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  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第480期:Roughly speaking Roughly speaking 大体上讲 Strictly speaking, you don't deserve this. 严格来说,你没有资格获得这些。 Roughly speaking, the casino is at around 2 miles away. 大体来讲,赌场离这有2英里远。 Frankly speaking, you're not in
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第481期:so to speak so to speak 话说回来 So to speak, she's a maniac. 总之,她就是个疯子。 I'd like to go back to the days when I was young, so to speak. 其实,我非常希望回到年轻的时候。 I really want to get out of here, so to speak. 说真的
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第482期:speak ill of speak ill of 谴责某人 I'm not good at speaking well of others. 我不大擅长称赞别人。 Don't speak ill of him. 不要说他的坏话。 Don't speak ill of the dead. 不要说死人的坏话。 My father spoke highly of President Kennedy. 我
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第483期:talk to talk to 对某人说 I need to talk to Mr. James immediately. 我得马上和詹姆斯先生谈谈。 Can I talk to you for a second? 我能和你谈一会吗? She is talking to someone else right now. 她现和别人说话呢。 Is it okay if I ph
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第484期:talk with talk with 与某人交谈 We're going to have to talk with your daughter. 我们要和你女儿谈谈。 Nice talking with you. See you around. 很高兴跟你聊,回头见。 I'm going to have a talk with Julie. 我要和朱莉谈谈。 They are s
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第485期:talk about talk about 谈论某事 I don't want to talk about it (this) . 我不想谈论这件事。 Wait a minute! Are you two talking about the same guy? 稍等!你们两个人说的是一个人吗? Can we not talk about that? 我们能不能不说那个?
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第486期:Let's talk Let's talk 谈论某事 First of all, let's talk about that. 首先,我们说说那件事。 So let's talk about what you can do for me. 我们来说说你能为我做什么。 Let's not talk about the past. We'll just let it go. 我们别说过去的
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第487期:I'm talking I'm talking 我在说的事情 I'm talking about chicks, not gambling. 我们在说女人,不是赌博。 You're talking to the wrong man. 你找错人了。 Are you talking about getting married? 你们在说结婚的事情吗? What are you talk
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第488期:what you're talking about what you're talking about 你说的事情 I know what you're talking about. 我知道你在说什么。 This is exactly what I'm talking about. 这就是我想说的。 You know who I'm talking about. 你知道我说的是谁。 I have no idea what y
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第489期:talk like that talk like that (以那种方式)那么说 You don't talk to me like that. I am your mother! 你不要那么对我说话,我可是你妈妈! Jack, you don't talk like that to anyone. 杰克,不要对任何人那么说话。 Don't talk like t
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第490期:talk sb into talk sb into 让某人做某事(不做某事) I talked him out of it. You can stop worrying about that. 我让他停手了。你现在不用担心了。 I'm glad you talked me into this. 我很高兴你能让我做这个。 How did she talk me in
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第491期:talk over talk over 商量,讨论 I have to talk it over with the boss right now. 我现在得马上和老板谈谈了。 We'll talk it over at the office tomorrow. 我们明天会在公司商量这件事。 We're going to talk over the party plans. 我们要商
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第492期:talk to oneself talk to oneself 自言自语 I was talking to myself! 我在自言自语! Sam's gone, and she was sitting here talking to herself like a crazy person. 山姆走了,她就坐在这里自言自语着,就像个精神异常的人。 Were you just t
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第493期:leave somewhere leave somewhere 离开某地,出发 What time does the limo leave? 轿车什么时候开? He got up to leave the room. 他起身走出了房间。 Do you want us to leave the room? 你要我们走出房间吗? We told Cindy to leave our group. 我
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第494期:Leave for... Leave for... 前往某处 He left New York for Seoul. 他离开纽约,去了首尔。 He left for Boston yesterday. 他昨天前往波士顿。 I leave for work at 7 o'clock in the morning. 我早上 7 点上班。 We have to leave for Japan in an