Now this is just a little study, but it's part of a larger body of research 这只是一个小小的研究,但它是一个更大范围研究的一部分,
that is starting to indicate that there may be a connection between people's tendencies for empathy and their behavior around robots. 这开始表明人们的同情心与他们对待机器人的行为可能存在某种联系。
But my question for the coming era of human-robot interaction is not: "Do we empathize with robots?" 但我对即将到来的人机交互时代的问题并不是:“我们对机器人会产生同情心吗?”
It's: "Can robots change people's empathy?" 而是:“机器人会改变人类的同情心吗?”
Is there reason to, for example, prevent your child from kicking a robotic dog, 是不是存在这样的原因,比如说,阻止你的孩子踢一只机器狗,
not just out of respect for property, but because the child might be more likely to kick a real dog? 不只是出于对财产的尊重,而是因为孩子更可能会去踢一只真的狗?
And again, it's not just kids. This is the violent video games question, 并且这不只适用于儿童。这是一个关于暴力游戏的问题,
but it's on a completely new level because of this visceral physicality that we respond more intensely to than to images on a screen. 但这个问题上升到了一个全新的水平,因为这种出于本能的物质性行为要比我们对屏幕上的图像反应更强烈。
When we behave violently towards robots, specifically robots that are designed to mimic1 life, 当我们对机器人,对专门设计来模拟生命的机器人表现出暴力行径时,
is that a healthy outlet2 for violent behavior or is that training our cruelty muscles? 这是暴力行为的健康疏导还是在培养我们实施残忍行径的力量?
We don't know ... But the answer to this question has the potential to impact human behavior, 我们还不知道...但这个问题的答案有可能影响人类行为,
it has the potential to impact social norms, 它有可能影响社会规范,
it has the potential to inspire rules around what we can and can't do with certain robots, similar to our animal cruelty laws. 可能会启发我们制定对特定机器人能做什么和不能做什么的规则,就类似于我们的动物虐待法。
Because even if robots can't feel, our behavior towards them might matter for us. 因为即便机器人不能感知,我们对待它们的行为也可能对我们有着重要意义。
And regardless of whether we end up changing our rules, robots might be able to help us come to a new understanding of ourselves. 不管我们是否最终会改变我们的规则,机器人也许能帮助我们对自己有一个全新的认识。
Most of what I've learned over the past 10 years has not been about technology at all. 我在过去10年中学到的经验大部分跟技术无关。
It's been about human psychology3 and empathy and how we relate to others. 而是关于人类心理学,同情心以及我们如何与他人相处。
Because when a child is kind to a Roomba, when a soldier tries to save a robot on the battlefield, 因为当一个儿童友好地对待Roomba时,当一个士兵试图拯救战场上的机器人时,
or when a group of people refuses to harm a robotic baby dinosaur4, those robots aren't just motors and gears and algorithms. 或者当一组人拒绝伤害小恐龙机器人时,这些机器人就不只是马达,齿轮和算法。
They're reflections of our own humanity. Thank you. 它们映射出了我们的人性。谢谢。

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v.模仿,戏弄;n.模仿他人言行的人 | |
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n.出口/路;销路;批发商店;通风口;发泄 | |
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n.心理,心理学,心理状态 | |
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n.恐龙 | |
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