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  • 战胜自我怀疑-暂停(1)

    Knock self-doubt on its ass 战胜自我怀疑 Pause. 暂停。 If you've run out of steam, maybe it's your body trying to tell you something. When you are feeling overwhelmed,instead of giving up, just take a break. Don't abandon ship, just give you...

  • 成功的人不会再做的事-不会忘记是内心世界决定了外在的成功(10)

    Something successful people never do again. 成功的人绝对不会再做的事。 Forget that their inner life determines their outer success. 不会忘记是内心世界决定了外在的成功。 The good life sometimes has little to do with outs...

  • 成功的人不会再做的事-不会忘记发挥自己的作用(9)

    Something successful people never do again. 成功的人绝对不会再做的事。 Fail to ask why they are where they find themselves. 不会忘记发挥自己的作用。 One of the biggest differences between successful people and others is that...

  • 成功的人不会再做的事-不对任何事掉以轻心(8)

    Something successful people never do again. 成功的人绝对不会再做的事。 Neglect to do due diligence. 不对任何事掉以轻心。 No matter how good something looks on the outside, it is only by taking a deeper, diligent, and honest loo...

  • 成功的人不会再做的事-不会鼠目寸光(7)

    Something successful people never do again. 成功的人绝对不会再做的事。 Take their eyes off the big picture. 不会鼠目寸光。 We function better emotionally and perform better in our lives when we can see the big picture. For success...

  • 成功的人不会再做的事-不相信世界是完美无瑕的(6)

    Something successful people never do again. 成功的人绝对不会再做的事。 Trust someone or something that appears flawless. 不相信世界是完美无瑕的。 When someone or something looks too good to be true, he, she, or it is. The wor...

  • 成功的人不会再做的事-不会为了暂时的享受而牺牲长久的利益(5)

    Something successful people never do again. 成功的人绝对不会再做的事。 Choose short-term comfort over long-term benefit. 不会为了暂时的享受而牺牲长久的利益。 Once successful people know they want something that requires...

  • 成功的人不会再做的事-不相信自己能取悦所有人(4)

    Something successful people never do again. 成功的人绝对不会再做的事。 Believe they can please everyone. 不相信自己能取悦所有人。 Once you get that it truly is impossible to please everyone, you begin to live purposefully, tr...

  • 成功的人不会再做的事-不会尝试改变他人(3)

    Something successful people never do again. 成功的人绝对不会再做的事。 Try to change another person. 不会尝试改变他人。 When you realize that you cannot force someone into doing something, you give him or her freedom and allow t...

  • 成功的人不会再做的事-不做不适合自己的事情(2)

    Something successful people never do again. 成功的人绝对不会再做的事。 Do anything that requires them to be someone they are not. 不做不适合自己的事情。 In everything we do, we have to ask ourselves, Why am I doing this? Am I...

  • 成功的人不会再做的事-不吃回头草(1)

    Successful people never do again. 成功的人绝对不会再做的事。 Return to what hasn't worked. 不吃回头草。 Whether a job, or a broken relationship that was ended for a good reason, we should never go back to the same thing,expecting d...

  • 吃不胖的零食-爆米花(5)

    吃不胖的零食 Pop it. 爆米花 At only 20 calories per cup, natural popcorn is an underrated and reasonably healthy snack. As they are made out of whole grains they are low in glycaemic Index. Plus, the fibre from whole grains help you to feel...

  • 吃不胖的零食-牛奶(4)

    吃不胖的零食 Pull the udder one. 牛奶 Many people will only consume milk intheir tea of coffee, a level which is insufficient for obtaining the calcium needed for bone health. Drinking up to four glasses of milk each day can be a way to curb...

  • 吃不胖的零食-坚果类(3)

    吃不胖的零食 Go nutty. 坚果类 Nuts are a great snack if you are conscious about your weight as they're rich in a variety of vitamins and nutrients suchas vitamin E, calcium, magnesium and potassium. A recent study on nurses in New Zealand sh...

  • 吃不胖的零食-冷冻食品(2)

    吃不胖的零食 Play it cool. 冷冻食品 Frozen foods often get a bad rap when it comes to healthy eating, but snap frozen vegetables such as peas and corn are actually an excellent source of nutrients. While she recommends shopping each dayfor...
