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  • 后悔吗-过分担忧,未能早日心怀感恩(8)

    Regret? 后悔吗? Worrying too much. As Tom Petty sang, Most things I worry about never happen anyway. Not being grateful sooner. It can be hard to see in the beginning, but eventually it becomes clear that every moment on this earth from the mu...

  • 后悔吗-不能持之以恒,太在乎别人的看法(7)

    Regret? 后悔吗? Failing to finish what you start. I had big dreams of becoming a nurse. I even signed up for the classes, but then Caring too much about what other people think. In 20 years you won't give a damn about any of those people you o...

  • 后悔吗-忽略自己的美丽(6)

    Regret? 后悔吗? Not realizing how beautiful you were. 忽略自己的美丽 Too many of us spend our youth unhappy with the way we look, but the reality is, that's when we're our most beautiful....

  • 后悔吗-学校功课不努力(5)

    Regret? 后悔吗? Not trying harder in school. 学校功课不努力 It's not just that your grades play a role in determining where you end up in life. Eventually you'll realize how neat it was to get to spend all day learning, and wish you'd p...

  • 后悔吗-对旧工作彷徨不前(4)

    Regret? 后悔吗? Not quitting a terrible job. 对旧工作彷徨不前 Look, you gotta pay the bills. But if you dont make a plan to improve your situation, you might wake up one day having spent 40 years in hell....

  • 后悔吗-沉迷于一段糟糕的感情(3)

    Regret? 后悔吗? Staying in a bad relationship. 沉迷于一段糟糕的感情 No one who ever gets out of a bad relationship looks back without wishing they made the move sooner....

  • 后悔吗-没能学一门外语(2)

    Regret? 后悔吗? Not learning another language. 没能学一门外语 Youll kick yourself when you realize you took three years of language in high school and remember none of it....

  • 后悔吗-有机会的时候不去旅行(1)

    Regret? 后悔吗? Not traveling when you had the chance. 有机会的时候不去旅行 Traveling becomes infinitely harder the older you get, especially if you have a family and need to pay the way for three-plus people instead of just yourself...

  • 自我提升-为你的第一考虑工作之外的事(10)

    自我提升 Think beyond Work 考虑工作之外的事 Your career might be your main focus as you leave college, but remember that work isn't everything either (and you don't want to burn out). Go see the world, even on a budget or for free. Goon d...

  • 自我提升-为你的第一份工作做准备(9)

    自我提升 Prepare for Your First Job 为你的第一份工作做准备 You might have held jobs in college, but once you've got your diploma in hand, it's time to completely dive into the work you want to do. Learn how to ace your job interview an...

  • 自我提升-偿还那些助学债款(8)

    自我提升 Deal with Those Student Loans 偿还那些助学债款 Huge student loan debt can be overwhelming, butthere are several ways you can pay it off more easily or even get the loan paid off by your employer. Working in a rural opportunity zo...

  • 自我提升-努力获取新技能(7)

    自我提升 Work on Gaining Additional Skills 努力获取新技能 You can become more hireable by developing additional skills, whether it's a new language,HTML, or any other skill valuedin the workplace. It could not only broaden your job and car...

  • 自我提升-管理好你的资金(6)

    自我提升 Get Your Money in Order 管理好你的资金 Once out of college, your financial picture will probably change. Maybe you have student loans and other debt to deal with, no more support from your parents, and income that you have to budg...

  • 自我提升-找到最佳的地方去居住(5)

    自我提升 Find the Best Place to Live 找到最佳的地方去居住 After college, you have the freedom to go anywhere. You might want to stay where you are or move back to your hometown, which is fine too, but if you're considering where to head...

  • 自我提升-思考研究生是否值得读(4)

    自我提升 Figure out if grad school is worth it 思考研究生是否值得读 If you're graduating college and still don't know what to do next, graduate school is an option. Figure out which graduate degrees are worth the debt and find out if gr...
