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  • 驼背男人08 Holmes pulled a large sheet of tissue-paper out of his pocket and carefully unfolded it upon his knee. What do you make of that? he asked. The paper was covered with the tracings of the foot-marks of some small animal. It had five well-marked foot-pa
  • 驼背男人09 Thank you, you have gone rather too far to stop. It is quite certain that when Mrs. Barclay left the house at half-past seven she was on good terms with her husband. She was never, as I think I have said, ostentatiously affectionate, but she was hear
  • 驼背男人10 Miss Morrison is a little ethereal slip of a girl, with timid eyes and blond hair, but I found her by no means wanting in shrewdness and common-sense. She sat thinking for some time after I had spoken, and then, turning to me with a brisk air of reso
  • 驼背男人11 It's an old acquaintance of mine who has come down in the world, said she. When I promised her I would say nothing she kissed me, and I have never seen her since. I have told you now the whole truth, and if I withheld it from the police it is because
  • 驼背男人12 And you intend to ask him? Most certainlybut in the presence of a witness. And I am the witness? If you will be so good. If he can clear the matter up, well and good. If he refuses, we have no alternative but to apply for a warrant. But how do you kn
  • 驼背男人13 In spite of the warm weather he was crouching over a fire, and the little room was like an oven. The man sat all twisted and huddled in his chair in a way which gave an indescribably impression of deformity; but the face which he turned towards us, t
  • 驼背男人14 It was in this way, sir. You see me now with my back like a camel and by ribs all awry, but there was a time when Corporal Henry Wood was the smartest man in the 117th foot. We were in India then, in cantonments, at a place we'll call Bhurtee. Barcla
  • 驼背男人15 Well, there's no need for me to dwell on that part of it. You know now what James Barclay was capable of. Bhurtee was relieved by Neill next day, but the rebels took me away with them in their retreat, and it was many a long year before ever I saw a
  • 驼背男人16 I did, sir, and at the sight of me he looked as I have never seen a man look before, and over he went with his head on the fender. But he was dead before he fell. I read death on his face as plain as I can read that text over the fire. The bare sight
  • 驼背男人17 But if not, there is no object in raking up this scandal against a dead man, foully as he has acted. You have at least the satisfaction of knowing that for thirty years of his life his conscience bitterly reproached him for this wicked deed. Ah, ther
  • 住院的病人01 The Resident Patient Arthur Conan Doyle Glancing over the somewhat incoherent series of Memoirs with which I have endeavored to illustrate a few of the mental peculiarities of my friend Mr. Sherlock Holmes, I have been struck by the difficulty which
  • 住院的病人02 A day's work ruined, Watson, said he, striding across to the window. Ha! The stars are out and he wind has fallen. What do you say to a ramble through London? I was weary of our little sitting-room and gladly acquiesced. For three hours we strolled a
  • 住院的病人03 I was sufficiently conversant with Holmes's methods to be able to follow his reasoning, and to see that the nature and state of the various medical instruments in the wicker basket which hung in the lamplight inside the brougham had given him the dat
  • 住院的病人04 Sherlock Holmes sat down and lit his pipe. You are very welcome to both, said he. Pray let me have a detailed account of what the circumstances are which have disturbed you. One or two of them are so trivial, said Dr. Trevelyan, that really I am almo
  • 住院的病人05 This was a visit from a gentleman of the name of Blessington, who was a complete stranger to me. He came up to my room one morning, and plunged into business in an instant. You are the same Percy Trevelyan who has had so distinguished a career and wo