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  TED(指technology, entertainment, design在英语中的缩写,即技术、娱乐、设计)是美国的一家私有非盈利机构,该机构以它组织的TED大会著称,这个会议的宗旨是“用思想的力量来改变世界”。

  • TED演讲:科学可以回答道德问题(4) And so therefore whatever cultural variation there is in how human beings flourish 于是不管有多少不同文化对人类的幸福有多少不同想法 can, at least in principle, be understood in the context of a maturing science of the mind --
  • TED演讲:科学可以回答道德问题(5) But if questions affect human well-being 但如果这个问题是影响到人身幸福的 then they do have answers, whether or not we can find them. 他们是有答案的,无论我们找不着得到 And just admitting this -- just admitting that t
  • TED演讲:科学可以回答道德问题(6) Now, many of you might worry that the notion of well-being is truly undefined, 或许在你们之中,有许多人会担心这所谓的幸福该如何界定 and seemingly perpetually open to be re-construed. 这似乎没有一定的标准 And so, ho
  • TED演讲:科学可以回答道德问题(7) There is clearly a range of materials that constitute healthy food. 一个健康的饮食方式中有许多不同食物 But there's nevertheless a clear distinction between food and poison. 但从没有人会把食物和毒物搞错 The fact that the
  • TED演讲:科学可以回答道德问题(8) Now, it is the position, generally speaking, of our intellectual community that while we may not like this, 普遍来说,我们的学术界是这样想的,虽然我们不喜欢这样 we might think of this as wrong in Boston or Palo Alto, 我们觉
  • TED演讲:科学可以回答道德问题(9) Now, to say this is not to say that we have got the perfect solution in our own society. 我这么说,并不是说我们的社会有最完美的解答 For instance, this is what it's like to go to a newsstand almost anywhere in the civilized world.
  • TED演讲:科学可以回答道德问题(10) In fact, the endurance of religion as a lens through which most people view moral questions 事实上,在许久以来,宗教成为人们关注道德的角度 has separated most moral talk from real questions of human and animal suffering. 让所有
  • TED演讲:科学可以回答道德问题(11) He likes chocolate, he likes vanilla. 他喜欢巧克力,他喜欢香草 There's nothing that one should be able to say to the other that should persuade the other. 无论跟他们说什么,都不能改变他们。 Notice that we don't do this in
  • TED演讲:科学可以回答道德问题(12) Does the Taliban have a point of view on physics that is worth considering? No. 难道塔利班对物理学的意见也值得我们考虑吗?不。 How is their ignorance any less obvious on the subject of human well-being? 但他们对幸福的无知
  • TED演讲:科学可以回答道德问题(13) So, some combustible material there. 让我提出一些争议性的问题 Whether in this audience or people elsewhere in the world, 这里有某些人,或现在在世界上别的角落 hearing some of this, may well be doing the screaming-with-rag
  • TED演讲:科学可以回答道德问题(14) A lot of people want to believe in this concept of moral progress. 许多人想要相信道德进步的这个概念 But can you reconcile that? 但是这有可能达到和谐吗? I think I understood you to say that you could 我想我了解你所说
  • TED演讲:科学可以回答道德问题(15) And if the results come out that actually they do, 如果结论是她们真的快乐 are you prepared to shift your instinctive current judgment on some of these issues? 你准备好改变你现在在这些议题上的直观判断了吗? Well yeah,
  • TED演讲:怀疑乃信仰之关键 Writing biography is a strange thing to do. 撰写传记是一件不可思议的事情 It's a journey into the foreign territory of somebody else's life, 记下别人的一生就如异国旅程一样 a journey, an exploration that can take you places
  • TED演讲:怀疑乃信仰之关键(2) Still, some boundaries are larger than others. 然而,有些领域的边界更为宽广 So a human encountering the divine, as Muslims believe Muhammad did, 所以当人类遇到了神性时,正如伊斯兰教徒相信穆罕默德一样 to the ra
  • TED演讲:怀疑乃信仰之关键(3) At worst, possession -- that he'd been seized by an evil jinn, 往坏处想,他被邪恶的神怪附身了 a spirit out to deceive him, even to crush the life out of him. 要来欺骗他,甚至来取他的性命 In fact, he was so sure that he co