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摩登家庭第六季 第243期:说英语对我来说很难的

时间:2019-04-09 02:37来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

 Oh, no, that's not a ball. 不,那不是球球。

No. No, no, no. That's a criminally expensive Santangelo bowl. 不不不,那是个贵到吓死人的圣安杰洛牌玻璃碗。
Okay, I'm gonna sneak1 around behind him snd you're just gonna keep him talking. 听着,我悄悄地绕到后面去,你继续说话分散他的注意力。
Joe, you don't want to do this. You know, as of right now, you haven't done anything wrong. 乔,你不想这么做的。现在你还没有犯下大错。
You just hand that over to me, and it's like nothing ever happened, see? 把碗给我大家相安无事,好吗?
Okay, he's not baby face nelson. He's an actual baby. 他又不是长着婴儿脸的罪犯,他就是个小孩而已。
Okay, you know what? You want to help out? Slide something underneath2 it like a throw pillow. 你想来帮忙吗?扔点东西过来垫着,比如靠枕。
Throw! 扔球球!
You forget what a handful3 kids are when they're little, huh? 我们都忘了小孩子有多麻烦,对吧?
Yeah, I didn't realize how easy we have it now that Lily's so independent. - Yeah. 是啊,我之前都没意识到,现在莉莉这么大了我们过得有多舒坦。-是啊。
Plus, we're not as young as we were when she was like this. 再说,我们也不像莉莉当年这么大时那样年轻了。
Mitchell, are -- are we almost discussing what I think we're almost discussing? 米奇,我们是不是在讨论我脑海中想的那件事?
Maybe we shouldn't rush into having another kid? 也许我们不该急着领养孩子?
It's a big decision, and I love the way our lives are now. 这是大事,而且我喜欢现在的生活状态。
Oh, god, me, too! 天呐,我也是!
Th-th-this doesn't make us selfish people, does it? 这不代表我们是自私的人吧?
Of course not. 当然不是了。
Baby Joe's stuck in the well. 小乔卡在井里了("好"字)。
Leave him. - He 's fine. 管他的呢。-能有啥事。
No, no, no. A little bit more to the left. 不对,往左边放点。
What are you doing here? I can't believe I have to beg you to go shopping. 你在这干嘛?不敢相信我得求你去购物。
Well, I have to make sure that you're putting that thing in the right place since this stupid, horrible job is so important to you. 我得确保你把这东西放对地方,因为你觉得这份蠢工作对你很重要。
Ay, Haley, I have to say, today I lost a little bit of respect for you. 海莉啊,我得说今天让我有点瞧不起你。
Goodbye, Gloria. 不送,歌洛莉亚。
You need to learn how to stand up for yourself. 你得学会站起来维护自己。
Do you know how easy that is for you to say? 你知道你说出这话有多容易吧?
No, no. Nothing in English is easy for me to say. 才怪,说英语对我来说很难的。
Unlike you, I don't have a rich husband. 跟你不同,我没有有钱的老公。
What I do have is a reputation for being a screw-up who never follows through on anything. 大家都觉得我什么事都会搞砸,什么事都坚持不下去。
Which is why, in case you haven't noticed, I'm in my third year of a two-year college program and still living in my parents' basement. 这就是为什么,如果你没留意到的话,两年的大学我已经读了第三年了,而且还住在父母的地下室里。
Look, I know that this job sucks, but it might actually lead to something. 听着,我知道这份工作很挫,但也许能让我有所成就。
Do you know who had this job five years ago? Gavin, and he worked for an even bigger jackass than he is. 你知道5年前谁在干这份工作吗?加文,而且他老板比他还混蛋。
Hey! That was a quick lunch. 你好啊!午餐吃得可真快啊。


1 sneak vr2yk     
  • He raised his spear and sneak forward.他提起长矛悄悄地前进。
  • I saw him sneak away from us.我看见他悄悄地从我们身边走开。
2 underneath VKRz2     
  • Working underneath the car is always a messy job.在汽车底下工作是件脏活。
  • She wore a coat with a dress underneath.她穿着一件大衣,里面套着一条连衣裙。
3 handful 0eGx2     
  • We invited 30 people, but only a handful came.我们邀请了30人,但是只到了几个人。
  • He pulled out a handful of coins from his pocket.他从口袋里掏出一把硬币。
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