国家长更喜欢乐高而非芭比(1) Business 来源于《商业》版块 Lego v Barbie in China 乐高和芭比娃娃在中国的竞争 Yellow brick road 黄砖路 Budding engineers cluster around a table-sized model of the China Art Museum, a landmark of Shanghai, adding helipads, car
  • 2019年经济学人 欧洲中央银行的探索(2) Some economists therefore expect attempts to mitigate the negative impact of rate cuts by excusing banks from negative rates on some excess reserves. 因此一些经济学家预计,央行将试图通过免除银行对部分超额准备金的负利率
  • 2019年经济学人 羊角号女能人珍妮·利特瓦克(4) And then there was how people responded to her call: the women who told her how welcoming her blowing made the Rosh Hashanah service for them, the National Public Radio listeners who heard her speak of her passion for her instrument and her encounter
  • 2019年经济学人 一周要闻 韩国炮轰俄军机 李鹏同志逝世 委内瑞拉断电 Robert Mueller gave eagerly awaited testimony to Americas Congress at a public hearing. The man who investigated links between Donald Trumps election campaign and Russian officials did not stray far from the findings of his report, published in April
  • 2019年经济学人 重振雄风的微软(2) Third, work with regulators rather than try to outwit or overwhelm them. From the start Microsoft designed Azure in such a way that it could accommodate local data-protection laws. Its president and chief legal officer, Brad Smith, has been the sourc
  • 2019年经济学人 镜头和现实(1) Books arts 图书与艺术 Cinema and reality 镜头和现实 The directors cut 导演的剪辑 A bold Ukrainian film-maker charts the line between fiction and truth 一位大胆的乌克兰电影制作人画出了虚构与真实之间的界线 In th
  • 2019年经济学人 镜头和现实(2) 镜头和现实(2) Often his uncompromising films lack linear narratives, even protagonists. He is not interested in heroes, but in the crowd; in the audience on the square, not the politicians on the stage. In his documentaries, his impersonal camer
  • 2019年经济学人 镜头和现实(3) 镜头和现实(3) repeat This moral predicament is captured in a scene in Donbass in which thugs tie a Ukrainian soldier to a telegraph pole and entice the crowd to lynch him. I wanted to show the mechanism for working people into a state of ecstasy
  • 2019年经济学人 树桩如何无限期存活(1) 树桩如何无限期存活(1) A living stump sounds like something out of a horror movie. 一个活着的树桩,听起来像是恐怖电影才会有的东西。 In fact, it is not unusual for a tree, deprived of its trunk and foliage by lightning,
  • 2019年经济学人 镜头和现实(4) Strikingly, none of the accusedthe main actors in the dramaprotested or tried to clear their names; instead they helpfully implicated themselves in fantastical crimes. Some were rewarded for their convincing performances. Leonid Ramzin, a professor o
  • 2019年经济学人 电子支付(1) Leaders 来源于《社论》版块 Digital payments 电子支付 The dash from cash 现金的猛冲 Rich countries are racing to dematerialise payments. They need to do more to prepare for the side-effects 发达国家竞相使用电子支付。应做
  • 2019年经济学人 刚果出租车司机皮埃尔·曼贝尔(1) Congo's wheels 刚果的车轮 Pierre Mambele, taxi-driver, died on June 8th, aged 74 出租车司机皮埃尔曼贝尔于6月8日去世,享年74岁 Since the best place to pick up a fare in Kinshasa, Congo's capital, was outside the Grand hotel (f
  • 2019年经济学人 树桩如何无限期存活(2) Exactly why a stump's neighbours dole out their hard-won nutrients in this manner remains a mystery, but Dr Bader and Dr Leuzinger have ideas. 为什么树桩的邻居们会以这种方式少量发放自己辛苦得来的营养仍是个谜,但Bader和