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  • “格洛里亚斯科特”号三桅帆船03 Old Trevor was evidently a man of some wealth and consideration, a J.P., and a landed proprietor. Donnithorpe is a little hamlet just to the north of Langmere, in the country of the Broads. The house was an old-fashioned, wide-spread, oak-beamed bric
  • “格洛里亚斯科特”号三桅帆船04 Well, that's true enough, said he. You know, Victor, turning to his son, when we broke up that poaching gang they swore to knife us, and Sir Edward Holly has actually been attacked. I've always been on my guard since then, though I have no idea how y
  • “格洛里亚斯科特”号三桅帆船05 Ah, boys, said he, forcing a smile, I hope I haven't frightened you. Strong as I look, there is a weak place in my heart, and it does not take much to knock me over. I don't know how you manage this, Mr. Holmes, but it seems to me that all the detect
  • “格洛里亚斯科特”号三桅帆船06 From that day, amid all his cordiality, there was always a touch of suspicion in Mr. Trevor's manner towards me. Even his son remarked it. You've given the governor such a turn, said he, that he'll never be sure again of what you know and what you do
  • “格洛里亚斯科特”号三桅帆船07 Hudson it is, sir, said the seaman. Why, it's thirty year and more since I saw you last. Here you are in your house, and me still picking my salt meat out of the harness cask. Tut, you will find that I have not forgotten old times, cried Mr. Trevor,
  • “格洛里亚斯科特”号三桅帆船08 All this occurred during the first month of the long vacation. I went up to my London rooms, where I spent seven weeks working out a few experiments in organic chemistry. One day, however, when the autumn was far advanced and the vacation drawing to
  • “格洛里亚斯科特”号三桅帆船09 We were dashing along the smooth white country road, with the long stretch of the Broads in front of us glimmering in the red light of the setting sun. From a grove upon our left I could already see the high chimneys and the flag-staff which marked t
  • “格洛里亚斯科特”号三桅帆船10 That evening there came what seemed to me to be a grand release, for Hudson told us that he was going to leave us. He walked into the dining-room as we sat after dinner, and announced his intention in the thick voice of a half-drunken man. I've had e
  • “格洛里亚斯科特”号三桅帆船11 When did it happen, doctor? asked Trevor. Almost immediately after you left. Did he recover consciousness? For an instant before the end. Any message for me? Only that the papers were in the back drawer of the Japanese cabinet. My friend ascended wit
  • “格洛里亚斯科特”号三桅帆船12 Victor Trevor sank his face into his shaking hands, It must be that, I suppose, said he. This is worse than death, for it means disgrace as well. But what is the meaning of these head-keepers and hen-pheasants? It means nothing to the message, but it
  • “格洛里亚斯科特”号三桅帆船13 My dear, dear son, now that approaching disgrace begins to darken the closing years of my life, I can write with all truth and honesty that it is not the terror of the law, it is not the loss of my position in the county, nor is it my fall in the eye
  • “格洛里亚斯科特”号三桅帆船14 It was the year '55 when the Crimean war was at its height, and the old convict ships had been largely used as transports in the Black Sea. The government was compelled, therefore, to use smaller and less suitable vessels for sending out their prison
  • “格洛里亚斯科特”号三桅帆船15 That was his style of talk, and at first I thought it meant nothing; but after a while, when he had tested me and sworn me in with all possible solemnity, he let me understand that there really was a plot to gain command of the vessel. A dozen of the
  • “格洛里亚斯科特”号三桅帆船16 One evening, about the third week after our start, the doctor had come down to see one of the prisoners who was ill, and putting his hand down on the bottom of his bunk he felt the outline of the pistols. If he had been silent he might have blown the
  • “格洛里亚斯科特”号三桅帆船17 We were given a suit of sailor togs each, a barrel of water, two casks, one of junk and one of biscuits, and a compass. Prendergast threw us over a chart, told us that we were shipwrecked mariners whose ship had foundered in Lat. 15 and Long. 25 west