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  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第510期:run errands run errands 跑腿 I have to run an errand. 我得跑个腿了。 I've got millions of errands to run. 我要帮别人做很多事情。 Do you mind if I run a quick errand? 你介意我去跑个腿吗? I'm sorry. She shouldn't have you running err
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第511期:run after run after 追赶,尾随 Michael ran off and Jane ran after him. 麦克一逃跑,杰恩就开始追赶他。 He ran after her. They met in the hallway. 他在尾随她,后来在走廊碰到了。 Tom took off jogging again. Susie ran after him. 汤
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第512期:run around (with) run around 跑来跑去,忙碌 Are you running around looking for your earring? 你在到处找你的耳环吗? They run around the house with toy airplanes. 他们拿着玩具飞机在房间里跑来跑去。 She's running around telling everyon
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第513期:run away run away 逃跑,奔跑 You can't run away from that. 你可跑不掉。 I am going to run away from you. 我要离你而去了。 Did he run off to see his mom? 他急忙离开是为了见他妈妈吗? Some children choose to run away from home. 有
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第514期:run something by somebody run something by somebody 与某人商量某事 You'd better run it by me. 你最好先和我说说。 Just run it by Jimmy and tell me what he thinks. 先和吉米商量商量,告诉我他是怎么想的。 Great! You want to run it by me? 很好!
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第515期:run down run down 跑下去,被车撞,谴责,出故障,磨损 I'm going to run down to the emergency room and check it out. 我得马上去急救室看看。 Could you run down to the snack bar and get me some cookies? 你能赶紧去趟快餐店帮我买
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第516期:run for run for 参加选举,向跑去 I don't know who's running for president. 我不知道谁参加总统选举。 He's running for city council. 他参加了市议会的选举。 I guess you don't read the papers. I'm running for mayor. 我猜你没有看
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第517期:run into run into 向跑去,碰到困难,偶然遇到某人 If you run into any problems, you call me. 如果你碰到可困难,找我。 I ran into her on my way home. 回家的路上偶然碰到了她。 Good (Nice) running into you. 见到你很高兴。
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第518期:run out (of) run out (of) 缺乏(某物) I ran out of gas. Where can we fill up? 没油了,我们去哪可以加油? I'm running out of time. 我没有多少时间了。 My real dad ran out on me before I was born. 亲生父亲在我出生前就离开了。
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第519期:run over run over 向某处跑去,用车撞,上下打量 I'm going to have to run over there and beg him to stay with me. 我得马上跑过去,求他留下。 When I got run over, I was on my way to propose to you. 当我被车撞到时,正想去向你
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第520期:run through run through 贯通,上下打量,横穿 It's been running through my mind ever since. 在那次之后,我的脑海中就充满了那件事。 Why are thoughts of that girl running through my head? 为什么我久久无法忘怀她的形象? Ok
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第521期:break one's leg break one's leg 腿部骨折,受伤 I have an interview tomorrow and I can't go if I break my leg. 我明天有个面试,如果腿骨折了就去不了了。 I didn't know that you broke your leg. 我不知道你的腿骨折了。 She broke my ar
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第522期:break one's promise break one's promise 打破约定 Well, it looks like they broke their promise. 恩,他们好像没有守信。 I will do my best not to break my promise. 我会尽量遵守我的承诺的。 Every now and then, we have to break the rules. 有些时候
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第523期:break the news to break the news to 向某人传达新闻 I just accidentally broke the news of her infidelity to her husband. 我刚刚不小心把她的绯闻告诉了她丈夫。 I imagine that you were pissed off when she broke the news. 在听到她的消息之后,
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第524期:break one's heart break one's heart 让人失望,让人痛心 You broke my heart again. 你再一次伤害了我的感情。 I broke up with a girl who broke my heart. 我和伤我心的女朋友分手了。 Don't break my heart. Please get out of here. 不要伤我的