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  • 住院的病人06 This was the strange proposal, Mr. Holmes, with which the man Blessington approached me. I won't weary you with the account of how we bargained and negotiated. It ended in my moving into the house next Lady Day, and starting in practice on very much
  • 住院的病人07 What happened was this. Two days ago I received the letter which I now read to you. Neither address nor date is attached to it. A Russian nobleman who is now resident in England, it runs, would be glad to avail himself of the professional assistance
  • 住院的病人08 My first feeling, as I have just said, was one of pity and horror. My second, I fear, was rather one of professional satisfaction. I made notes of my patient's pulse and temperature, tested the rigidity of his muscles, and examined his reflexes. Ther
  • 住院的病人09 I confess that I was very much surprised at it, said I. Well, the fact is, he remarked, that when I recover from these attacks my mind is always very clouded as to all that has gone before. I woke up in a strange room, as it seemed to me, and made my
  • 住院的病人10 For half an hour or so I discussed that old gentleman's symptoms with him, and then, having prescribed for him, I saw him go off upon the arm of his son. I have told you that Mr. Blessington generally chose this hour of the day for his exercise. He c
  • 住院的病人11 Mr. Blessington seemed more excited over the matter than I should have thought possible, though of course it was enough to disturb anybody's peace of mind. He actually sat crying in an arm-chair, and I could hardly get him to speak coherently. It was
  • 住院的病人12 He relit the stair gas as he spoke, and we saw before us a singular-looking man, whose appearance, as well as his voice, testified to his jangled nerves. He was very fat, but had apparently at some time been much fatter, so that the skin hung about h
  • 住院的病人13 And no advice for me? cried Blessington, in a breaking voice. My advice to your, sir, is to speak the truth. A minute later we were in the street and walking for home. We had crossed Oxford Street and were half way down Harley Street before I could g
  • 住院的病人14 My dear fellow, said he, it was one of the first solutions which occurred to me, but I was soon able to corroborate the doctor's tale. This young man has left prints upon the stair-carpet which made it quite superfluous for me to ask to see those whi
  • 住院的病人15 We had entered, and the doctor had preceded us into what was evidently his waiting-room. I really hardly know what I am doing, he cried. The police are already upstairs. It has shaken me most dreadfully. When did you find it out? He has a cup of tea
  • 住院的病人16 I should say that he has been dead about three hours, judging by the rigidity of the muscles, said I. Noticed anything peculiar about the room? asked Holmes. Found a screw-driver and some screws on the wash-hand stand. Seems to have smoked heavily du
  • 住院的病人17 How about this rope? he asked. It is cut off this, said Dr. Trevelyan, drawing a large coil from under the bed. He was morbidly nervous of fire, and always kept this beside him, so that he might escape by the window in case the stairs were burning. T
  • 住院的病人18 Well, it ended by their taking Blessington and hanging him. The matter was so prearranged that it is my belief that they brought with them some sort of block or pulley which might serve as a gallows. That screw-driver and those screws were, as I conc
  • 住院的病人19 You must surely remember the great Worthingdon bank business, said Holmes. Five men were in itthese four and a fifth called Cartwright. Tobin, the care-taker, was murdered, and the thieves got away with seven thousand pounds. This was in 1875. They w
  • 希腊翻译(1) The Greek Interpreter Arthur Conan Doyle During my long and intimate acquaintance with Mr. Sherlock Holmes I had never heard him refer to his relations, and hardly ever to his own early life. This reticence upon his part had increased the somewhat in