[《星球大战V》主题曲] The Imperial March 您能行行好把衬衫给关了吗 Would you please turn your shirt off? 那怎么行 What? 我的闪亮出场需要恢宏的背景音乐 I'm giving myself dramatic entrance music. 这样人们才会崇
没什么大不了的 It's not that big a deal. 你只要周四去法院 You just go down to the court on Thursday 交罚金就行 and you pay the fine. 我才不去交罚金 I'm not going to pay a fine. 那就说明我有罪 That would imply I'm gui
《蜘蛛侠》的主题音乐铃声 嗨 Hey. 谢尔顿进了监狱 Sheldon's in jail. 啥 谢尔顿进了监狱?! Sheldon's in jail?! 被你说中了 You called it. -怎么搞的 -你觉得呢 - For what? - What do you think? 就是他平时一贯的找
为什么我总是出力 Why do I always have to carry the heavy stuff? 很简单啊 Well,it's very simple. 在我们这群一无所有的破烂科学家当中 In our ragtag band of scientists with nothing to lose, 我负责动脑子 I'm the smart on
这就是至尊魔戒 this is the one ring. 归我了 Mine! 不 不是你的 No,it is not yours. 我们一起去要的箱子 We all went in on the box together. 对 但是我在箱子里找到的 Well,yes,but I found it in the box, 海难救助法明确
慢 我的笔记本还没拿 Wait,my laptop. 这也太白痴了 一点也没意义了 You know,there's a point no when this becomes idiotic. 刚我们这样开车的时候你咋不说 And it wasn't when we were driving like this? 我好心建议你们三
在阿凡达里面 潘多拉星球的人做爱 Okay,in Avatar,when they have sex on Pandora, 就是把辫子结合在一起 也就是说 they hook up their ponytails,so we know their ponytails 他们的辫子就像生殖器一样 are like their junk.
做你的后备 We can be your team. 就像 X教授和他的X战警 Like,uh,Professor Xavier and his X-Men. 我的确喜欢X战警 I do like the X-Men. 我看过X战警吗? Did I see X-Men? 我们上周才看过啊 Yeah,we watched it last week. 你还说
太荒唐了 It's ridiculous. 亏你还是漂亮女王团的前成员(该团成员的着装偏好白色) Says the former member of the Corn Queen's Court. 求你试试这件吧 Please just try this one on. 好吧 Okay. 反正我现在穿啥 But anyth
喘不过气了吗 Having a little trouble catching your breath there? 不 不 我没事儿 No,no,I'm good. 要是体育老师早告诉我刻苦训练是为了这个 If my P.E. teachers had told me this is what I was training for, 我就会试着再努
好吧 抱歉亲爱的 Okay,I'm sorry,honey, 但你这样写 看起来就好像有好多粉丝 but The Wesley Crushers sounds like a bunch of people 喜欢卫斯理?柯洛夏 who like Wesley Crusher. 不 再次强调 不是卫斯理?柯洛夏粉丝群
靠 我的维萨卡被撤了 Oh,damn,they canceled my Visa. 哦也 新的万事达卡 Oh,yay,a new MasterCard! 干嘛 What? 我本来想拿信件 I was going to get my mail. 拿啊 Okay. 难道你想通过心灵感应来拿吗 Are... are you hoping t
干嘛 What? 你刚说你要去散步的 You said you were going for a walk. 我又没说要去外面散步 I didn't say outside. 然后呢 你就打算来来回回地跑楼梯吗 So what,you're just gonna walk up and down the stairs? 不会 当然不会
你想干嘛 谢尔顿 What do you want,Sheldon? 可能现在不是时候 Maybe this isn't a good time. 快说你干嘛吵醒我 不然我对天发誓我会杀了你 Tell me why you woke me up or I swear to God I will kill you. 你真觉得用死亡威