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  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第525期:break for break for 暂时休息 We can talk about that later. I'm about to break for lunch. 我们可以回头再聊。我现在要去吃午饭了。 Shall we break for a snack? Let's go out. 我们休息一会,吃点快餐呗?出去吧。 Let's take a te
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第526期:break away break away 离去,脱离,独立,断绝(关系) My son's trying to break away from me with a girl he's dating. 我儿子想和他女朋友远走高飞。 He broke away from the group and joined us. 他离开了原来的小组,投靠了我们
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第527期:break down break down 击碎,出故障,失败,分解,分离或分类 My car broke down again. 我的汽车又出毛病了。 Not again! This is the third time you've broken my MP3 player! 又来了!这是你第三次弄坏我的MP3播放器了! Ever
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第528期:break in break in 侵入,插话,打击 We know who broke into your house. 我们知道是谁闯进你的房子了。 Did somebody break into my car? 有人撬开了我的车? I broke in my new shoes. 我适应了新鞋。 Someone broke into the house an
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第529期:break off break off 打击,折断,脱离,结束(话,关系等),中断 Did it break off or did someone break it? 是它自己脱落的还是有人弄坏的? My father broke off his affair with Cindy. 我爸爸和辛迪断绝了关系。 If you w
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第530期:break out break out 出现,发生,突然开始,脱离(...of) The fire broke out last night. 昨天晚上突然着火了。 I really want to break out of here. 我很想从这里逃出去。 She broke out into a smile and stood up. 她突然开始大笑
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第531期:break up break up 生孩子,击跨,分手 I'm going to break up with you. 我们还是分手吧。 I broke up with Jim because he didn't want to have any children. 我和吉姆分手了,因为他不想要孩子。 Have you seen Mike since you two broke
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第532期:start to start to 开始做某事 What time do you start to board? 你什么时候能登机? We should start working on the report. 我们得开始写报告了。 I just started driving this month. 我这个月才开始开车的。 How is your cold? 你感冒
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第533期:start something start something 开始做某事 I can't start the car. I don't know what the problem is. 我的车发动不起来了。不知道出了什么问题。 My wife wants to start a family this year. 我老婆想在今年怀上孩子。 Did you start a figh
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第534期:start it 释义: start it 开始 it 为之前已经提到过的话题,可以用来明确到底是谁先开始的和各种是是非非。 例句: I started it but, now it's scaring me. 是我开始的,不过现在我有点害怕了。 She's the one tha
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第535期:starting starting 先开始做某事 I'll be on vacation starting next week. 我下周要去度假了。 Would it be all right if I took a week off starting tomorrow? 我明天开始请一周的假可以吗? Starting next month, I'm going to pay you to live
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第536期:start off start off 开始 I always like to start off with a hug. 我总是喜欢先抱一抱。 She started off toward the church. 她向教堂进发了。 Is it difficult to work in a bank? 在银行里工作很难吗? All employees start off by working lo
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第537期:start on 释义: start on 开始某事 像 work on 一样,on 表示某种作业的对象,start on 表示开始某事(作业),使用某物等。另外,start in on 则表示谴责某人,抱怨某人等。 例句: Sorry I couldn't start on your
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第538期:start out start out 开始,开始从事某职业等 He started out of the bathroom to the door. She followed him. 他从洗手间走出来,向门口走去,她跟了过去。 It started out this way. Nothing caused it to happen. 一开始就这样,没有什
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第539期:start (all) over start (all) over 重新开始 Can we just start all over? 我们能重新开始吗? Maybe we can start it again, but things will be different this time. 我们也许可以重新开始,不过已经是物是人非了。 We're going to have to start