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  • 爱阅读-不读你不喜欢读的书(3)

    Love reading 爱阅读 Give up Books That You Don't Enjoy 不读你不喜欢读的书 You may have selected books that are aligned with your purpose. You may have selected books that you are attracted to. But as you are reading them, there may still...

  • 爱阅读-只读你感兴趣的书(2)

    Love reading 爱阅读 Read Only What You Are Attracted to 只读你感兴趣的书 Whether you are reading fiction or nonfiction, it's important to enjoy what you read. Your friends may recommend books that they love, but those books might not neces...

  • 爱阅读-明确你的阅读目标(1)

    Love reading 爱阅读 Define Your Purpose for Reading 明确你的阅读目标 Before you start reading, ask yourself why are you reading this book. Most people read for two main reasons pleasure or knowledge. Being specific and clear about your rea...

  • 英语专业才懂的事-卖书的时候觉得不开心也是平常事(7)

    英语专业的学生才能懂的事 Feeling discomfort to sell a book is usual. 卖书的时候觉得不开心也是平常事 Their subjects are just interconnected. So, they don't want to sell their good old book unless they are done with universit...

  • 英语专业才懂的事-看教授们喜欢的电影是一种兴趣(6)

    英语专业的学生才能懂的事 Watching professors' favorite movie is a hobby. 看教授们喜欢的电影是一种兴趣 This is admittedly true. So, when you want to have a good grade, knowing their professor's favorite movie is the best thin...

  • 英语专业才懂的事-莎士比亚和简奥斯丁是他们的小伙伴(5)

    英语专业的学生才能懂的事 William Shakespeare and Jane Austen aretheir peers. 莎士比亚和简奥斯丁是他们的小伙伴 Because they delve so deeply into Shakespeare's sonnets and plays, or Austen's Pride and Prejudice,the student f...

  • 英语专业才懂的事-处理120%的压力也相当正常(4)

    英语专业的学生才能懂的事 Handling 120% pressure is quite a norm. 处理120%的压力也相当正常 Writing a 15-page analysis about their professor's movie, hundreds of impromptu speeches, reading a 150-page literature book are quite nor...

  • 英语专业才懂的事-深入思考是一种习惯(3)

    英语专业的学生才能懂的事 Over-thinking is a habit. 深入思考是一种习惯 Because of their experience with analytic linguistics, English majors tend to over-analyze behaviors of people,to the point that it becomes habitual....

  • 英语专业才懂的事-图书馆和咖啡店是最好的地方(2)

    英语专业的学生才能懂的事 Libraries and coffee shops are the best spots. 图书馆和咖啡店是最好的地方 Rather than wasting time playing games,or partying the whole night away at a bar. English majors would rather go to libraries...

  • 英语专业才懂的事-完全沉默是非常必要的(1)

    英语专业的学生才能懂的事 A complete silence is much appreciated. 完全沉默是非常必要的 English majors need enough time to think about what they're reading. They need to hear their own thoughts.They often choose to read in silence...

  • 战胜自我怀疑-提醒自己为什么开始(6)

    knock self-doubt on its ass 战胜自我怀疑 Remind yourself why you started. 提醒自己为什么开始。 Sit down and make a list of why you wanted to do this in the first place. Why was this important to you? Writing down the reasons will remi...

  • 战胜自我怀疑-不要放弃(5)

    knock self-doubt on its ass 战胜自我怀疑 Don't give up. 不要放弃。 This is the most important. Don't walk away just because you get stuck. Do you really want to live your life wondering what if? No one wants to live with regrets. Think of...

  • 战胜自我怀疑-寻求帮助(4)

    knock self-doubt on its ass 战胜自我怀疑 Ask for help. 寻求帮助。 The biggest misconception is that we have to do everything on our own. But that's simply not true. Success never comes without support. So reach out. Call a friend. Ask for...

  • 战胜自我怀疑-做让你畏惧的事情(3)

    knock self-doubt on its ass 战胜自我怀疑 Do the thing you're dreading. 做让你畏惧的事情。 Often when we get overwhelmed, it's because the task ahead is daunting. There's no easy way around it. The more we think about it, the more intim...

  • 战胜自我怀疑-从小事开始(2)

    knock self-doubt on its ass 战胜自我怀疑 Start small. 从小事开始。 So often, we feel the need to take great leaps and bounds. Every day needs to be filled with productivity. But we reach a point where we get overwhelmed by all the things...
