站住 Hold. 干嘛 What? 解释你为什么打喷嚏 Explain your sneeze. 什么 I'm sorry? -你有过敏症吗 -没有 - Do you have allergies? - No. 你在沙拉上放太多胡椒粉了吗 Is there too much pepper on your salad? 我没在沙拉上加
这是你耶 Look,it's you. 非常感谢你们让我住在这里 Thank you so much for opening up your home to me. 谁愿意住宾馆啊 Well,who wants to stay in a hotel? 窗户又打不开 诡异的卡片式钥匙 Windows that don't open,those craz
我不是提议 I'm not recommending it. 他已经那样做了 I'm saying it already happened. 这太荒谬了 That's preposterous. 是吧 莱纳德 Tell her,Leonard. 那个... Well... 不是吧 No. 拜托 不是我的错 Come on. It wasn't my fault.
粉色指甲油 Okay,Babydoll Pink, 看看你能不能把我爸遗传的大脚遮小点 let's see if you can cover up the fact that I got my dad's feet. 谢尔顿 就两度 It's just two degrees,Sheldon. 我只想把恒温器调高两度 I just want
你还是重新刷漆吧 You may want to repaint. 他那么多事儿 你居然就搬进去了 And after all that,you just moved in? 才不是那么简单就搬进去 I didn't just move in. 首先我们得谈妥一些细节问题 First we had to iron
但我没同意 But I said no to that. 可我同意了 And I said yes. 而平局则由我说了算 And I settle all ties. 和我换座位 Change seats with me. 干嘛 Why? 这里有穿堂风吹我脖子 There's a draft on my neck over here. 那我被吹