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  • 2023年经济学人 哈马斯武装分子突袭以色列

    哈马斯武装分子突袭以色列 The world this week--Politics 本周国际要闻--政治 Israel came under a sustained attack on its territory, when hordes of Hamas militants broke through the border from Gaza and went on a murderous rampage in...

  • 2023年经济学人 美国10年期国债收益率创15年来新高

    美国10年期国债收益率创15年来新高 The world this week--Business 本周国际要闻--商业 The rout in government-bond markets deepened, as investors bet that interest rates would stay higher for longer. 政府债券市场溃败进一步加...

  • 2023年经济学人 美国众议院议长麦卡锡被罢免

    美国众议院议长麦卡锡被罢免 The world this week--Politics 本周国际要闻--政治 Americas House of Representatives ejected Kevin McCarthy as speaker, the first time in history someone has been ousted from the job. 美国众议院罢免了...

  • 2023年经济学人 美联储仍高度关注通胀风险

    美联储仍高度关注通胀风险 The world this week--Business 本周国际要闻--商业 The Federal Reserve left its benchmark interest rate on hold at a range of between 5.25% and 5.5%, but said it remained highly attentive to inflation risks....

  • 2023年经济学人 加拿大指控印度派特工杀人

    加拿大指控印度派特工杀人 The world this week--Politics 本周国际要闻--政治 Canadas prime minister, Justin Trudeau, said that Indian agents were behind the killing of a Sikh leader near Vancouver in June. India denied it. 加拿大总...

  • 2023年经济学人 美司法部状告谷歌案开庭

    美司法部状告谷歌案开庭 The world this week--Business 本周国际要闻--商业 Google went on trial in Washington, in the biggest antitrust case brought against a tech company since Microsofts trial in 1998. 谷歌在华盛顿受审,这是...

  • 2023年经济学人 利比亚洪灾造成5300多人遇难

    利比亚洪灾造成5300多人遇难 The world this week--Politics 本周国际要闻--政治 More than 5,300 people died and many thousands more were missing after floods burst two dams and swept through the Libyan port city of Derna. 洪水冲垮了...

  • 2023年经济学人 碧桂园宣布总负债1870亿美元

    碧桂园宣布总负债1870亿美元 The world this week--Business 本周国际要闻--商业 Country Garden, a big Chinese property developer, managed to make two interest payments to bondholders just before the end of a 30-day grace period, thus a...

  • 2023年经济学人 美国放风金正恩正准备访俄会见普京

    美国放风金正恩正准备访俄会见普京 The world this week--Politics 本周国际要闻--政治 Volodymyr Zelensky sacked Oleksii Reznikov as Ukraines defence minister. 弗拉基米尔泽连斯基解除了乌克兰国防部长阿列克谢列兹...

  • 2023年经济学人 3M公司因耳塞质量问题将赔付60亿美元

    3M公司因耳塞质量问题将赔付60亿美元 The world this week--Business 本周国际要闻--商业 UBS reported a whopping second-quarter net profit of $29bn, almost all of it a gain from its takeover of Credit Suisse, which it bought at a kn...

  • 2023年经济学人 加蓬发生政变--法国在非洲失势

    加蓬发生政变--法国在非洲失势 The world this week--Politics 本周国际要闻--政治 Soldiers in Gabon seized power days after a presidential election returned the incumbent, Ali Bongo, to office in a ballot that was widely deemed fraud...

  • 2023年经济学人 芯片设计巨头Arm递交招股书

    芯片设计巨头Arm递交招股书 The world this week--Business 本周国际要闻--商业 Arm published a prospectus for its blockbuster IPO on the Nasdaq exchange next month. Arm发布了一份轰动的招股说明书,计划于下月在纳斯达...

  • 2023年经济学人 中国禁止进口所有日本海产品

    中国禁止进口所有日本海产品 The world this week--Politics 本周国际要闻--政治 Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner Group of Russian-backed mercenaries, was presumed to have been killed when a private plane he was travelling...

  • 2023年经济学人 英国政治名人因政见不同被银行封账户

    英国政治名人因政见不同被银行封账户 The world this week--Business 本周国际要闻--商业 The Federal Reserve resumed its policy of monetary tightening following a pause at its last meeting in June, raising its key interest rate by...

  • 2023年经济学人 拜登儿子对联邦税收指控不认罪

    拜登儿子对联邦税收指控不认罪 The world this week--Politics 本周国际要闻--政治 The Israeli Knesset passed the first in a series of laws aimed at drastically limiting the powers of Israels Supreme Court. 以色列议会通过了一系...
