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  • 战胜失败-梦想要足够大(6)

    战胜失败 Keep dreaming big dreams 梦想要足够大 Always have your destination in mind; keep dreaming your big dreams. Spend time to visualize them and let the dreams energize you. Let them make you passionate and enthusiastic. Once you cease...

  • 战胜失败-保持热情(5)

    战胜失败 Maintain your enthusiasm 保持热情 Not only you should keep on trying, you should also do it with the same level of enthusiasm as when you first began. Otherwise your subsequent effort will have less andless power. So how do you maint...

  • 战胜失败-不放弃:你离成功只有一步之遥(4)

    战胜失败 Don't give up; maybe you are only one step away fromsuccess 不放弃:你离成功只有一步之遥 Many of lifes failures are people who did notrealize how close they were to success when they gave up. Thomas A. Edison The thought of...

  • 战胜失败-从失败中多多学习(3)

    战胜失败 Learn as much as possible from the failure 从失败中多多学习 Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. Albert Einstein While failure brings you wisdom, how much wisdom you will get depends entirely on your ability t...

  • 战胜失败-失败可以带来智慧(2)

    战胜失败 Understand that failure is there to bring you wisdom 失败可以带来智慧 Good people are good because they've come to wisdomthrough failure. William Saroyan Failure is there not without a reason. It's there togive you the wisdom you...

  • 战胜失败-站起来不后悔(1)

    战胜失败 Rise up and don't regret 站起来不后悔 A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. George Bernard Shaw When we fail, we might be tempted to think that wehave wasted our t...

  • 爱自己-单身(12)

    爱自己 Being single. 单身 So what if you currently aren't in a relationship? Don't let others guilt you into feeling bad about that. Instead, take the opportunity to do more with the alone time that you have....

  • 爱自己-你的职业目标(11)

    爱自己 Your career goals. 你的职业目标 Misinformation is rampant, so don't judge your career goals on what other folks say, and don't change them out of a sense of guilt. Do your own research, and pick whatever feels right to you....

  • 爱自己-没有取悦那些你在乎的人(10)

    爱自己 Not pleasing those you care for. 没有取悦那些你在乎的人 Whether it be your mom, dad, or boss, sometimes you can't please everybody. It's important therefore to not feel guilty about the times that you've disappointed someone you...

  • 爱自己-你目前的状况(9)

    爱自己 Your living situation. 你目前的状况 It can be easy to feel guilty about where and how you're living. The truth is that only you know what's best for you. There's no reason to feel bad about what works for you....

  • 爱自己-不要内疚(8)

    爱自己 Not checking your email. 没有查看邮件 With the advent of the smartphone, it can feel like you're obligated to check your emails and messages for important memos every few minutes. All this does is spike your stress levels....

  • 爱自己-让自己休息一下(7)

    爱自己 Giving yourself a break. 让自己休息一下 Most people feel like they don't work as hard as they actually do, which leads to many guilty thoughts entering their minds whenever they're on a break or vacation. But here's a fact: you deser...

  • 爱自己-对别人说“不”(6)

    爱自己 Telling people no. 对别人说不 It's hard to turn people down, especially if you don't like displeasing other folks. But sometimes, you just gotta do it. Whether it's shooing away a solicitor at the door,or saying no to an acquaintance w...

  • 爱自己-关注当下(5)

    爱自己 Focus on the present moment. 关注当下 Take some time every day to focus on the present moment; it is the only certain time we have in our life. Try not to think about the negative past experiences and embrace the time you have now. You'...

  • 爱自己-赞美别人(4)

    爱自己 See that colleague in the beautiful new dress?Compliment her. 看见同事穿了一件漂亮的新裙子?赞美她一下。 Everyone loves compliments, including that colleague who just walked in on a Monday morning in a beautiful dress....
