So we're bound with the laws of physics and the laws of economics. 所以我们需要遵循物理原理以及经济原理。
And so the thought that I started with was how do you do this, still within the boundary of the science we know today 于是我开始问这样一个问题:我们应该如何在现有的科学限定范围内实现这个理想,
no time for science fair, no time for playing around with things or waiting for the magic battery to show up. 要知道,我们并没有科学展览以及尝试各种试验的时间,更没有等待神奇电池诞生的时间。
How do you do it within the economics that we have today? 那我们应该怎么在现有经济条件之下实现这个目标?
How do you do it from the power of the consumer up? And not from the power of an edict down. 我们应该怎么从消费者动力处着手?而不是从硬性法令限制处着手。
I actually found out that the answer comes from separating between the car ownership and the battery ownership. 我突然意识到这些问题的答案来自汽车拥有权以及电池拥有权的分离。
In a sense if you want to think about it this is the classic "batteries not included." 在某种程度上,你会觉得这是经典的“不包含电池”。
Now if you separate between the two, you could actually answer the need for a convenient car by creating a network, 如果现在你将这两者分离,你便有了如何解决节能车需求的答案--通过创造一个网络,
by creating a network before the cars show up. The network has two components3 in them. 在汽车出现之前,创造一个网络。这个网络由两个部分组成。
ends up that cars are these strange beasts that drive for about two hours and park for about 22 hours. 结果这些汽车变成了只会行驶两个小时而要充电12个小时的机器。
And if you drive a car in the morning and drive it back in the afternoon the ratio of charge to drive is about a minute for a minute. 如果你驾驶汽车早上出门,下午回程,这样的话,充电与驾驶的比例是1分钟比一分钟。
And so the first thought that came to mind is, everywhere we park we have electric power. 由此产生的第一个想法是,任何我们停车的地方都会有电力。
Now it sounds crazy. But in some places around the world, like Scandinavia, you already have that. 这听上去可能有点不可思议。但是,在世界某个角落,像北欧,这个设置已经存在。
If you park your car and didn't plug in the heater, when you come back you don't have a car. It just doesn't work. 如果你把车停了,不把暖气开着,当你回来的时候,车一定开不了。

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adj.随机的;任意的;n.偶然的(或随便的)行动 | |
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n.组成部分,成分,元件;adj.组成的,合成的 | |
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(机器、设备等的)构成要素,零件,成分; 成分( component的名词复数 ); [物理化学]组分; [数学]分量; (混合物的)组成部分 | |
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