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  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第465期:tell somebody how tell somebody how 告诉某人方法 Can you tell me how this happened? 能告诉我这是怎么发生的吗? You're not going to the party? Can you tell me why? 你不去聚会了?能告诉我为什么吗? I'll tell you how bad it is. 我跟你说
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第466期:I told you... I told you... 我跟你说过 I told you to leave me and never come back again. 我跟你说过离开我,别再回来。 I told you to give him whatever he wants. 我早就跟你说过,他想要什么你就给什么。 I told you that I didn't kn
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第467期:You told me... You told me... 是你让我的 You told me to call you a cab at 10:00. 是你让我 10 点叫计程车的。 You told me that you didn't like Jack the other day. 是你曾经告诉我你不喜欢杰克的。 You told me you were going to take me for
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第468期:Let me tell you... Let me tell you... 我来告诉你 Let me tell you my story. 我跟你说说我的故事吧。 Let me tell you about my plan to open a restaurant. 我来跟你说说开饭店的计划吧。 Let me tell you something. Your girlfriend isn't cute. 我有话
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第469期:Don't tell me... Don't tell me... 不要让我 Don't tell me what's in the box. 别告诉我那盒子里有什么。 Don't tell me that it's over between us. 别跟我说,我们俩之间已经没戏了。 Don't tell me that you don't have time to talk. 不要跟我说
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第470期:There's no telling... There's no telling ... 没法知道 There's no way to tell who it was. 没办法知道是谁做的。 There's no telling what you think. 没办法知道你在想什么。 There's no telling how long they'll last. 不知道他们会持续多久。 Do
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第471期:You're telling me that...? You're telling me that ...? 你对我说? You're telling me you didn't try to hit him? 你是说当时你没有想打他? You're telling me I can't see her? 你是说我没办法见她了? You're telling me there're a million dollars here? 你是
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第472期:be told be told 听成 I was told that the doors close at nine. 据我所知,大门会在9点关闭。 I was told you had a question for me. 我听说你对我有个疑问。 I have been told that I'm a very good kisser, all right? 我听说大家认为我是
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第473期:I can tell you... I can tell you ... 可以说也是 I can tell you that the prices of cars are a bit high. 我跟你说,汽车的价格有点高。 I can tell you what he's going to find. 我可以告诉你他会找到什么。 I can't tell you how sorry I am. 真不
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第474期:speak to speak to 对某人说,讲话 Can I speak to Mr. Smith? 我能和史密斯先生说话吗? Can I please speak to your manager? 我能和你的经理谈谈吗? I need to speak with you. 我得和你谈谈。 Can I speak to John Lange? 请问约翰兰
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第475期:speak English speak English 说英语 Does anyone here speak Korean? 有人会说韩语吗? I am sorry but I can't speak English very well. 很抱歉,不过我不太会说英语。 But he doesn't speak a word of English. 不过他连一句英语都不会说。
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第476期:speak as speak as 以的资格说 May I speak as a girlfriend for a second? 我能以女朋友的身份说两句吗? Are you speaking as my husband or as my boss? 你是以我丈夫的身份说话,还是以老板的身份? Now I'm speaking as a doctor. 现
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第477期:speak up 释义: speak up 大声说,表达意见 表示再大声点(up)说话,在说话或打电话时如果听不清对方的话就可以用这个短语。当然,在表达自己的意见时可以用。另外,speak out 还具有大声说话或呐喊
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第478期:speak for somebody speak for somebody 表达某人的感情或立场,代言 I think I can speak for both of us when I say I'm sorry. 我觉得当我说抱歉时可以代表我们两个人。 I know I speak for Will when I say we've very disappointed. 我知道当我说
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第479期:Speaking of Speaking of 说起 Speaking of winter, did you go skiing this year? 说到冬天,你今年去滑雪了吗? Speaking of Brian, I have some big news. 提到布莱恩,我有些特大新闻。 Speaking of which, are you ready to go to lunch? 话说回