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摩登家庭第六季 第216期:屋里有个未来的医生

时间:2019-04-09 01:16来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

 Oh, what, just cause dad took your money back, I'm supposed to give him all mine, too? 就因为老爸拿了你的钱,我就也要还钱给他吗?

Yes, yes. Because it was your stupid idea. Okay? 没错,因为是你出的蠢主意,好吗?
Oh, my god. How am I gonna tell Cam I gave away his entire inheritance? 天呐,我该怎么跟小卡说我把他继承的遗产都白白给人了?
I don't know. 我不知道。
Oh, hey! Is there a future doctor in the house? 这屋里是不是有个未来的医生啊?
Yeah, I think he's upstairs, feeling up Haley. 是啊,在楼上和海莉亲热呢。
No -- you, Alex Einstein. 不,是你啊,艾利克斯·爱因斯坦。
Whatever you're doing, please stop. 不管你在做什么,打住吧。
She's still mad. 她还在生气。
Yeah, so am I.It's not fair, okay? Dad gave you the same amount of money for your down payment. 我也是。这不公平好吗?老爸给了你们一样的钱交首付。
What? Jay loaned us that money? 什么?那钱是杰借的?
Oh, my god. You don't know. Yes. Yes. Makes you wonder what else she's lied about, huh? 天呐,你不知道,没错。让你怀疑她还扯了什么谎,对吧?
Wait -- I've owed jay money for 20 years, and you never told me? 等等,我欠了杰20年钱你都没跟我说?
I didn't think you'd want to take it. 我觉得你不会想要。
I finally understand the invisible wall that's been between jay and me all this time. 我总算知道我和杰之间为什么总是有隔阂了。
This is why we're not laughing about that crazy grill1, taking an awesome2 selfie with it, posting it on instagram, sending hilarious3 e-mails back and forth4! 所以我们没有把那个破烤架当笑话,在它旁边来张自拍发到社交网络上往来搞笑邮件!
Remember when the grill went nuts?Oh, yeah. That was hilarious.You're hilarious. 还记得那个破烤架吗?记得,超搞笑。你才搞笑呢。
So what, he's a doctor? I could be a doctor. I still have the white coat from when I worked at the clinique counter. 他不就是个医生吗?我也能当医生。在碧倩前台工作时穿的白大褂我还留着呢。
Hey. So, Gloria says it's Joe's bath time. 歌洛莉亚说该给乔洗澡了。
He just had one. 他刚洗过。
What's with the robe, Hef? 浴袍是怎么回事,赫夫?
I don't know who that is, but I took off my shirt to protect it from splash Gordon over here. 我不知道那是谁,我把衬衫脱了,免得被这位神溅手弄湿。
Adorbs. 好可爱。
Can you grab me that juice box? 能递下那盒果汁吗?
Yeah, sure. 好。
Anyway...Like I was saying before...Remember how, when I was in the hospital -- 话说回来...就像我刚刚说的...记得,我住院时...
Oh, no! Oh, man, this is gonna stain! I need to take it off and soak it. 不好了!会留下印子的!得把它脱下来泡着。
You could put on my shirt. It's hanging right there. 你可以穿我的衬衫,就在那里挂着。
Oh, thanks. It's a little boxy. Do you have a chunky belt? 谢了。有点大,你有皮带吗?
Uh...yeah, I guess. 有。


1 grill wQ8zb     
  • Put it under the grill for a minute to brown the top.放在烤架下烤一分钟把上面烤成金黄色。
  • I'll grill you some mutton.我来给你烤一些羊肉吃。
2 awesome CyCzdV     
  • The church in Ireland has always exercised an awesome power.爱尔兰的教堂一直掌握着令人敬畏的权力。
  • That new white convertible is totally awesome.那辆新的白色折篷汽车简直棒极了.
3 hilarious xdhz3     
  • The party got quite hilarious after they brought more wine.在他们又拿来更多的酒之后,派对变得更加热闹起来。
  • We stop laughing because the show was so hilarious.我们笑个不停,因为那个节目太搞笑了。
4 forth Hzdz2     
  • The wind moved the trees gently back and forth.风吹得树轻轻地来回摇晃。
  • He gave forth a series of works in rapid succession.他很快连续发表了一系列的作品。
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