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  • 自我提升-开始真实烧菜体验(3)

    自我提升 Start Cooking for Real 开始真实烧菜体验 Given the tiny (or nonexistent) kitchens most college students deal with and perhaps too much prior assistance from Mom amp;Dad restaurant, cooking isn't a skill universal to college grads....

  • 自我提升-了解文凭(2)

    自我提升 Know How to Brand Your Useless College Degree 了解如何给你无用的大学文凭提升逼格 Not everyone graduates with one of the best-paying degrees. If yours is among those with the worst return on your money, not all hope is lo...

  • 自我提升-继续建立和保持你们的友谊(1)

    自我提升 Keep Building and Maintaining Your Friendships 继续建立和保持你们的友谊 Making friends after college is hard, but meaningful friendships make a big difference on almost every aspect of your life for decades to come. So make a...

  • 真正快乐的人-他们爱笑(4)

    Happy individual真正快乐的人 They love to laugh. 他们爱笑 The happy person sees the fun, and funny side of life and aims to always look on the bright side. They are truly joyous in laughter and can make even the stony faced individual crack...

  • 真正快乐的人-他们能包容自己的缺点(3)

    Happy individual真正快乐的人 They love their flaws. 他们能包容自己的缺点 For them, being perfectly imperfect, is perfect! They've come to terms with who they are and have accepted their flaws. They know it is all just a part of what m...

  • 真正快乐的人-他们已经学会了拒绝(2)

    Happy individual真正快乐的人 They have learned to say no. 他们已经学会了拒绝 It sounds strange, but saying no doesn't come easy for some people. However, genuinely happy people don't buy into the idea of keeping others happy if you'r a...

  • 他们并不是一直都很快乐(1)

    Happy individual !真正快乐的人 They're not happy all the time. 他们并不是一直都很快乐 Let's be honest, nobody is happy all the time, and with good reason. It's the down that shows us the beauty of the ups. The genuinely happy indiv...

  • 守时者才知道的事-不准时的人会避开你(5)

    Timekeeping 守时者 You are turned off by late people 不准时的人会避开你 You cannot seem to tolerate or understand why anyone should ever be late. Being late for five minutes, makes you try to even be a more punctual person. Because you ca...

  • 守时者才知道的事-你会被尊重(4)

    Timekeeping 守时者 You are respectful 你会被尊重 You are being adored by others because you are considerate. Your valuing other people's time and showing up early means the other person or people are special and you really care about them....

  • 守时者才知道的事-你总能给留下让人深刻的印象(3)

    Timekeeping 守时者 You always create a lasting impression 你总能给留下让人深刻的印象 When you are prompt at calling someone or being present for a meeting at the right time, you create an impression. People are attracted to you and wa...

  • 守时者才知道的事-你是可以被预测的(2)

    Timekeeping 守时者 You are predictable 你是可以被预测的 If you say you will be at a place by 10 am, you are there. People can predict you for coming on time. Beyond that being predictable makes you more reliable as people can entrust you w...

  • 守时者才知道的事-总能有一种成就感(1)

    Timekeeping 守时者 You always have a feeling of accomplishment 总能有一种成就感 Being punctual adds to your confidence, you are sort of assured that you have worked harder than every other person that should have been there before you. Som...

  • 开心起来-不要放弃(5)

    Be Happy 开心起来 Don't give up 不要放弃 Don't ever give up on happiness. Despite how difficult life may get, it is still a precious gift. Even if living gets tough, happiness is just a choice away. Always smile and know that you are in fact,...

  • 开心起来-为陌生人做点好事(4)

    Be Happy 开心起来 Do something nice for a stranger 为陌生人做点好事 Bake a batch of cookies and hand it to a homeless smother and child. Smile at the taxi driver. Greet the people in the elevator enthusiastically. Embrace everyone around...

  • 开心起来-锻炼(3)

    Be Happy 开心起来 Exercise 锻炼 When you log in time at the gym or on a run, your brain releases endorphins which are responsible for fighting stress and lifting your mood. In addition to making you feel better, the benefits are most definitely...
