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摩登家庭第六季 第215期:借老爸的首付还没还

时间:2019-04-09 01:15来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

 Not really, no. 没有,没有。

You had your summer of the red afro, and I dated the whitest Puerto Rican on earth. 你顶了一暑假的红色爆炸头,而我曾跟世上最白的波多黎各人约会。
Oh, Wayne. Hey, but it's not like we didn't separate and strike out on our own. 韦恩。可这不代表我们没有离开家开始拼搏自己的人生。
Yeah! That's right. -Am I right? 说得没错。-我说对了吗?
Dad bought me my house. 老爸给我买的房子。
Ours, too. 我们的也是。
He loaned1 us the money for the down payment2. We never paid him back. I've always felt so guilty. 他借给我们首付的钱。我们一直没还。我一直感觉很惭愧。
You know, he gave us our down payment, too. 他也帮我们出了首付。
Are you sure that wasn't a gift? 你确定不是送你们的吗?
Well, I never offered to pay him back. I don't know. 我从来没说过要还他,我不知道。
And then he just gave me this bonus at work. What he must think of me. 他还刚给我发了一笔奖金。他该是怎么看我的啊。
It's so long ago now. 已经过去那么久了。
Well, still. I feel like I should offer to pay him back. 不管怎样。我觉得应该把钱还给他。
What -- no. N-no. No, no, no, no, no, no, Claire. 什么,不不不,不要,克莱尔。
Because then I'm gonna have to pay him back, and I'll be stuck in the same shoe box he bought me last time. 那样我也得还他钱了,那我就只能待在他上次给我买的小鸽子笼里。
Mitchell, he's not going to accept it. It's just a gesture. We do it so we feel more independent. 米奇尔,他不会收的。这只是一个姿态。我们这么做只是想显得更独立。
Just do it. Do it! 听我的。把钱还给他!
Do what? 还什么?
Oh, nothing. You're busy. 没什么,你忙着呢。
Not really. Phil's tinkering with the new grill3, so you better collect some old photographs for the memorial. 一点也不忙。菲尔还在鼓捣新的烧烤机,你最好开始准备他葬礼上用的旧照片了。
Do what? 所以要还什么?
Well, you probably don't remember this. But, a while back, you gave us some money for a down payment. 你可能不记得了。但是之前你帮我们垫了房子的首付。
Very generously, I might add. Yes. 非常大方的举动,是的。
And not just cause it's your birthday...- That's right....but we wanted to at least make the offer to pay...you...back. 这不只是因为你今天生日。-没错。我们觉得至少应该提出把钱还给你。
Mitchell, what are you doing? I can't cash this. 米奇尔,你在干什么,这我不能兑现。
Now, dad, I-- 老爸,我...
You got to sign it first. 你得签字啊。
Okay, in that case, I'm gonna need to get the pen back from-- Claire! 那样的话,我得把笔拿回来...克莱尔!
Got one right here. 我这里就有。
Okay. 那好。


1 loaned 02ff2e0ceb9b075b8d2a1fc79e0ad007     
v.借出,贷与(尤指钱)( loan的过去式和过去分词 );出借(贵重物品给博物馆等)
  • I have loaned his bicycle. 我把他的自行车给借出去了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The ground was loaned out for numerous events including pop concerts. 场地被借用来搞过无数活动,包括流行音乐会。 来自辞典例句
2 payment qL4xJ     
  • I gave ten pounds in payment for the goods I bought.我买那些东西付了10英镑。
  • This last payment will wipe out your debt to me.这最后一笔付款将了结你欠我的债务。
3 grill wQ8zb     
  • Put it under the grill for a minute to brown the top.放在烤架下烤一分钟把上面烤成金黄色。
  • I'll grill you some mutton.我来给你烤一些羊肉吃。
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