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  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第495期:leave a job leave a job 放弃工作 I can't leave this job at the moment. 我现在不能放弃工作。 We both left home when we were 16. 我们都是在 16 岁的时候离开家的。 He left work in the middle of the day to go on a date. 他中午就提前下
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第496期:leave something leave something 将某物留在某处,留下,忘在某处 How much should I leave on the table? 我得在桌子上留下多少? I'd like to leave my room key, please. 我想让您保管我房间的钥匙,谢谢。 I think I left my keys here
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第497期:leave somebody leave somebody 离开某人,分手,托付 I told her I was going to leave her. 我告诉过他,我要离开她。 Where does that leave me? 那我会怎么样? You didn't really leave me much choice. 你给我留下的选择并不太多。 Te
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第498期:leave something leave something 变成的状态 Don't leave things half done. 做事不要半途而废。 I left the door open and she must have gotten out. 我没有关门,她肯定出去了。 It's not very good leaving candles unattended. 点燃的蜡烛如果不
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第499期:leave somebody alone leave somebody alone 不管某人 Could you please just leave me alone? 你能不能别管我? I didn't want to leave him alone. 我不想不管他。 I left her alone out there. 我把她一个人留在那里。 They're even. So just leave it alon
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第500期:leave a message leave a message 留下信息或笔记 Could I leave a message? 我能留个信息吗? Please, leave a message at the tone. 请在提示音后留下信息。 They left us a message saying they were getting married. 他们留下信息说,他们要结
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第501期:Leave something to somebody Leave something to somebody 将某事交给某人 Leave it to me to find her. 找她的事情交给我吧。 I'll leave them to you when I die. 等我死后会把他们交给你的。 I think we can just leave it at that. 我觉得我们可以收手了
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第502期:have something left have something left 留下了 We don't have much time left. 我们没多少时间了。 I just have one problem left that I don't know how to solve. 我还有一道题不知道该怎么做。 It's leftover from the wedding. 这是婚礼上剩下的。
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第503期:leave somebody (sth) behind leave somebody (sth) behind 不带走,留下 The four kids ran off, leaving Parker behind. 四个孩子逃跑了,把帕克留在了后面。 Is that why he left you behind? 所以他在把你留了下来? So how did you manage to leave her behi
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第504期:leave out leave out 不考虑,除外 Have much fun! Just leave me out of it. 玩得开心点,我就不加入了。 I have felt so left out since you left me. 在你离开我之后,我感到非常孤单。 Frankly, I didn't want you to feel left out. 老实
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第505期:leave off leave off 放下手中的事情 Let's pick it up where we left off. 我们接着上次继续做吧。 Why don't you just come back down here and we'll pick up where we left off? 你最好马上下来,我们接着之前的部分做。 Shall we conti
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第506期:be on leave be on leave 休假中 He is on leave now. You can call him later. 他现在在休假,你可以稍后再打过来。 What's going to happen to us when she goes on leave? 如果她去度假的话,我们会怎么样? She's going on leave? 她要去度
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第507期:run run 奔跑,跑动 I'm going to run to the car and get my stuff. 我要马上跑回车里,拿我的东西。 I'm going to run down to the emergency room. 我得马上跑到急救室。 You run to the DVD store and I'll go get coffee. 你赶紧去趟
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第508期:come running come running 好不容易跑过来,请求帮助 The kids came running out of the house. 孩子们从家里跑了出来。 She didn't come running back to you. 她没有回到你身边。 When you hear it, come running. 当你听到时,就马上跑过
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第509期:be running late be running late 迟到 He's supposed to be here, but I guess he's running late. 他原本应该在这的,我猜他迟到了。 I was running late for a meeting. 会议要迟到了。 Let's go right now. We're running late. 我们现在就出发,要